Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci
In directory sc8-pr-cvs5.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv19863

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
refmac revision to permit building of makecif program

--- NEW FILE: refmac.patch ---
diff -ruN refmac-orig/make_unix.f refmac/make_unix.f
--- refmac-orig/make_unix.f     2006-11-23 19:29:38.000000000 -0800
+++ refmac/make_unix.f  2006-11-23 19:30:03.000000000 -0800
@@ -98,16 +98,16 @@
 CMS   IH(1)=I100H/2
-      IF(IYR.GE.99) THEN
-        IYR=IYR+1900
-      ELSE
-        IYR=IYR+2000
-      ENDIF
+C      IF(IYR.GE.99) THEN
+C        IYR=IYR+1900
+C      ELSE
+C        IYR=IYR+2000
+C      ENDIF
diff -ruN refmac-orig/makefile refmac/makefile
--- refmac-orig/makefile        2006-11-23 19:29:38.000000000 -0800
+++ refmac/makefile     2006-11-23 19:34:38.000000000 -0800
@@ -1,305 +1,155 @@
-i386-linux = linux
-alpha      = alpha
-iris4d     = sgin
-sun4       = sun
-u = $($(HOSTTYPE))
-refmac   =   refmac_$(u)_5
-libcheck = libcheck_$(u)_5
-tar = $(refmac).tar
-f_alpha = f77 -O2 -fpe0 -assume dummy_aliases -non_shared -check overflow 
-check bounds
-f_linux = g77 -O1 -fno-second-underscore -fno-globals -fno-automatic 
-unroll-loops -static
-f_sgin = f77 -O1  -n32 -OPT:Olimit=7000 -nocpp  -w -c
-f_sun = /opt/SUNWspro/bin/f77 -xlang=f77 -ftrap=%none -Xlist -xcheck=%all -O3 
-w -KPIC -fpover=yes
-f = $(f_$(u))
-s_alpha = ALPHA
-s_linux = LINUX
-s_sgin  = SGIn32
-s_sun   = SunOS
-s = $(s_$(u))
-l = $(CLIB)/
-t = tmp_$(u)/
-SUBR =                          \
-$(t)refmac_newdic.o             \
-$(t)solvent_contr_mask.o        \
-$(t)hkon_secder_tch.o           \
-$(t)fast_hessian_tabulation.o   \
-$(t)subvag.o                    \
-$(t)lsq_symm_atoms.o            \
-$(t)oppro_tor1.o                \
-$(t)rcard_tor1.o                \
-$(t)subcf_scale1.o              \
-$(t)subag_scale_hessian.o       \
-$(t)extra_eigen.o               \
-$(t)rigid_body_newdic.o         \
-$(t)aniso_ref_eigen.o           \
-$(t)linalgebra.o                \
-$(t)make_CIF.o                  \
-$(t)make_subr.o                 \
-$(t)make_subr_refmac.o          \
-$(t)tls_newdic_non.o            \
-$(t)vdw_symmetry.o              \
-$(t)make_lib.o                  \
-$(t)make_crd.o                  \
-$(t)make_new.o                  \
-$(t)make_rst.o                  \
-$(t)make_PDB.o                  \
-$(t)makecif.o                   \
-$(t)make_refmac_dummy.o         \
-$(t)ls_scaling_double.o         \
-$(t)interpolate_mod.o           \
-$(t)rharvest.o                  \
-$(t)newentry_idealise.o         \
-$(t)ml_scaling_double.o         \
-$(t)ncs_const.o                 \
-$(t)gaussian_int.o              \
-LIBR =                          \
-$(SUBR)                         \
-$(l)libccp4f.a                   \
-$(l)libccp4c.a                   \
-SUBL =                          \
-$(t)main_libcheck.o             \
-$(t)make_subr_2.o               \
-$(t)make_subr.o                 \
-$(t)make_lib.o                  \
-$(t)libcheck.o                  \
-$(t)make_PDB.o                  \
-$(t)make_CIF.o                  \
-$(t)make_new.o                  \
-$(t)make_crd.o                  \
-$(t)make_unix_ccp4.o            \
-$(t)emin.o                      \
-LIBL =                          \
-$(SUBL)                         \
-$(l)libccp4f.a                  \
-ed = echo 'g/^CMDW-4.2/s//        /@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@' | tr "@" "\012" | ed -s
-all:                             $(refmac) $(libcheck)
-gz:                              $(tar).gz
-$(tar).gz:                       $(refmac) $(libcheck)
