Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/10.4-EOL/graphics
In directory 

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Cleanup a bunch of gnome deps, suggested by Hanspeter Nieder. Thanks.

Index: imagemagick.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- imagemagick.info    23 Oct 2011 21:36:45 -0000      1.2
+++ imagemagick.info    3 Feb 2012 08:23:45 -0000       1.3
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
 Package: imagemagick%type_pkg[-nox]
 Type: -nox .
-Revision: 1
+Revision: 2
 GCC: 4.0
 Source: mirror:sourceforge:imagemagick/legacy/ImageMagick-6.5.8-10.tar.gz
 Source-MD5: 6f9abe829e718a04720cc4f9ea4f8606
 SourceDirectory: ImageMagick-6.5.8-10
-PatchFile: %n.patch
+PatchFile: imagemagick.patch
 PatchFile-MD5: 466d567dadf72e5fb81b175d21d0e9a3
 Depends: <<
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) %N2-shlibs (= %v-%r), 
@@ -23,22 +23,14 @@
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libtool2,
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) openexr-dev,
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) cairo (>= 1.6-1),
- (%type_raw[-nox] = .) dbus-dev (>= 1.0.2-1),
- (%type_raw[-nox] = .) gconf2-dev (>= 2.20.1-1),
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) glib2-dev (>= 2.14.0-1),
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) glitz,
- (%type_raw[-nox] = .) gnome-vfs2-unified-dev (>= 1:2.15.2-1),
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) gtk+2-dev (>= 2.12.0-1),
- (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libart2 (>= 2.3.16-3),
- (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libavahi-client3-dev,
- (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libavahi-common3-dev,
- (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libavahi-glib1-dev,
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libcroco3 (>= 0.6.0-11),
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libgettext8-dev,
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libgsf1.114-dev,
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) librsvg2 (>= 2.20.0-1),
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libwmf (>=,
- (%type_raw[-nox] = .) orbit2-dev (>= 2.14.10-1),
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) pango1-xft2-ft219-dev (>= 1.18.4-4),
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) pixman (>= 0.10.0-1),
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) x11-dev,
@@ -156,19 +148,12 @@
  Package: %N2-svg
  Depends: <<
   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) cairo-shlibs (>= 1.6-1),
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) gconf2-shlibs (>= 2.20.1-1),
   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) glib2-shlibs (>= 2.14.0-1),
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) gnome-vfs2-unified-shlibs (>= 1:2.15.2-1),
   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) gtk+2-shlibs (>= 2.12.0-1),
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libart2-shlibs (>= 2.3.16-3),
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libavahi-common3-shlibs,
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libavahi-client3-shlibs,
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libavahi-glib1-shlibs,
   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libcroco3-shlibs (>= 0.6.0-11),
   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libgettext8-shlibs,
   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libgsf1.114-shlibs,
   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) librsvg2-shlibs (>= 2.20.0-1),
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) orbit2-shlibs (>= 2.14.10-1),
   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) pango1-xft2-ft219-shlibs (>= 1.18.4-4),
   %N (= %v-%r)

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