Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/sound
In directory 

Modified Files:
        mp3info.info mp3info.patch 
Removed Files:
Log Message:
new version (now gnome2!) w/freshened deps

--- mp3info-x11.patch DELETED ---

Index: mp3info.patch
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/sound/mp3info.patch,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- mp3info.patch       20 Jan 2006 20:30:47 -0000      1.1
+++ mp3info.patch       19 Dec 2006 17:44:35 -0000      1.2
@@ -1,89 +1,12 @@
-diff -Naur mp3info-0.8.4.orig/Makefile mp3info-0.8.4/Makefile
---- mp3info-0.8.4.orig/Makefile        Mon Jul 16 02:17:27 2001
-+++ mp3info-0.8.4/Makefile     Sun Apr 18 16:50:05 2004
-@@ -28,18 +28,18 @@
- # bindir = where binaries get installed (default = /usr/local/bin)
- # mandir = where the manual page gets installed (default = 
- bindir=${prefix}/bin
--mandir = $(prefix)/man/man1
-+mandir = $(prefix)/share/man/man1
- # No changes necessary below this line
- PROG =        mp3info
- SRCS =        mp3info.c textfunc.c mp3curs.c mp3tech.c
- OBJS =  mp3info.o textfunc.o mp3curs.o mp3tech.o
--XSRC =        gmp3info.c
- XOBJ =  mp3tech.o
- RM = /bin/rm
-+MKDIR = /usr/bin/install -d
- INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
- STRIP = strip
-@@ -47,36 +47,32 @@
- CC = gcc
- CFLAGS = -g -O2 -Wall
--all: mp3info gmp3info doc
-+all: mp3info doc
+diff -Nurd -x'*~' mp3info-0.8.5a.orig/Makefile mp3info-0.8.5a/Makefile
+--- mp3info-0.8.5a.orig/Makefile       2006-11-09 19:14:11.000000000 -0500
++++ mp3info-0.8.5a/Makefile    2006-12-19 12:32:48.000000000 -0500
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
  doc: mp3info.txt
  mp3info: $(OBJS)
-       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
--gmp3info: $(XSRC) $(XOBJ) 
--      $(CC) $(XSRC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(XOBJ) `gtk-config --cflags --libs`
- mp3info.txt: mp3info.1
-       groff -t -e -mandoc -Tascii mp3info.1 | col -bx > mp3info.txt
- clean: 
--      $(RM) -f $(OBJS) $(XOBJ) mp3info gmp3info core
-+      $(RM) -f $(OBJS) $(XOBJ) mp3info core
- dist: clean doc
- distclean: clean
-       $(RM) -f mp3info.txt
--install: mp3info gmp3info
-+install: mp3info 
-+      $(MKDIR) $(bindir)
-+      $(MKDIR) $(mandir)
-       $(STRIP) mp3info
-       $(INSTALL) mp3info $(bindir)/mp3info
--      $(STRIP) gmp3info
--      $(INSTALL) gmp3info $(bindir)/gmp3info
-       $(INSTALL) mp3info.1 $(mandir)/mp3info.1
- uninstall:
-       rm -f $(bindir)/mp3info
--      rm -f $(bindir)/gmp3info
-       rm -f $(mandir)/mp3info.1
+-      $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
++      $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
-diff -Naur mp3info-0.8.4.orig/gmp3info.c mp3info-0.8.4/gmp3info.c
---- mp3info-0.8.4.orig/gmp3info.c      Mon Jul 16 02:17:16 2001
-+++ mp3info-0.8.4/gmp3info.c   Sat Apr 17 22:51:30 2004
-@@ -484,12 +484,12 @@
- }
- void about_mp3info(void) {
--      quick_popup(VERSION,"MP3Info
--                      An ID3 Tag Editor\n\n
--                      Original author: Ricardo Cerqueira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
--                      Current maintainer: Cedric Tefft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
--                      GTK Version: Ricardo Cerqueira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n\n
--                      Ricardo Cerqueira, Cedric Tefft   1999-2001\n\n");
-+      quick_popup(VERSION,"MP3Info"
-+"                     An ID3 Tag Editor\n\n"
-+"                     Original author: Ricardo Cerqueira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
-+"                     Current maintainer: Cedric Tefft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
-+"                     GTK Version: Ricardo Cerqueira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n\n"
-+"                     Ricardo Cerqueira, Cedric Tefft   1999-2001\n\n");
- }
- /* rmcc has left the building */
+ gmp3info: $(XSRC) $(XOBJ) 
+       $(CC) $(XSRC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(XOBJ) `pkg-config --cflags --libs 

Index: mp3info.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/sound/mp3info.info,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- mp3info.info        21 Jun 2006 06:07:14 -0000      1.3
+++ mp3info.info        19 Dec 2006 17:44:35 -0000      1.4
@@ -1,35 +1,54 @@
 Info2: <<
 Package: mp3info%type_pkg[-x11]
-Version: 0.8.4
-Revision: 2
+Version: 0.8.5a
+Revision: 1
 Maintainer: None <fink-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
 Type: -x11 (boolean)
 BuildDepends: <<
-(%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) gtk+,
-(%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) glib,
-(%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) x11-dev,
+       (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) atk1,
+       (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) glib2-dev,
+       (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) gtk+2-dev,
+       (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) libgettext3-dev,
+       (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) libiconv-dev,
+       (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) pango1-xft2-dev,
+       (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) x11-dev,
+       libncurses5
 Depends: <<
-(%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) gtk+-shlibs,
-(%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) glib-shlibs,
-(%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) x11,
+       (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) atk1-shlibs,
+       (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) glib2-shlibs,
+       (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) gtk+2-shlibs,
+       (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) libgettext3-shlibs,
+       (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) libiconv,
+       (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) pango1-xft2-shlibs,
+       (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) x11-shlibs,
+       libncurses5-shlibs
 Conflicts: mp3info, mp3info-x11
+Replaces: mp3info, mp3info-x11
-Source-MD5: 879d0ced8ede5ec9fbaff4813851ea3f
-SourceDirectory: %{Ni}-%v
-PatchScript: patch -p1 < %a/%{n}.patch
-CompileScript: <<
+Source-MD5: cb7b619a10a40aaac2113b87bb2b2ea2
+PatchScript: patch -p1 < %a/%{Ni}.patch
+CompileScript: << 
+  #!/bin/sh -ev
+  make mp3info
+  make doc
+  if [ "%type_raw[-x11]" = "-x11" ]; then
+    make gmp3info
+  fi
+InstallScript: <<
+  #!/bin/sh -ev
+  mkdir -m0755 -p %i/bin %i/share/man/man1
+  make install-mp3info prefix=%i mandir=%i/share/man/man1
+  if [ "%type_raw[-x11]" = "-x11" ]; then
+    make install-gmp3info prefix=%i
+  fi
+DocFiles: ChangeLog INSTALL LICENSE README mp3info.txt
 Description: Read and modify the id3 tags of mp3 files
 DescPort: <<
 No configuration file, so the Makefile is directly patched.
-Links against system's libncurses.
 DescDetail: <<
 MP3Info is a little utility used to read and modify the ID3 tags of MP3 files.

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