Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/editors
In directory sfp-cvsdas-3.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv21350

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Welcome to Vim-7.2.344.

Index: vim.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/editors/vim.info,v
retrieving revision 1.119
retrieving revision 1.120
diff -u -d -r1.119 -r1.120
--- vim.info    18 Jan 2010 18:56:15 -0000      1.119
+++ vim.info    22 Jan 2010 07:29:16 -0000      1.120
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 Info2: <<
 Package: vim%type_pkg[-nox]
 Type: -nox (boolean)
-Version: 7.2.330
+Version: 7.2.344
 Revision: 1
 Source: http://www.i8u.org/~htodd/finksrc/vim-%v.tar.bz2
-Source-MD5: dd804410450e322541b9d7774b9fc135
+Source-MD5: 5a3b686d3a6a6ce1f61a78365ed0c14e
 SourceDirectory: vim
 BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12), libgettext3-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools, 
libncurses5 (>= 5.4-20041023-1006), (%type_raw[-nox] = .) pkgconfig (>= 
0.21-1), (%type_raw[-nox] = .) glib2-dev (>= 2.14.0-1), (%type_raw[-nox] = .) 
x11-dev, (%type_raw[-nox] = .) gtk+2-dev (>= 2.12.0-1), (%type_raw[-nox] = .) 
pango1-xft2-ft219-dev (>= 1.18.4-4), (%type_raw[-nox] = .) pixman (>= 
0.10.0-1), (%type_raw[-nox] = .) atk1 (>= 1.20.0-1), (%type_raw[-nox] = .) 
cairo (>= 1.6-1), (%type_raw[-nox] = .) expat1, (%type_raw[-nox] = .) 
freetype219 (>= 2.3.5-1), (%type_raw[-nox] = .) fontconfig2-dev (>= 2.4.1-1), 
(%type_raw[-nox] = .) glitz, (%type_raw[-nox] = .) libpng3, (%type_raw[-nox] = 
.) xft2-dev

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