Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/games
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv3550/games

Added Files:
        fortune-mod.info fortune-mod.patch fortunes-b5.info 
Log Message:
Updated and moved to 10.7

--- NEW FILE: fortune-mod.patch ---
--- ../../fortune-mod_1.99.1-4.diff     Sat Aug  7 04:45:08 2004
+++ ../../fortune-mod_1.99.1-4.diff-patched     Fri Dec 10 15:50:52 2004
@@ -1153,5 +1153,5 @@
 +Should fortunes be found in the main fortunes database which fail the
-+criteria found in the document /usr/share/doc/fortunes/Offensive, I will 
++criteria found in the document @PREFIX@/share/doc/fortune-mod/Offensive, I 
will gladly
 +move them into the fortunes-off package given the following:
diff -ru2N --exclude=.DS_Store fortune-mod-1.99.1/Notes 
--- fortune-mod-1.99.1/Notes    Fri Mar  5 08:29:56 2004
+++ fortune-mod-1.99.1-patched/Notes    Fri Dec 10 18:32:28 2004
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
        By default, fortune retrieves its fortune files from the directory
-/usr/local/share/games/fortune.  A fortune file has two parts: the source file
+@PREFIX@/share/fortunes.  A fortune file has two parts: the source file
 (which contains the fortunes themselves) and the data file which describes
-the fortunes.  The data fil always has the same name as the fortune file
+the fortunes.  The data file always has the same name as the fortune file
 with the string ".dat" concatenated, e.g. if "fort" is a standard fortune
 database, then "fort.dat" is the data file which describes it.  See
@@ -26,5 +26,5 @@
 offensive parts.  The offensive version of a file has the same name as the
 non-offensive version but exists in the offensive fortunes directory 
-(/usr/local/share/games/fortune/off by default).  The fortune program
+(@PREFIX@/share/fortunes/off by default).  The fortune program
 automatically assumes that any file in the offensive fortune directory
 is potentially offensive, and should therefore only be displayed if
diff -ru2N --exclude=.DS_Store fortune-mod-1.99.1/README 
--- fortune-mod-1.99.1/README   Fri Mar  5 08:29:56 2004
+++ fortune-mod-1.99.1-patched/README   Fri Dec 10 19:20:26 2004
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@
 a look at the changes that have come in, and the new features.
-Fortune-mod now leaves at http://www.redellipse.net/code/fortune. You
+Fortune-mod now lives at http://www.redellipse.net/code/fortune. You
 can find the CVS repository at
diff -ru2N --exclude=.DS_Store fortune-mod-1.99.1/datfiles/Makefile 
--- fortune-mod-1.99.1/datfiles/Makefile        Fri Mar  5 08:29:56 2004
+++ fortune-mod-1.99.1-patched/datfiles/Makefile        Sat Dec 11 23:20:46 2004
@@ -59,5 +59,5 @@
        for i in $(COOKIES) ; do \
                install -m 0644 $$i $$i.dat $(COOKIEDIR) || exit $? ; \
-               cp -d $$i.u8 $(COOKIEDIR) ; \
+               cp -R $$i.u8 $(COOKIEDIR) ; \
diff -ru2N --exclude=.DS_Store fortune-mod-1.99.1/datfiles/off/Makefile 
--- fortune-mod-1.99.1/datfiles/off/Makefile    Fri Mar  5 08:29:56 2004
+++ fortune-mod-1.99.1-patched/datfiles/off/Makefile    Sat Dec 11 23:20:59 2004
@@ -39,5 +39,5 @@
        for i in $(OCOOKIES) ; \
            do install -m 0644 $$i $$i.dat $(OCOOKIEDIR) || exit $$? ; \
-           cp -d $$i.u8 $(OCOOKIEDIR) ; \
+           cp -R $$i.u8 $(OCOOKIEDIR) ; \
diff -ru2N --exclude=.DS_Store fortune-mod-1.99.1/fortune/fortune.c 
--- fortune-mod-1.99.1/fortune/fortune.c        Fri Mar  5 08:29:56 2004
+++ fortune-mod-1.99.1-patched/fortune/fortune.c        Fri Dec 10 16:22:22 2004
@@ -98,5 +98,5 @@
 #define                PROGRAM_NAME            "fortune-mod"
-#define                PROGRAM_VERSION         "9708"
+#define                PROGRAM_VERSION         "1.99.1"
@@ -258,4 +258,5 @@
 int add_dir(register FILEDESC *);
+const char *program_name;
 char *program_version(void)
@@ -1676,4 +1677,5 @@
     char *ctype, *crequest;
     getargs(ac, av);
+    program_name = (char *const) av[0];
     outer = recode_new_outer(true);
@@ -1682,6 +1682,9 @@
     ctype = nl_langinfo(CODESET);
-    if(strcmp(ctype,"ANSI_X3.4-1968") == 0)
-        ctype="ISO-8859-1";
+    if (!ctype || !*ctype)
+        ctype="C"; /* revert to C if no valid envvars! */
+    else
+        if(strcmp(ctype,"ANSI_X3.4-1968") == 0)
+            ctype="ISO-8859-1";
     crequest = malloc(strlen(ctype) + 7 + 1);
diff -ru2N --exclude=.DS_Store fortune-mod-1.99.1/util/rot.c 
--- fortune-mod-1.99.1/util/rot.c       Fri Mar  5 08:29:57 2004
+++ fortune-mod-1.99.1-patched/util/rot.c       Fri Dec 10 13:29:00 2004
@@ -6,4 +6,5 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
 int main(void)
diff -ru2N --exclude=.DS_Store fortune-mod-1.99.1/util/unstr.c 
--- fortune-mod-1.99.1/util/unstr.c     Fri Mar  5 08:29:57 2004
+++ fortune-mod-1.99.1-patched/util/unstr.c     Fri Dec 10 13:28:45 2004
@@ -97,4 +97,5 @@
 #include       <string.h>
 #include       <unistd.h>
+#include       <stdlib.h>

