Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/devel
In directory sc8-pr-cvs17:/tmp/cvs-serv9424/main/finkinfo/devel

Modified Files:
      Tag: pangocairo-branch
        avr-binutils.info avr-gcc.info avr-libc.info git.info 
Added Files:
      Tag: pangocairo-branch
        mpatch.info srecord.info 
Log Message:
merge from trunk (pangocairo-root-31)

--- NEW FILE: mpatch.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: mpatch
Version: 0.7
Revision: 1
Source: http://oss.oracle.com/~mason/%n/%n-%v.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: c78ddc7b931dd959fec29b90f806b6fc
Recommends: meld
PatchScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
sed -i.bak -e 's,^from mpatch import,sys.path.append('\''%p/lib/%n'\'')\
&,' cmd/mpatch
CompileScript: <<
/usr/bin/python setup.py build
InstallScript: <<
/usr/bin/python setup.py install --prefix %p --root %d --install-lib %p/lib/%n 
--install-data %p/lib/%n
DocFiles: COPYING README vimrc
Description: More helpful patch
DescDetail: <<
mpatch applies diffs and is generally similar to patch, but it can
help resolve a number of common causes of patch rejects.

mpatch also supports the git patch extensions.  Outside of an SCM,
these are mostly useful to preserve permissions changes in a patch.

Reject merging works by using the entire hunk as a source of context,
and being more relaxed about finding extra lines in the source file,
or not finding every line from the hunk.
License: GPL
Homepage: http://oss.oracle.com/~mason/mpatch/
Maintainer: Brendan Cully <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- NEW FILE: srecord.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: srecord

Version: 1.35
Revision: 1
License: GPL
Description: Set of tools for manipulating EPROM files
Maintainer: Aleix Conchillo Flaque <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 510bc67d9787692c44a92378207d34ef

ConfigureParams: --mandir=%i/share/man

DescDetail: <<
The srecord package understands a number of file formats: ASCII-Hex,
ASCII-Space-Hex, Atmel, raw binary, C array declaration, DEC Binary
XXDP, Elektor Monitor EMON52, Four Packed Code FPC, Intel MCS-86
Object format, MOS Technology hexadecimal, Motorola S-Record,
Signetics, SPASM PIC, Tektronix Hexadecimal, Tektronix Extended
Hexadecimal, Texas Instruments Tagged, TI-Tagged TI-SDSMAC, VHDL, and
Wilson Eprom Burner.

The srecord package is capable of the following operations:
Conversions from any format to any other format, concatenations of
multiple files, comparisons of files, report file summary info,

The srecord package is capable of the following filtrations:
checksums, byte swapping, CRC insertion, crop addresses, exclude
addresses, fill holes, insert length information, maximum and minimum,
adjust offsets, split and unsplit for memory striping schemes.

Homepage: http://srecord.sourceforge.net/

Index: avr-gcc.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/devel/avr-gcc.info,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.2.2.1
--- avr-gcc.info        19 May 2006 02:23:59 -0000      1.2
+++ avr-gcc.info        15 Jul 2007 15:10:17 -0000
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 Package: avr-gcc
-Version: 3.4.5
+Version: 4.2.0
 Revision: 1
-Depends: avr-binutils (>= 2.16.1)
+Depends: avr-binutils (>= 2.15)
+BuildDepends: gcc4.0
 Maintainer: Matthias Ringwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Source: mirror:gnu:gcc/gcc-%v/gcc-%v.tar.bz2
-Source-MD5: 7c3c3c3e764dcee5eb771432062d69e1
+Source-MD5: 4798c23548dc791ea12a139e18940684
-ConfigureParams: --target=avr --prefix=%p/share/avr --prefix=%p/share/avr 
--bindir=%p/bin --mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info 
--enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-nls --with-dwarf2
+SetCC: gcc-4.0
+SetCXX: g++-4.0
+ConfigureParams: --target=avr --prefix=%p/share/avr --prefix=%p/share/avr 
--bindir=%p/bin --mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info 
--enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-nls --disable-libssp
 InstallScript: <<
     make install DESTDIR=%d
@@ -14,10 +17,9 @@
     rm -f  %i/share/avr/lib/libiberty.a
     rm -f  %i/share/info/standards.info
     rm -f  %i/share/info/configure.info*
+    rm -fr  %i/share/man/man7
     # prefix info files with avr- (thanks to Carl van Denzen for the nice loop)
     for i in $(ls %i/share/info/*info); do mv $i 
-    # prefix man.7 files with avr- 
-    for i in $(ls %i/share/man/man7/*); do mv $i 
@@ -27,8 +29,8 @@
 Removed libiberty.a installation of avr-gcc & avr-binutils.
 Avoided using /sw/avr. Its lib & include folders have been moved to 
/sw/share/avr and the binaries are put into /sw/bin.
 All xxx.info files renamed to avr-xxx.info to avoid clashes with other 
potential toolchains. avr-configure.info & avr-standards.info are installed by 
-All man.7 files are renamed to avr-xxx.7 to avoid clashes with gcc3.1
 TODO: Native Language Support
 License: GPL
 Homepage: http://gcc.gnu.org/

