Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.3/stable/main/finkinfo/graphics
In directory 

Modified Files:
Added Files:
        t1lib5-5.1.1-3.info t1lib5-shlibs.info 
Log Message:
Sync with unstable, which should address the security problem.

Index: t1lib5.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.3/stable/main/finkinfo/graphics/t1lib5.info,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -d -r1.6 -r1.7
--- t1lib5.info 12 May 2007 20:28:11 -0000      1.6
+++ t1lib5.info 26 Nov 2007 12:52:36 -0000      1.7
@@ -1,31 +1,46 @@
-Package: t1lib5
+Info2: <<
+Package: t1lib5%type_pkg[-nox]
 Version: 5.1.1
-Revision: 1
+Revision: 4
+Type: -nox (-nox -x11)
 Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
-BuildDepends: x11-dev
+BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.27.2-1), (%type_raw[-nox] = -x11) x11-dev
 BuildDependsOnly: True
-Conflicts: t1lib1
-Replaces: t1lib1
+Conflicts: t1lib1, t1lib5
+Replaces: t1lib1, t1lib5
 PatchScript: <<
   perl -pi -e 's/-o .* \$\(T1LIBX_OBJS\)/$& \$(X_LIBS) \$(XLIB)/' 
+  # Fix CVE-2007-4033
+  patch -p1 < ../t1lib-5.0.2-SA26241_buffer_overflow.patch
+ConfigureParams: (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) --without-x
 CompileScript: <<
  ./configure %c
  make without_doc
 InstallScript: <<
+ #!/bin/sh -ev
  make install prefix=%i
+ if [ %type_raw[-nox] = "-x11" ]; then 
+ rm %i/bin/type1afm %i/include/t1lib.h %i/lib/libt1.*
+ elif [ %type_raw[-nox] = "-nox" ]; then
+ mv %i/share/t1lib/t1lib.config %i/share/t1lib/t1lib-nox.config
+ fi
  mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n
  mv %i/share/t1lib/doc/t1lib_doc.pdf %i/share/doc/%n
  /bin/rm -rf %i/share/t1lib/doc
 SplitOff: <<
   Package: %N-shlibs
-  Depends: x11
+  Depends: <<
+    (%type_raw[-nox] = -x11) x11, 
+    (%type_raw[-nox] = -x11) t1lib5-nox-shlibs
+  <<
+  Replaces: t1lib5-shlibs (<= 5.1.1-1)
   Files: lib/*.5*dylib
   Shlibs: <<
-    %p/lib/libt1.5.dylib 7.0.0 %n (>= 5.1.1-1)
-    %p/lib/libt1x.5.dylib 7.0.0 %n (>= 5.1.1-1)
+    (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) %p/lib/libt1.5.dylib 7.0.0 %n (>= 5.1.1-2)
+    (%type_raw[-nox] = -x11) %p/lib/libt1x.5.dylib 7.0.0 %n (>= 5.1.1-2)
   DocFiles: README.t1lib-%v LICENSE LGPL
   Description: Shared libs for generating Type 1 Font bitmaps
@@ -33,13 +48,21 @@
 License: GPL
 DocFiles: README.t1lib-%v LICENSE LGPL
 Source: http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/linux/libs/graphics/t1lib-%v.tar.gz
-#Source: mirror:sourceforge:fink/direct_download/source/t1lib-%v.tar.gz
 Source-MD5: b1b86b5014364d92ab3b7cee6c81e29d
+Source2-MD5: a74eb33858b9c5b99ecdc4d934bc30ed
 Homepage: http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/linux/libs/graphics/
 Description: Generates bitmaps from Type 1 fonts
+DescPackaging: <<
+ The x11-dependent portions of t1lib5 have now been made into a separate
+ package.  Other packages would typically depend on either "t1lib5-nox-shlibs"
+ or "t1lib5-nox-shlibs, t1lib5-x11-shlibs", depending on whether they were
+ using x11 features or not.
 DescPort: <<
   Make sure libt1x, which uses x11, links against the x11 libs.
   libt1x also uses libt1, but cannot link against it because the
   libtool is tool old.
 Maintainer:  Dave Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- NEW FILE: t1lib5-5.1.1-3.info ---
Package: t1lib5
Version: 5.1.1
Revision: 3
Depends: %N-x11-shlibs, %N-nox-shlibs
BuildDepends: x11-dev
BuildDependsOnly: True
Conflicts: t1lib1, t1lib5-x11, t1lib5-nox
Replaces: t1lib1, t1lib5-x11, t1lib5-nox
PatchScript: <<
  perl -pi -e 's/-o .* \$\(T1LIBX_OBJS\)/$& \$(X_LIBS) \$(XLIB)/' 
CompileScript: <<
 ./configure %c
 make without_doc
InstallScript: <<
 make install prefix=%i
 rm %i/lib/*.5*dylib
 mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n
 mv %i/share/t1lib/doc/t1lib_doc.pdf %i/share/doc/%n
 /bin/rm -rf %i/share/t1lib/doc
License: GPL
DocFiles: README.t1lib-%v LICENSE LGPL
Source: http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/linux/libs/graphics/t1lib-%v.tar.gz
#Source: mirror:sourceforge:fink/direct_download/source/t1lib-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: b1b86b5014364d92ab3b7cee6c81e29d
Homepage: http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/linux/libs/graphics/
Description: Generates bitmaps from Type 1 fonts
DescPackaging: <<
  Although t1lib5 as a separate package is obsolete, this collection of
  headers and library links is being provided during the transition
  period until t1lib5 has been completely replaced by t1lib5-x11 and
DescPort: <<
  Make sure libt1x, which uses x11, links against the x11 libs.
  libt1x also uses libt1, but cannot link against it because the
  libtool is tool old.
Maintainer:  Dave Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- NEW FILE: t1lib5-shlibs.info ---
Package: t1lib5-shlibs
Version: 5.1.1
Revision: 2
Type: bundle
Depends: t1lib5-x11-shlibs, t1lib5-nox-shlibs
Description: Placeholder for t1lib5-*-shlibs
DescPackaging: <<
 The shared libraries for t1lib5 have now been split into two separate
 packages: t1lib5-x11-shlibs and t1lib5-nox-shlibs.

 This bundle package exists to satisfy the requirements of the Shlibs
 field from the previous t1lib5-shlibs package, which guaranteed that
 both shared libraries would always be available from a package called
Maintainer:  Dave Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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