Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci
In directory fdv4jf1.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv8081

Added Files:
Log Message:
New from -submissions

--- NEW FILE: mayavi2-py.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: mayavi2-py%type_pkg[python]
Version: 3.2.0
Revision: 1
Maintainer: Jed Frechette <jdfr...@unm.edu>
Type: python (2.5)
Depends: <<
    enthought-base-py%type_pkg[python] (>=3.0.2),
    traits-gui-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 3.0.4),
    app-tools-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 3.2.0),
    envisage-plugins-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 3.1.0),
    traits-backend-wx-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 3.1.0),
    scipy-core-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 1.1.0),
    vtk-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 5.0)
BuildDepends: <<
Source: http://www.enthought.com/repo/ETS/Mayavi-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: efd2de257e517de54f7697526de9a04c 
CompileScript: <<
    #! /bin/sh -ev
    %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py build
InstallScript: <<
    #! /bin/sh -ev
    %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py install --root %d 
    unzip docs/html.zip -d docs

    for i in mayavi2 tvtk_doc; do
        mv %i/bin/$i %i/bin/$i-%type_raw[python].py
PostInstScript: <<
  for i in mayavi2 tvtk_doc; do
    #                              link      name    path (source)              
    update-alternatives --install %p/bin/$i    $i    
%p/bin/$i-%type_raw[python].py %type_pkg[python] 
PreRmScript: <<
  if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then
    for i in mayavi tvtk_doc; do
      update-alternatives --remove-all $i
DocFiles: <<
Description: Mayavi scientific data 3D visualizer
DescDetail: <<
    The Mayavi project includes two related packages for 3-dimensional
        * Mayavi2: A tool for easy and interactive visualization of data.
        * TVTK: A Traits-based wrapper for the Visualization Toolkit, a popular
          open-source visualization library.

    These libraries operate at different levels of abstraction. TVTK
    manipulates visualization objects, while Mayavi2 lets you operate on your
    data, and then see the results. Most users either use the Mayavi user
    interface or program to its scripting interface; you probably don't need to
    interact with TVTK unless you want to create a new Mayavi module.

    Mayavi2 seeks to provide easy and interactive visualization of 3-D data.
    It offers:
        * An (optional) rich user interface with dialogs to interact with all
          data and objects in the visualization.
        * A simple and clean scripting interface in Python, including one-
          liners, or an object-oriented programming interface.
        * The power of the VTK toolkit, harnessed through these interfaces,
          without forcing you to learn it.

    Additionally Mayavi2 is a reusable tool that can be embedded in your
    applications in different ways or combined with the Envisage application-
    building framework to assemble domain-specific tools.

    TVTK wraps VTK objects to provide a convenient, Pythonic API, while
    supporting Traits attributes and NumPy/SciPy arrays. TVTK is implemented
    mostly in pure Python, except for a small extension module.

    Developers typically use TVTK to write Mayavi modules, and then use Mayavi
    to interact with visualizations or create applications.
DescPackaging: <<
    In principle this package should not depend on traits-backend-wx-py.
    However, the build fails if traits-backend-wx-py is not installed.
    Furthermore the WX backend is much better maintained than the alternative
    Qt backend so for now I am including the dependency.
License: BSD 
Homepage: http://code.enthought.com/projects/mayavi/

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