Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/devel
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv32620

Added Files:
Log Message:
automatic test case reduction

--- NEW FILE: delta.info ---
Package: delta
Version: 2006.08.03
Revision: 1
Description: Heuristic test-case minimization for debug
BuildDependsOnly: false
Depends: system-perl
Maintainer: David Fang <fang...@users.sourceforge.net>
Source: http://delta.tigris.org/files/documents/3103/33566/%n-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 7be4ac4ae9c1eb01ccf29d413d4cc64a
CompileScript: <<
  #!/bin/sh -ev
InfoTest: <<
  TestScript: <<
    #!/bin/sh -ev
    make -k check || exit 2
InstallScript: <<
  #!/bin/sh -ev
  mkdir -p %i/bin
  cp delta %i/bin
  cp multidelta %i/bin
  cp topformflat %i/bin
DocFiles: License.txt Readme www/index.html www/using_delta.html
DescDetail: <<
Delta assists you in minimizing "interesting" files subject to a test of 
their interestingness. A common such situation is when attempting to isolate 
a small failure-inducing substring of a large input that causes your program 
to exhibit a bug.
DescPackaging: <<
In addition to the main program, delta, also installed helper programs
multidelta and topformflat.
Should be able to depend on any 5.8.x version of perl.  
Documentation is in %p/share/doc/delta/index.html
Homepage: http://delta.tigris.org/
License: BSD

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