Update of /cvsroot/fink/experimental/chrisdolan/lib/Fink/CPANPLUS
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv28013/lib/Fink/CPANPLUS

Added Files:
Log Message:
Overhaul mkpkg.pl script to generalize it.
My next step will be to write an updatepkg.pl script

--- NEW FILE: Module.pm ---
package Fink::CPANPLUS::Module;

use warnings;
use strict;
use CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants;
use File::Slurp;

# TODO: add buildfile() method like makefile()

# This is a translation from CPAN "dslip" codes to Module::Build YAML codes
#   From: http://cpan.uwinnipeg.ca/htdocs/faqs/dslip.html
#   To:   http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-Build/lib/Module/Build.pm#license
my %licenses = (
                p   => "perl",
                g   => "gpl",
                l   => "lgpl",
                b   => "bsd",
                a   => "artistic",
                o   => "unrestricted",
sub new
   my $pkg = shift;
   my $cp = shift;
   my $name = shift;

   my $self = bless({
      cp => $cp,
      name => $name,
      mod => $cp->module_tree($name),
   }, $pkg);
   return $self->{mod} ? $self : undef;

sub verbose
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->{cp}->{verbose};

foreach my $fn (qw(
   eval "sub $fn {return shift()->{mod}->$fn();}";

sub license_filename
   my $self = shift;

   # Check files that are for-sure
   my @licenses = grep /^(copyright|copying|license|gpl|lgpl|artistic)/i, 
   return $licenses[0] if (@licenses > 0);

   # Check doc files that might have copyright inline
   foreach my $file (grep(/^readme/i, $self->root_files()),
                     grep({defined $_} $self->makefile->{version_from}))
      my $filename = $self->extract_dir()."/".$file;
      if (-f $filename)
         my $content = read_file($filename);
         if ($content =~ /license|copyright/i)
            return $file;

   return undef;

sub checksum
   my $self = shift;

   $self->extract(); # TODO: do we really need to extract first??
   return $self->{mod}->status->checksum_value();

sub root_files
   my $self = shift;

   # Get list of files in the root of the distro
   my @files = map({$_->[1]}
                   grep({-f $_->[0]}
   return @files;
sub doc_files
   my $self = shift;
   my @docfiles = grep !/^(
                           Build.PL |
                           Makefile(\.PL|) |
                           MANIFEST\.SKIP |
                           test\.pl |
                           )$/x, $self->root_files();
   return @docfiles;

sub has_xs
   my $self = shift;

   my @xs = grep /\.xs$/, $self->root_files();
   return @xs > 0;
sub bin
   my $self = shift;

   return $self->makefile->{bin};

sub license
   my $self = shift;

   return $self->yml->{license} || $self->dslip->{license};

sub description
   my $self = shift;

   my $desc = $self->yml->{abstract} || $self->makefile->{abstract} || 
   if (!$desc && 
       $self->mainfile() =~ /=head1\s+NAME\s+[\w\-\'\:]+\s+\-\s+([^\r\n]+)/s)
      $desc = $1;
   $desc =~ s/\.$// if (defined $desc);
   return $desc;

foreach my $fn (qw(depends
   eval "sub $fn {return shift()->libs->{$fn};}";

# internal functions

sub libs
   my $self = shift;

   if (!$self->{libs})
      $self->{libs} = {};
      foreach my $type (qw(depends recommends conflicts builddepends 
         $self->{libs}->{$type} = {};

         my $p = $self->prereqs->{$type};
         if ($p)
            $self->{libs}->{$type} = {%{$self->{libs}->{$type}}, %$p};

         my $y = $self->yml->{$type};
         if ($y)
            $self->{libs}->{$type} = {%{$self->{libs}->{$type}}, %$y};
   return $self->{libs};

sub dslip
   my $self = shift;

   if (!$self->{dslip})
      my @d = split "", ($self->{mod}->dslip || "");
      $self->{dslip} = {
         license => $licenses{$d[4] || ""},
   return $self->{dslip};