-                                tar -cvf $(tar) $(refmac) $(libcheck)
-                                gzip --best $(tar)
-$(refmac):                       $(t) $(LIBR)
-                                $(f) -o $(refmac) $(LIBR)
-$(libcheck):                     $(t) $(LIBL)
-                                $(f) -o $(libcheck) $(LIBL)
-                                mkdir $(t)
-                                /bin/rm -f $(SUBR) $(SUBL) oppro_tor1.f 
-                                /bin/rm -f $(SUBR) $(SUBL) $(refmac) 
$(libcheck) $(tar) $(tar).gz
-                                echo ' ' ; echo u        ; echo $(u)
-                                echo ' ' ; echo refmac   ; echo $(refmac)
-                                echo ' ' ; echo libcheck ; echo $(libcheck)
-                                echo ' ' ; echo f        ; echo $(f)
-                                echo ' ' ; echo l        ; echo $(l)
-                                echo ' ' ; echo s        ; echo $(s)
-                                echo ' ' ; echo t        ; echo $(t)
-                                echo ' ' ; echo SUBR     ; echo $(SUBR)
-                                echo ' ' ; echo LIBR     ; echo $(LIBR)
-                                echo ' ' ; echo SUBL     ; echo $(SUBL)
-                                echo ' ' ; echo LIBL     ; echo $(LIBL)
-$(t)aniso_ref_eigen.o:           aniso_ref_eigen.f atom_com.fh celsym_aniso.fh 
celsym.fh const.fh pls_incl.fh refi_flags.fh vitals.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)aniso_ref_eigen.o \
-                                     -c     aniso_ref_eigen.f
-$(t)emin.o:                      emin.f atom_com.fh atom_com_str.fh crd_com.fh 
emin_version.fh ener_com.fh ref_com.fh ref_com_str.fh rstr_com.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)emin.o \
-                                     -c     emin.f
-$(t)extra_eigen.o:               extra_eigen.f agreem.fh atom_com.fh 
celsym_aniso.fh celsym.fh const.fh expcost.fh files.fh gaussian.fh 
refi_flags.fh vitals.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)extra_eigen.o \
-                                     -c     extra_eigen.f
-$(t)fast_hessian_tabulation.o:   fast_hessian_tabulation.f atom_com.fh 
celsym_aniso.fh celsym.fh hessian_impl.fh pls_incl.fh vitals.fh weights.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)fast_hessian_tabulation.o \
-                                     -c     fast_hessian_tabulation.f
-$(t)gaussian_int.o:              gaussian_int.f
-                                $(f) -o $(t)gaussian_int.o \
-                                     -c     gaussian_int.f
-$(t)hkon_secder_tch.o:           hkon_secder_tch.f agreem.fh atom_com.fh 
celsym_aniso.fh celsym.fh cif_incl.fh const.fh hessian_impl.fh monitor.fh 
ncs_rest.fh occupancy_params.fh pls_incl.fh refi_flags.fh restr_files.fh 
rharvest.fh save_all_params.fh solvent.fh tls.fh vitals.fh weights.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)hkon_secder_tch.o \
-                                     -c     hkon_secder_tch.f
-$(t)interpolate_mod.o:           interpolate_mod.f
-                                $(f) -o $(t)interpolate_mod.o \
-                                     -c     interpolate_mod.f
-$(t)libcheck_min.o:              libcheck_min.f atom_com.fh atom_com_str.fh 
crd_com.fh ener_com.fh lib_com.fh ref_com.fh ref_com_str.fh rstr_com.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)libcheck_min.o \
-                                     -c     libcheck_min.f
-$(t)libcheck.o:                  libcheck.f atom_com.fh crd_com.fh 
libcheck_version.fh lib_com.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)libcheck.o \
