Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/10.4-EOL/sci
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv31909

Added Files:
        hdf5.7-oldapi-gfortran.info hdf5.7-oldapi.info 
Log Message:
sync. w/ 10.!4, validated on powerpc-darwin8

--- NEW FILE: hdf5.7-oldapi-gfortran.info ---
Package: hdf5.7-oldapi-gfortran
Version: 1.8.7
Revision: 2
Source: ftp://ftp.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/current/src/hdf5-%v.tar.gz 
Source-MD5: 37711d4bcb72997e93d495f97c76c33a
Description: HDF5 (v1.8 API)--static FORTRAN libraries
DescDetail:  <<
It was designed to address some of the limitations of the HDF 4.x library
and to address current and anticipated requirements of modern systems
and applications. 

The fortran9X interface is built using gfortran.
It will only work with gfortran.

Fink's "%N*" packages are intended to replace the corresponding ones from
DescUsage: <<
To build against %N instead of hdf5-gfortran, you will need 
to make sure that the headers in %p/opt/hdf5v1.6/include 
and the libraries in %p/opt/hdf5v1.6/lib are found.  
Some packages use a configure flag to target the hdf5 tree, i.e.:
--with-hdf5=%p/opt, but you may need to set CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS, etc. 
for your package.
DescPackaging: <<
Build separately from the rest of hdf5.7-oldapi so that people who don't need 
the FORTRAN libs 
don't have to build gcc4N.

Builds _all_ of HDF5 and then strips out the C and C++ libs, 
as well as anything that is also in the hdf5.7-oldapi package.
Conflicts: hdf5, hdf5-18-gfortran, hdf5.7-gfortran
Replaces: hdf5, hdf5-18-gfortran, hdf5.7-gfortran
Depends: szip-shlibs (>= 2.0-2)
BuildDepends: szip (>= 2.0-2), gcc44|gcc45|gcc46, fink(>= 0.24.12), 
GCC: 4.0
BuildDependsOnly: True
PatchScript: <<
 perl -pi -e 's/hardcode_direct=yes/hardcode_direct=no/g' configure
 cp config/apple config/i686-apple
 cp config/apple config/powerpc-apple
 # obsolete use of sort
 perl -pi -e 's,sort \+2,sort -k 2,' bin/ltmain.sh
ConfigureParams: <<
--enable-fortran  --with-zlib  --without-mpe --with-szlib --without-pthread \
--disable-parallel --disable-shared \
--libdir=%p/opt/hdf5v1.6/lib --includedir=%p/opt/hdf5v1.6/include
License: OSI-Approved
InfoTest:  <<
        TestScript: make check || exit 2
CompileScript: <<
  #!/bin/sh -ev
  export F9X=%p/bin/gfortran
  export FFLAGS='-fsecond-underscore'
  fink-package-precedence .
InstallScript: <<
        #!/bin/sh -ev
        make install DESTDIR=%d
        # remove executables
        rm -rf %i/bin 
        # remove headers which are installed by hdf5.7
        pushd %i/opt/include
        rm H5ACpublic.h
        rm H5Apublic.h
        rm H5Cpublic.h
        rm H5DSpublic.h
        rm H5Dpublic.h
        rm H5Epubgen.h
        rm H5Epublic.h
        rm H5FDcore.h
        rm H5FDdirect.h
        rm H5FDfamily.h
        rm H5FDlog.h
        rm H5FDmpi.h
        rm H5FDmpio.h
        rm H5FDmpiposix.h
        rm H5FDmulti.h
        rm H5FDpublic.h
        rm H5FDsec2.h
        rm H5FDstdio.h
        rm H5Fpublic.h
        rm H5Gpublic.h
        rm H5IMpublic.h
        rm H5Ipublic.h
        rm H5LTpublic.h
        rm H5Lpublic.h
        rm H5MMpublic.h
        rm H5Opublic.h
        rm H5PTpublic.h
        rm H5Ppublic.h
        rm H5Rpublic.h
        rm H5Spublic.h
        rm H5TBpublic.h
        rm H5Tpublic.h
        rm H5Zpublic.h
        rm H5api_adpt.h
        rm H5overflow.h
        rm H5pubconf.h
        rm H5public.h
        rm H5version.h
        rm hdf5.h
        rm hdf5_hl.h
        pushd %i/opt/lib
        #remove .la files which are in hdf5-18, settings file, and the C libs.
        rm libhdf5.{a,la} libhdf5_hl.{a,la} libhdf5.settings
#       remove C examples
        pushd %i/share/hdf5_examples
        rm -rf c hl/c run-all-ex.sh hl/run-hl-ex.sh
DocFiles: COPYING README.txt release_docs/RELEASE.txt release_docs/HISTORY*
Homepage: http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/index.html
Maintainer: Alexander Hansen <alexkhan...@users.sourceforge.net>