sub makefile
   my $self = shift;

   if (!$self->{makefile})
      $self->{makefile} = {};
      my $filename = $self->extract_dir()."/Makefile.PL";
      if (-f $filename)
         my $makefile = read_file($filename);
         # Get main file from the MakeMaker command
         if ($makefile =~ 
            $self->{makefile}->{version_from} = substr($2,1);
         # Get ABSTRACT string from the MakeMaker command
         if ($makefile =~ 
            $self->{makefile}->{abstract} = substr($2,1);
         # Check if there are any script outputs
         if ($makefile =~ /([\'\"]?)EXE_FILES\1\s*(?:=>|,)/s)
            $self->{makefile}->{bin} = 1;
   return $self->{makefile};

sub mainfile
   my $self = shift;
   if (!defined $self->{mainfile})
      $self->{mainfile} = "";
      if ($self->makefile->{version_from})
         my $filename = $self->extract_dir."/".$self->makefile->{version_from};
         if (-f $filename)
            $self->{mainfile} = read_file($filename);
   return $self->{mainfile};

sub yml
   my $self = shift;

   if (!$self->{yml})
      $self->{yml} = {
         depends => {},
         builddepends => {},
         conflicts => {},
         recommends => {},
      my $filename = $self->extract_dir()."/META.yml";
      if (-f $filename)
         require YAML;
         my $yaml = read_file($filename);
         my $meta = YAML::Load($yaml);
         if (!$meta)
            print "Failed to read META.yml\n" if ($self->verbose);
            if ($meta->{license})
               $self->{yml}->{license} = $meta->{license};
            if ($meta->{abstract})
               $self->{yml}->{abstract} = $meta->{abstract};
            my %libtrans = (
                            requires => "depends",
                            build_requires => "builddepends",
                            conflicts => "conflicts",
                            recommends => "recommends",
            foreach my $ytype (keys %libtrans)
               my $type = $libtrans{$ytype};
               if ($meta->{$ytype})
                  foreach my $key (keys %{$meta->{$ytype}})
                     my $pkg = $self->get_dep_pkg($key, 
$meta->{$ytype}->{$key}, $type);
                     if ($pkg)
                        $self->{yml}->{$type}->{$pkg} = $meta->{$ytype}->{$key};
   return $self->{yml};

sub prereqs
   my $self = shift;

   if (!$self->{prereqs})
      $self->{prereqs} = {};
      if ($self->{cp}->{prereqs})
         my $dist = $self->{mod}->dist(format => 
                                       target => TARGET_PREPARE);
         my $prereqs = $dist->_find_prereqs();
         foreach my $type (qw(depends))
            foreach my $key (sort keys %$prereqs)
               print "  Prereq: $key => $$prereqs{$key}\n" if ($self->verbose);
               my $pkg = $self->get_dep_pkg($key, $prereqs->{$key}, $type);
               if ($pkg)
                  $self->{prereqs}->{$type}->{$pkg} = $prereqs->{$key};
   return $self->{prereqs};

sub get_dep_pkg
   my $self = shift;
   my $name = shift;
   my $val = shift;
   my $type = shift;

   $val = "" if (!defined $val);
   $type = "depends" if (!defined $type);

   if (lc($name) eq "perl")
      print "$type Perl: $val\n" if ($self->verbose);
      my $mod = $self->{cp}->get_module($name);
      if ($mod)
         return $mod->package_name;
         print "Can't find prereq module $name\n" if ($self->verbose);
         return undef;

sub extract_dir
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->extract();
sub extract
   my $self = shift;

   if (!$self->{mod}->status->extract)
      print "Extract module\n" if ($self->verbose);
      print "Extracted to ".$self->{mod}->status->extract."\n" if 
   return $self->{mod}->status->extract;
sub fetch
   my $self = shift;

   if (!$self->{mod}->status->fetch)
      print "Fetch module\n" if ($self->verbose);
   return $self->{mod}->status->fetch;


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