-                                     -c     libcheck.f
-$(t)linalgebra.o:                linalgebra.f atom_com.fh pls_incl.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)linalgebra.o \
-                                     -c     linalgebra.f
-$(t)lsq_symm_atoms.o:            lsq_symm_atoms.f atom_com.fh celsym_aniso.fh 
celsym.fh cif_incl.fh const.fh monitor.fh ncs_rest.fh pls_incl.fh refi_flags.fh 
restr_files.fh rharvest.fh vitals.fh weights.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)lsq_symm_atoms.o \
-                                     -c     lsq_symm_atoms.f
-$(t)ls_scaling_double.o:         ls_scaling_double.f agreem.fh celsym_aniso.fh 
celsym.fh const.fh monitor.fh refi_flags.fh weights.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)ls_scaling_double.o \
-                                     -c     ls_scaling_double.f
-$(t)main_libcheck.o:             main_libcheck.f libcheck_version.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)main_libcheck.o \
-                                     -c     main_libcheck.f
-$(t)makecif.o:                   makecif.f crd_com.fh lib_com.fh 
-                                $(f) -o $(t)makecif.o \
-                                     -c     makecif.f
-$(t)make_CIF.o:                  make_CIF.f atom_com.fh atom_com_str.fh 
CIF_items_crd.fh crd_com.fh metal.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)make_CIF.o \
-                                     -c     make_CIF.f
-$(t)make_crd.o:                  make_crd.f atom_com.fh crd_com.fh lib_com.fh 
link_com.fh metal.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)make_crd.o \
-                                     -c     make_crd.f
-$(t)make_lib.o:                  make_lib.f CIF_items_lib.fh crd_com.fh 
-                                $(f) -o $(t)make_lib.o \
-                                     -c     make_lib.f
-$(t)make_new.o:                  make_new.f atom_com.fh CIF_items_crd.fh 
crd_com.fh lib_com.fh metal.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)make_new.o \
-                                     -c     make_new.f
-$(t)make_PDB.o:                  make_PDB.f atom_com.fh crd_com.fh link_com.fh 
-                                $(f) -o $(t)make_PDB.o \
-                                     -c     make_PDB.f
-$(t)make_refmac_dummy.o:         make_refmac_dummy.f agreem.fh atom_com.fh 
const.fh makecif.fh makecif_version.fh ncs_rest.fh refi_flags.fh rharvest.fh 
solvent.fh tls.fh vitals.fh weights.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)make_refmac_dummy.o \
-                                     -c     make_refmac_dummy.f
-$(t)make_rst.o:                  make_rst.f atom_com.fh atom_com_str.fh 
crd_com.fh lib_com.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)make_rst.o \
-                                     -c     make_rst.f
-$(t)make_subr_2.o:               make_subr_2.f atom_com.fh crd_com.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)make_subr_2.o \
-                                     -c     make_subr_2.f
-$(t)make_subr.o:                 make_subr.f atom_com.fh crd_com.fh metal.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)make_subr.o \
-                                     -c     make_subr.f
-$(t)make_subr_refmac.o:          make_subr_refmac.f
-                                $(f) -o $(t)make_subr_refmac.o \
-                                     -c     make_subr_refmac.f
-$(t)make_unix_ccp4.o:            make_unix_ccp4.f
-                                $(f) -o $(t)make_unix_ccp4.o \
-                                     -c     make_unix_ccp4.f
-$(t)ml_scaling_double.o:         ml_scaling_double.f agreem.fh celsym.fh 
