Update of /cvsroot/fink/experimental/monipol/fink
In directory fdv4jf1.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv405

Added Files:
Log Message:
First try at selfupdate-httpsnap. I'll work on Andreas (gecko2)'s idea of local 
rsync later on.

--- NEW FILE: httpsnap.pm ---
# -*- mode: Perl; tab-width: 4; -*-
# vim: set filetype=perl expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
# Fink::SelfUpdate::httpsnap class
# Fink - a package manager that downloads source and installs it
# Copyright (c) 2001 Christoph Pfisterer
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 The Fink Package Manager Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA.

package Fink::SelfUpdate::httpsnap;

use base qw(Fink::SelfUpdate::Base);

use Fink::CLI qw(&prompt_boolean);
use Fink::Config qw($basepath $config $distribution);
use Fink::Mirror;
use Fink::Package;
use Fink::Command qw(mkdir_p rm_f);
use Fink::NetAccess qw(&fetch_url_to_file);
use Fink::Services qw(&version_cmp &execute &filename);

use Data::Dumper;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = sprintf "%d.%d", q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ /(\d+)/g;

=head1 NAME

Fink::SelfUpdate::httpsnap - downloads snapshots of package descriptions from 
an http server


=head2 Public Methods

See documentation for the Fink::SelfUpdate base class.

=over 4

=item system_check

point method cannot remove .info files, so we don't support using
point if some other method has already been used.


sub system_check {
        my $class = shift;  # class method for now

        if (not Fink::VirtPackage->query_package("dev-tools")) {
                warn "Before changing your selfupdate method to 'httpsnap', you 
must install Xcode, available on your original OS X install disk, or from 
http://connect.apple.com (after free registration).\n";
                return 0;

        my $answer = &prompt_boolean("WARNING: selfupdate-httpsnap removes 
EVERY .info and .patch file under $basepath/fink/dists/stable, and 
$basepath/fink/dists/unstable if you have enabled the unstable tree. You MUST 
move your local .info and .patch files to $basepath/fink/dists/local so that 
they don't get removed by selfupdate-httsnap.\n\nDo you wish to continue and 
change the selfupdate method to httsnap?", default => 0);
        if (not $answer) {
                warn "\nExiting without changing the selfupdate method to 
                return 0;

        return 1;

=item do_direct

Returns a null string.


sub do_direct {
        my $class = shift;  # class method for now

        my @dists = ($distribution);

                my $temp_dist = $distribution;

                # workaround for people who upgraded to 10.5 without a fresh 
                if (not $config->has_param("SelfUpdateTrees")) {
                        $temp_dist = "10.4" if ($temp_dist ge "10.4");
                $temp_dist = $config->param_default("SelfUpdateTrees", 
                @dists = split(/\s+/, $temp_dist);

        map { s/\/*$// } @dists;

        my $descdir = "$basepath/fink";
        chdir $descdir or die "Can't cd to $descdir: $!\n";

        my $origmirror = Fink::Mirror->get_by_name("httpsnap");
        my $httphost;

        $httphost = $origmirror->get_site_retry("", 0);
        if (! grep(/^http:/, $httphost)) {
                print "No mirror worked. This seems unusual; please submit a 
short summary of this event to mirro...@finkmirrors.net\n Thank you\n";
                exit 1;
        $httphost =~ s/\/*$//;

        # Fetch the timestamp for comparison. Use &fetch_url_to_file so that we 
        # pass the option 'try_all_mirrors' which fores re-download of the file
        # even if it already exists
        my $urlhash;
        $urlhash->{'url'} = "$httphost/TIMESTAMP";
        $urlhash->{'filename'} = "TIMESTAMP.tmp";
        $urlhash->{'skip_master_mirror'} = 1;
        $urlhash->{'download_directory'} = $descdir;
        $urlhash->{'try_all_mirrors'} = 1;
        if (&fetch_url_to_file($urlhash)) {
                print "Failed to fetch the timestamp file from the http server: 
$httphost. Check the error messages above.\n";
                goto RETRY;

        # If there's no TIMESTAMP file, then we haven't synced from http/rsync
        # before, so there's no checking we can do. Blaze on past.
        if (-f "$descdir/TIMESTAMP") {
                my $ts_FH;
                open $ts_FH, '<', "$descdir/TIMESTAMP";
                my $oldts = <$ts_FH>;
                close $ts_FH;
                chomp $oldts;
                # Make sure the timestamp only contains digits
                if ($oldts =~ /\D/) {
                        die "The timestamp file $descdir/TIMESTAMP contains 
non-numeric " .
                                "characters. This is illegal. Refusing to 

                open $ts_FH, '<', "$descdir/TIMESTAMP.tmp";
                my $newts = <$ts_FH>;
                close $ts_FH;
                chomp $newts;
                # Make sure the timestamp only contains digits
                if ($newts =~ /\D/) {
                        die "The timestamp file fetched from $httphost contains 
non-numeric characters. This is illegal. Refusing to continue.\n";

                if ($oldts > $newts) {
                        # Error out complaining that we're trying to update 
from something
                        # older than what we already have.
                        print "The timestamp of the server is older than what 
you already have.\n";
                        exit 1;

        # Validating trees...
        my @trees = grep { m,^(un)?stable/, } $config->get_treelist();
        die "Can't find any trees to update\n" unless @trees;
        map { s/\/*$// } @trees;
        # Get rid of ./{main,crypto}
        map { s/(^(un)?stable)\/(.*)/$1/ } @trees;
        # Get rid of duplicates
        my %hash_trees = map { $_ => 1 } @trees;
        @trees = keys %hash_trees;

        # Let's try to download the tarballs before changing anything
        for my $dist (@dists) {
                for my $tree (@trees) {
                        my $url;
                        my $urlhash;
                        $url = "$httphost/$dist-$tree.tbz";
                        $urlhash->{'url'} = $url;
                        $urlhash->{'filename'} = &filename($url);
                        $urlhash->{'skip_master_mirror'} = 1;
                        $urlhash->{'download_directory'} = $descdir;
                        $urlhash->{'try_all_mirrors'} = 1;
                        if (&fetch_url_to_file($urlhash)) {
                                print "Failed to fetch package descriptions 
from $url.  Check the error messages above.\n";
                                goto RETRY;

        # We've been able to grab the tarballs. Go ahead and extract them

        for my $dist (@dists) {
                my $distdir = "$descdir/$dist";

                # If the Distributions line has been updated...
                if (! -d "$distdir") {
                        mkdir_p "$distdir";

                foreach my $tree (@trees) {
                        if (-d "$distdir/$tree") {
                                my $rm_info_cmd = "find $distdir/$tree -name 
*.info -exec rm -f {} \\;";
                                my $rm_patch_cmd = "find $distdir/$tree -name 
*.patch -exec rm -f {} \\;";
                                if (&execute("$rm_info_cmd")) {
                                        die "Removal of .info files failed\n";
                                if (&execute("$rm_patch_cmd")) {
                                        die "Removal of .patch files failed\n";

                        my $verbosity = "";
                        if ($config->verbosity_level() > 1) {
                                $verbosity = "v";

                        my $pkgtarball = "$dist-$tree.tbz";
                        my $unpack_cmd = "tar -xjph${verbosity}f $pkgtarball -C 
                        if (&execute("$unpack_cmd")) {
                                die "Unpacking $pkgtarball failed\n";

        # Cleanup after ourselves
#       unlink "$descdir/TIMESTAMP";
#       rename "$descdir/TIMESTAMP.tmp", "$descdir/TIMESTAMP";

        return 1;


=head2 Private Methods

None yet.

=over 4




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