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New package ghc-hexpat

--- NEW FILE: ghc-hexpat.info ---
Package: ghc-hexpat
Version: 0.20.3
Revision: 1
Source: http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/hexpat/%v/hexpat-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: abfe2c2f78884432531c4e52ca956ca8
SourceDirectory: hexpat-%v

Depends: <<
  ghc (>= 7.6.3-1), ghc (<<,
  ghc-extensible-exceptions, ghc-list, ghc-text, ghc-transformers,

CompileScript: <<
runghc Setup.lhs configure --prefix=%p --docdir=%p/share/doc/%n
runghc Setup.lhs build
runghc Setup.lhs haddock
runghc Setup.lhs register --gen-script
runghc Setup.lhs unregister --gen-script
InstallScript: runghc Setup.lhs copy --destdir=%d

DocFiles: LICENSE register.sh unregister.sh

PostInstScript: %p/share/doc/%n/register.sh
PreRmScript: sh %p/share/doc/%n/unregister.sh --force

Description: XML parser/formatter based on expat
DescDetail: <<
This package provides a general purpose Haskell XML library using
Expat to do its parsing (http://expat.sourceforge.net/ - a fast
stream-oriented XML parser written in C). It is extensible to any
string type, with String, ByteString and Text provided out of the box.

Basic usage: Parsing a tree (Tree), formatting a tree (Format). Other
features: Helpers for processing XML trees (Proc), trees annotated
with XML source location (Annotated), extended XML trees with
comments, processing instructions, etc (Extended), XML cursors
(Cursor), SAX-style parse (SAX), and access to the low-level interface
in case speed is paramount (Internal.IO).

The design goals are speed, speed, speed, interface simplicity and

For introduction and examples, see the Text.XML.Expat.Tree module. For
benchmarks, http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Hexpat/

If you want to do interactive I/O, an obvious option is to use lazy
parsing with one of the lazy I/O functions such as
hGetContents. However, this can be problematic in some applications
because it doesn't handle I/O errors properly and can give no
guarantee of timely resource cleanup. Because of the generalized list,
Hexpat is designed to allow for chunked I/O, but as of this writing I
haven't done a nice integration with enumerator and friends.

IO is filed under Internal because it's low-level and most users won't
want it. The other Internal modules are re-exported by Annotated, Tree
and Extended, so you won't need to import them directly.
Homepage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hexpat
License: BSD
Maintainer: Brendan Cully <bren...@finkproject.org>

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