const.fh expcost.fh monitor.fh refi_flags.fh rharvest.fh weights.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)ml_scaling_double.o \
-                                     -c     ml_scaling_double.f
-$(t)ncs_const.o:                 ncs_const.f atom_com.fh const.fh monitor.fh 
ncs_rest.fh pls_incl.fh restr_files.fh rharvest.fh vitals.fh weights.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)ncs_const.o \
-                                     -c     ncs_const.f
-$(t)newentry_idealise.o:         newentry_idealise.f agreem.fh atom_com.fh 
celsym.fh const.fh makecif.fh pls_incl.fh refi_flags.fh tls.fh vitals.fh 
-                                $(f) -o $(t)newentry_idealise.o \
-                                     -c     newentry_idealise.f
-$(t)oppro_tor1.o:                oppro_tor1.f agreem.fh atom_com.fh 
atom_com_str.fh celsym.fh const.fh crd_com.fh expcost.fh makecif.fh 
map_params.fh monitor.fh ncs_rest.fh pls_incl.fh ref_com_str.fh refi_flags.fh 
restr_files.fh restr_params.fh weights.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)oppro_tor1.o \
-                                     -c     oppro_tor1.f
-$(t)rcard_tor1.o:                rcard_tor1.f agreem.fh atom_com.fh celsym.fh 
cif_incl.fh const.fh expcost.fh makecif.fh map_params.fh monitor.fh ncs_rest.fh 
occupancy_params.fh pls_incl.fh refi_flags.fh restr_files.fh restr_params.fh 
rharvest.fh rigid_body.fh solvent.fh tls.fh vitals.fh weights.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)rcard_tor1.o \
-                                     -c     rcard_tor1.f
-$(t)refmac_newdic.o:             refmac_newdic.f agreem.fh atom_com.fh 
celsym_aniso.fh celsym.fh cif_incl.fh const.fh expcost.fh makecif.fh 
makecif_version.fh monitor.fh pls_incl.fh refi_flags.fh restr_files.fh 
rharvest.fh vitals.fh weights.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)refmac_newdic.o \
-                                     -c     refmac_newdic.f
-$(t)rharvest.o:                  rharvest.f agreem.fh atom_com.fh celsym.fh 
const.fh makecif.fh makecif_version.fh ncs_rest.fh pls_incl.fh refi_flags.fh 
rharvest.fh solvent.fh tls.fh weights.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)rharvest.o \
-                                     -c     rharvest.f
-$(t)rigid_body_newdic.o:         rigid_body_newdic.f agreem.fh atom_com.fh 
celsym.fh const.fh monitor.fh pls_incl.fh refi_flags.fh restr_files.fh 
rigid_body.fh vitals.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)rigid_body_newdic.o \
-                                     -c     rigid_body_newdic.f
-$(t)solvent_contr_mask.o:        solvent_contr_mask.f agreem.fh atom_com.fh 
atom_com_str.fh celsym_aniso.fh celsym.fh const.fh monitor.fh pls_incl.fh 
refi_flags.fh rharvest.fh solvent.fh vitals.fh weights.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)solvent_contr_mask.o \
-                                     -c     solvent_contr_mask.f
-$(t)subag_scale_hessian.o:       subag_scale_hessian.f agreem.fh atom_com.fh 
celsym_aniso.fh celsym.fh const.fh monitor.fh pls_incl.fh refi_flags.fh 
rharvest.fh solvent.fh tls.fh vitals.fh weights.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)subag_scale_hessian.o \
-                                     -c     subag_scale_hessian.f
-$(t)subcf_scale1.o:              subcf_scale1.f agreem.fh atom_com.fh 
celsym.fh const.fh gaussian.fh pls_incl.fh refi_flags.fh rharvest.fh vitals.fh 
-                                $(f) -o $(t)subcf_scale1.o \
-                                     -c     subcf_scale1.f
-$(t)subvag.o:                    subvag.f celsym.fh const.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)subvag.o \