--- NEW FILE: hdf5.7-oldapi.info ---
Package: hdf5.7-oldapi
Version: 1.8.7
Revision: 2
Source: ftp://ftp.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/current/src/hdf5-%v.tar.gz 
Source-MD5: 37711d4bcb72997e93d495f97c76c33a
Description: Scientific data format (v1.6 API)--headers
DescDetail:  <<
It was designed to address some of the limitations of the HDF 4.x library
and to address current and anticipated requirements of modern systems
and applications. 

Fink's "%N*" packages are intended to replace corresponding ones from "hdf5*".  
DescUsage: <<
To build against %N instead of hdf5, you will need 
to make sure that the headers in %p/opt/hdf5v1.6/include 
and the libraries in %p/opt/hdf5v1.6/lib are found.  
Some packages use a configure flag to target the hdf5 tree, i.e.:
--with-hdf5=%p/opt, but you may need to set CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS, etc. 
for your package.
Conflicts: hdf5, hdf5-18, hdf5.7
Replaces: hdf5, hdf5-18, hdf5.7
Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), %N-bin, szip-shlibs (>= 2.0-2)
BuildDepends: szip (>= 2.0-2), fink(>= 0.24.12), fink-package-precedence
GCC: 4.0
BuildDependsOnly: True
PatchScript: <<
 perl -pi -e 's/hardcode_direct=yes/hardcode_direct=no/g' configure
 perl -pi -e 's,sort \+2,sort -k 2,' bin/ltmain.sh
 cp config/apple config/powerpc-apple
 cp config/apple config/i386-apple
 cp config/apple config/x86_64-apple
ConfigureParams: <<
--enable-shared --enable-cxx --disable-fortran --with-zlib=/usr  --without-mpe 
--with-szlib=%p \
--without-pthread  --disable-parallel --disable-static 
--with-default-api-version=v16 \
--libdir=%p/opt/hdf5v1.6/lib --includedir=%p/opt/hdf5v1.6/include
License: OSI-Approved
InfoTest: <<
        TestScript: make check || exit 2
CompileScript: <<
        fink-package-precedence --prohibit-bdep=%N,%N-oldapi,hdf5,hdf5-18 c++/ 
fortran/ tools/ hl/tools
InstallScript: <<
        #!/bin/sh -ev
        make install DESTDIR=%d
SplitOff: <<
  Package: %N-shlibs
  Depends: szip-shlibs (>= 2.0-2)
  Files: <<
  Shlibs: <<
   %p/opt/hdf5v1.6/lib/libhdf5.7.dylib 8.0.0 %n (>= 1.8.7-1)
   %p/opt/hdf5v1.6/lib/libhdf5_hl.7.dylib 8.0.0 %n (>= 1.8.7-1)
   %p/opt/hdf5v1.6/lib/libhdf5_cpp.7.dylib 8.0.0 %n (>= 1.8.7-1)
   %p/opt/hdf5v1.6/lib/libhdf5_hl_cpp.7.dylib 8.0.0 %n (>= 1.8.7-1)
  DocFiles: COPYING README.txt release_docs/RELEASE.txt release_docs/HISTORY*
  Description: Scientific data format (v1.6 API)--shared C/C++ libraries
SplitOff2: <<
  Package: %N-bin
  Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
  Conflicts: hdf5-18-bin, hdf5-bin, hdf5.7-bin
  Replaces: hdf5-18-bin, hdf5-bin, hdf5.7-bin
  Files: bin
  DocFiles: COPYING README.txt  release_docs/RELEASE.txt release_docs/HISTORY*
  Description: Scientific data format (v1.6 API)--executables
DocFiles: COPYING README.txt release_docs/RELEASE.txt release_docs/HISTORY*
Homepage: http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/index.html
Maintainer: Alexander Hansen <alexkhan...@users.sourceforge.net>
DescPackaging: <<
        Items in the test suite (only) pick up headers from installed HDF5 
packages, but this appears 
        not to change the build.
        Install libs and headers %p/opt/hdf5v1.6  Libs go in 
%p/opt/hdf5v1.6/lib to avoid file overlap 
        with hdf5.7, and headers go in %p/opt/hdf5v.16/include because packages 
that use hdf5 seem to
        like to use a '--with-hdf5=DIR' configure flag to find the whole HDF5 
DescPort: <<
        Manually generate appropriate system configuration files to be found by 
the configure script.

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