Update of /cvsroot/fink/experimental/todai/ecc-10.4/main/finkinfo/text
In directory sfp-cvsdas-3.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv12728

Added Files:
        ptex-texmf.info ptex-base.info 
Log Message:
Placeholder package to update TeX Live 2010.

--- NEW FILE: ptex-base.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: ptex%type_pkg[-nox]-base
Type: bundle, -nox (boolean)
Version: 3.1.11
Revision: 1test1
Depends: texlive%type_pkg[-nox]-base (>= 0.20100722-0), fink-obsolete-packages
Description: Placeholder package to update to texlive%type_pkg[-nox]-base. 
PreInstScript:  <<
echo "=====NOTICE====="
echo "ptex%type_pkg[-nox]-base is obsolete, having been deprecated in favor of 
echo "(Now TeX Live supports pTeX)."
echo "You can remove ptex%type_pkg[-nox]-base now"
echo "================"
DescDetail: <<
ptex%type_pkg[-nox]-base is an obsolete package to allow upgrading of legacy
ptex%type_pkg[-nox]-base packages to current texlive-base with pTeX supports.
Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <f...@sodan.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Homepage: http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/fink-obsolete-packages
--- NEW FILE: ptex-texmf.info ---
Package: ptex-texmf
Version: 2.5
Revision: 1test1
Type: bundle
Depends: texlive-texmf (>= 0.20100722-0), fink-obsolete-packages
Description: Placeholder package to update to texlive-texmf. (OBSOLETE)
PreInstScript:  <<
echo "=====NOTICE====="
echo "ptex-texmf is obsolete, having been deprecated in favor of texlive-texmf."
echo "(Now TeX Live supports pTeX)."
echo "You can remove ptex-texmf now"
echo "================"
DescDetail: <<
ptex-texmf is an obsolete package to allow upgrading of legacy ptex-texmf
packages to current texlive-texmf with pTeX supports.
Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <f...@sodan.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Homepage: http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/fink-obsolete-packages

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