-                                     -c     subvag.f
-$(t)tls_newdic_non.o:            tls_newdic_non.f agreem.fh atom_com.fh 
celsym_aniso.fh celsym.fh const.fh monitor.fh pls_incl.fh refi_flags.fh 
restr_files.fh save_all_params.fh tls.fh vitals.fh weights.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)tls_newdic_non.o \
-                                     -c     tls_newdic_non.f
-$(t)vdw_symmetry.o:              vdw_symmetry.f atom_com.fh atom_com_str.fh 
celsym.fh pls_incl.fh restr_files.fh vitals.fh weights.fh
-                                $(f) -o $(t)vdw_symmetry.o \
-                                     -c     vdw_symmetry.f
-$(t)subnumrec.o:              subnumrec.f
-                                $(f) -o $(t)subnumrec.o \
-                                     -c     subnumrec.f
+VERSION = 5.3.0021
+FC      = gfortran
+FOPTIM  = -O3
+XFFLAGS = -fno-second-underscore  
+LLIBCIF = $(CLIB)/libccif.a
+LLIBCCP = $(CLIB)/libccp4f.a $(CLIB)/libccp4c.a   
+SUBR =                      \
+refmac_newdic.o             \
+solvent_contr_mask.o        \
+hkon_secder_tch.o           \
+fast_hessian_tabulation.o   \
+subvag.o                    \
+lsq_symm_atoms.o            \
+oppro_tor1.o                \
+rcard_tor1.o                \
+subcf_scale1.o              \
+subag_scale_hessian.o       \
+extra_eigen.o               \
+rigid_body_newdic.o         \
+aniso_ref_eigen.o           \
+linalgebra.o                \
+make_CIF.o                  \
+make_subr.o                 \
+make_subr_refmac.o          \
+tls_newdic_non.o            \
+vdw_symmetry.o              \
+make_lib11.o                \
+make_lib12.o                \
+make_lib2.o                 \
+make_crd1.o                 \
+make_crd2.o                 \
+make_new1.o                  \
+make_new2.o                  \
+set_num.o                   \
+make_rst1.o                 \
+make_rst2.o                 \
+make_PDB.o                  \
+makecif.o                   \
+make_refmac_dummy.o         \
+ls_scaling_double.o         \
+interpolate_mod.o           \
+rharvest.o                  \
+newentry_idealise.o         \
+ml_scaling_double.o         \
+ncs_const.o                 \
+gaussian_int.o              \
+subnumrec.o                 \
+read_extra_restraints.o     \
+inout_routines.o            \
+ncs_rest.o                  \
+occupancy_only_refine.o     \
+iheap_sort.o                \
+$(LLIBCCP)                  \
+SUBL =                      \
+main_libcheck.o             \
+make_subr_2.o               \
+make_subr.o                 \
+make_lib11.o                \
+make_lib12.o                \
+make_lib2.o                 \
+make_crd1.o                 \
+make_crd2.o                 \
+libcheck.o                  \
+make_PDB.o                  \
+make_CIF.o                  \
+make_new1.o                  \
+make_new2.o                  \
+set_num.o                   \
+make_unix_ccp4.o            \
+emin.o                      \
+libcheck_min.o              \
+mol2_file.o                 \
+sdf_files.o                  \
+SUBM =                      \
+main_makecif.o              \
+make_CIF.o                  \
+make_subr.o                 \
+make_subr_2.o               \
+make_lib11.o                \
+make_lib12.o                \
+make_lib2.o                 \
+make_crd1.o                  \
+make_crd2.o                  \
+make_new1.o                  \
+make_new2.o                  \
+set_num.o                    \
+make_rst1.o                  \
+make_rst2.o                  \
+make_PDB.o                  \
+makecif.o                   \
+make_vdw.o                  \
+make_unix.o                 \