Index: avr-binutils.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.2.2.1
--- avr-binutils.info   19 May 2006 02:18:53 -0000      1.2
+++ avr-binutils.info   15 Jul 2007 15:10:17 -0000
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
 Package: avr-binutils
-Version: 2.16.1
+Version: 2.17
 Revision: 1
 Maintainer: Matthias Ringwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Source: mirror:gnu:binutils/binutils-%v.tar.bz2
-Source-MD5: 6a9d529efb285071dad10e1f3d2b2967
-BuildConflicts: avr-binutils
+Source-MD5: e26e2e06b6e4bf3acf1dc8688a94c0d1 
 ConfigureParams: --target=avr --prefix=%p/share/avr --bindir=%p/bin 
--mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info --disable-nls
 InstallScript: <<
     make install DESTDIR=%d
     rm -fr %i/share/avr/lib/
-    # prefix info files with avr- 
+    # prefix info files with avr- (thanks to Carl van Denzen for the nice loop)
     for i in $(ls %i/share/info/*info); do mv $i 
@@ -24,7 +22,6 @@
 Removed libiberty.a installation of avr-gcc & avr-binutils.
 Avoided using /sw/avr. Its lib & include folders have been moved to 
/sw/share/avr and the binaries are put into /sw/bin.
 All xxx.info files renamed to avr-xxx.info to avoid clashes with other 
potential toolchains.
-Building avr-binutils when avr-binutils are installed may lead to a later 
defect in the generated binary.
 TODO: Native Language Support

Index: avr-libc.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/devel/avr-libc.info,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.2.2.1
--- avr-libc.info       19 May 2006 02:24:48 -0000      1.2
+++ avr-libc.info       15 Jul 2007 15:10:17 -0000
@@ -1,43 +1,30 @@
 Package: avr-libc
-Version: 1.2.6
+Version: 1.4.6
 Revision: 1
-Depends: avr-binutils (>= 2.16.1), avr-gcc (>= 3.4.5) | avr-gcc4
+Depends: avr-binutils (>= 2.17), avr-gcc (>= 4.2.0) 
-Conflicts: avr-libc, avr-libc1.4
-Replaces:  avr-libc, avr-libc1.4
-Source: http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/avr-libc/avr-libc-%v.tar.bz2
-Source-MD5: 481c280ae3e66f071bf4a74af3565539
-Source2-MD5: cfa1a9768488aa96b4a55dd6aeb6c62f
-Source3-MD5: 13d55fc6edb5db02178942ea6bec23a7
+Maintainer: Matthias Ringwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+Source: http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/avr/avr-libc-bin-%v.zip
+Source-MD5: 78fede358c684587622d76d62e622b21
+NoSourceDirectory: true
 CompileScript: <<
-    mkdir build
-    cd build; ../configure --prefix=%p/share/avr --disable-doc
-    cd build; make
-    bunzip2 ../avr-libc-user-manual-%v.pdf.bz2
 InstallScript: <<
-    cd build; make install DESTDIR=%d
-    # install html
+    mkdir -p %i/share/avr
+    cp -R %b/avr %i/share/avr/
+    cp -R %b/bin %i/share/avr/
     mkdir -p %i/share/doc/avr-libc
-    mv ../avr-libc-user-manual-%v %i/share/doc/avr-libc/html
-    ln -s %p/share/doc/avr-libc/html/index.html 
-    # install pdf
-    mv ../avr-libc-user-manual-%v.pdf 
+    cp -R %b/share/doc/avr-libc-%v/* %i/share/doc/avr-libc
+    ln -s %p/share/doc/avr-libc/avr-libc-user-manual/index.html 
 Description: AVR LIBC for GNU GCC & GNU binutils
 License: GPL
-Homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/
-Maintainer: Matthias Ringwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 DescDetail: <<
     This is AVR-LIBC. It is a C library implementation for use with
     GNU GCC and GNU binutils for development of programs for Atmel's AVR
@@ -45,8 +32,7 @@
 DescPort: <<
-    avr-gcc and avr-binutils are kept as Depends, as avr-libc
-    doesn't make any sense without the avr-toolchain.
-    As there have been problems with document generation,
-    I resorted to downloading the docs instead of compiling them from the 
+    Gettting avr-libc to compile takes more effort than its worth, since
+    they provide already built versions. This package just installs the 
+    prebuilt binaries.

Index: git.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/devel/git.info,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -u -d -r1.16.2.5 -r1.16.2.6
--- git.info    19 Jun 2007 21:16:51 -0000
+++ git.info    15 Jul 2007 15:10:17 -0000
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 Package: git
 Revision: 1
 Depends: libcurl4-shlibs (>= 7.16.1), expat1-shlibs
 BuildDepends: system-openssl-dev, libcurl4 (>= 7.16.1), expat1, libssh2
 Replaces: git-core
 Suggests: cogito
 Source: http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/%n/%n-%v.tar.bz2
-Source-MD5: 0a39e786a12974cbe7b14f2fe92dc163
+Source-MD5: 641e97e6d77f094261cf80c6f68aa874
 Source2: http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/%n/%n-htmldocs-%v.tar.bz2
-Source2-MD5: 3778795756775c73f44dd643e6ca6e3f
+Source2-MD5: 12045359291e0a45b1b69c95ef198320
 Source2ExtractDir: doc
 Source3: http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/%n/%n-manpages-%v.tar.bz2
-Source3-MD5: e9da37e899167a4f36a71c8fee46e6a0
+Source3-MD5: ffcbd95de05226e3782516d07b91d9fb
 Patch: %n.patch
 PatchScript: sed -i.bak -e 's|%%p|%p|g' Makefile perl/Makefile

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