+$(LLIBCCP)                  \
+SUBT =                      \
+tlsgroups.o                  \
+make_CIF.o                  \
+make_subr.o                 \
+make_subr_refmac.o          \
+make_lib11.o                \
+make_lib12.o                \
+make_lib2.o                 \
+make_crd1.o                  \
+make_crd2.o                  \
+make_new1.o                  \
+make_new2.o                  \
+set_num.o                    \
+make_rst1.o                  \
+make_rst2.o                  \
+make_PDB.o                  \
+makecif.o                   \
+make_unix_ccp4.o            \
+make_refmac_dummy.o         \
+inout_routines.o            \
+subnumrec.o                 \
+linalgebra.o                \
+$(LLIBCCP)                  \
+ed = echo 'g/^CMDW-5.0/s//        /@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@' | tr "@" "\012" | ed -s
+all:   refmac libcheck makecif tlsgroups
+refmac:        $(SUBR)
+       $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o refmac${VERSION} $(SUBR)
+libcheck:      $(SUBL)
+       $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o libcheck${VERSION} $(SUBL)
+makecif:       $(SUBM)
+       $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o makecif${VERSION} $(SUBM)
+tlsgroups:     $(SUBT)
+       $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o tlsgroups${VERSION} $(SUBT)
+       /bin/rm *.o

Index: refmac.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci/refmac.info,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.5 -r1.6
--- refmac.info 22 Nov 2006 14:21:22 -0000      1.5
+++ refmac.info 24 Nov 2006 04:12:16 -0000      1.6
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: refmac
 Version: 5.3.0021
-Revision: 2
+Revision: 3
 Source: http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/refmac/data/refmac5.3_source.tar.gz
 Source-MD5: 378a4963ce5eb00d931483a327807e67 
 SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz
@@ -11,15 +11,11 @@
 BuildDepends: ccp4-dev (>= 6.0.2-1) | ccp4-g77-dev, gcc4, ccp4 (>= 6.0.2-1) | 
 NoSetCPPFLAGS: true
 NoSetLDFLAGS: true
-#Patch: refmac.patch
+Patch: refmac.patch
 CompileScript: << 
 #!/bin/bash -efv
 source %p/bin/init.sh
-touch makefile
-rm -f makefile
-cp makefile_gfortran Makefile
-perl -pi -e 's|5.3.0014|%v|g' Makefile
-make refmac libcheck tlsgroups
 InstallScript: <<
 #!/bin/bash -efv
@@ -27,12 +23,17 @@
 cp refmac%v     %i/share/xtal/ccp4-6.0.2/bin/.
 cp libcheck%v   %i/share/xtal/ccp4-6.0.2/bin/.
 cp tlsgroups%v  %i/share/xtal/ccp4-6.0.2/bin/.
+cp  makecif%v   %i/share/xtal/ccp4-6.0.2/bin/.
 mkdir -p %i/share/xtal/ccp4-6.0.2/refmac_%v_monomers
 cp -R dic  %i/share/xtal/ccp4-6.0.2/refmac_%v_monomers/.
 mkdir -p %i/bin
 ln -s %p/share/xtal/ccp4-6.0.2/bin/refmac%v %i/bin/refmac5
+ln -s %p/share/xtal/ccp4-6.0.2/bin/refmac%v %i/bin/refmac
+ln -s %p/share/xtal/ccp4-6.0.2/bin/libcheck%v %i/bin/libcheck
+ln -s %p/share/xtal/ccp4-6.0.2/bin/tlsgroups%v %i/bin/tlsgroups
+ln -s %p/share/xtal/ccp4-6.0.2/bin/makecif%v %i/bin/makecif
 RunTimeVars: CLIBD_MON: %p/share/xtal/ccp4-6.0.2/refmac_%v_monomers/dic/
 Description: CCP4 refmac5 update
@@ -40,7 +41,8 @@
 This is a drop-in update replacement for refmac5. As long as you have
 sourced %p/bin/init.(c)sh and %p is at the head of your path, no further
 configuration is required.  Binaries for the programs refmac libcheck 
-and tlsgroupsreside in $CBIN with %v suffix.
+makecif and tlsgroups reside in $CBIN with %v suffix and are symbolically
+linked to suffixless commands in %p/bin.
 License: Restrictive             
 Homepage:  http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/refmac

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