--- NEW FILE: fortunes-b5.info ---
Package: fortunes-b5
Version: 20060905
Revision: 1
Description: Babylon 5 quotes for fortune-mod
Homepage: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~albert/Quotes/B5-quotes.html
Maintainer: Brian Gernhardt <be...@silverinsanity.com>
License: OSI-Approved
Depends: fortune-mod
Source: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~albert/Quotes/B5-quotes
Source-MD5: 5ca0733d0a8b4469c103c11669cc50e7
NoSourceDirectory: true
CompileScript: <<
sed -e "s/^%%%%$/%%/" B5-quotes > babylon5
strfile babylon5 babylon5.dat
ln -s babylon5 babylon5.u8
InstallScript: <<
mkdir -p %i/share/fortunes
cp -R babylon5 babylon5.dat babylon5.u8 %i/share/fortunes

--- NEW FILE: fortune-mod.info ---
Package: fortune-mod
Version: 1.99.1
Revision: 4001
Epoch: 1
Description: Fortune cookies on demand
DescDetail: <<
 The fortune package displays epigrams selected randomly from a
 selection of fortune files. This is an enhanced version of the BSD
 program. The data files (which can be shared) are contained in the
 'fortunes-min', 'fortunes', and 'fortunes-off' packages.

 These are the machine-dependent parts of the fortune package,
 i.e. the fortune program and the programs used for generating the
 data files.
DescUsage: <<
 To see a new fortune every time a Terminal window is opened, add the
 following line to ~/.login or ~/.bashrc:

HomePage: http://www.redellipse.net/code/fortune
License: BSD
BuildDepends: recode, recode-dev, recode-shlibs, fink (>= 0.24.12)
Depends: recode-shlibs
Recommends: fortunes-min, fortunes
Suggests: fortune-cookie-db
#Replaces: %n (<= 9708-3)
Source: mirror:debian:pool/main/f/%n/%n_%v.orig.tar.gz
Source-MD5: f208805b3b712e32997d7667e0ec52d8
SourceDirectory: %n-%v
# The -1 is Debian's revision, not Fink's
Source2: mirror:debian:pool/main/f/%n/%n_%v-4.diff.gz
Source2-MD5: b8844cdc7f972cc851d156127a7d5cfa
PatchFile: %n.patch
PatchFile-MD5: b7c9fa0016de3c773ad22cb3e2f1a949
PatchScript: <<
        gunzip ../%n_%v-4.diff.gz; sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' <%{PatchFile} | patch 
-p1; patch -p1 < ../%n_%v-4.diff
        sed -i.bak -e 's|cp -d|/bin/cp|' datfiles/Makefile datfiles/off/Makefile
CompileScript: <<
 make FORTDIR=%p/bin COOKIEDIR=%p/share/fortunes LOCALDIR=%p/share/fortunes 
all fortune/fortune.man
InstallScript: <<
 make FORTDIR=%i/bin COOKIEDIR=%i/share/fortunes LOCALDIR=%p/share/fortunes 
BINDIR=%i/bin BINMANDIR=%i/share/man/man1 FORTMANDIR=%i/share/man/man6 install
 cd %i/share/man/man1; gzip -6 strfile.1
Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>
DescPort: <<
 * ld: Undefined symbols: _program_name: added program_name
 * implicit declaration of function `exit': added #include <stdlib.h>
 * Force build of fortune/fortune.man during CompileScript for correct
   Fink path insertion into man file.
 * gzip strfile.1 during packaging for the unstr man file symlink.
 * Splitoff as Debian does, to allow for future localized fortune
   packages or simply other fortune packages in Fink.
 * Depends: fortunes-min | fortunes | fortune-cookie-db to ensure the
   default choice is not the offensive set, does not work if
   fortunes-de is selected during building, because Fink incorrrectly
   sees it as a circular dependency, when really fortune-mod only
   depends on fortune-cookie-db [virtual] RUNTIME, while the building
   of any fortune-cookie-db DOES require fortune-mod as a
   BuildDepends (to parse the datafiles during their creation).
 * Also, Fink currently does NOT handle virtual package selection,
   such as: 'fink install fortune-cookie-db' (does not work) so the
   PostInstScript here should be updated whenever a new localized
   fortunes package is added in the future.
 * ld: warning prebinding disabled because dependent library:
   /sw/lib/librecode.0.dylib is not prebound
PostInstScript: <<
 echo " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"
 echo "NOTE:"
 echo "At least one of the following additional packages MUST be"
 echo "installed before fortune-mod can provide fortune cookies:"
 echo " fortunes-min"
 echo " fortunes"
 echo " fortunes-de"
 echo " fortunes-off"
 echo " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"
DocFiles: <<
 ChangeLog cookie-files debian/copyright INDEX Notes Offensive README
 debian/README.Debian debian/README.Debian.offensive TODO
Splitoff: <<
 Package: fortunes-off
 Description: Data files containing offensive fortune cookies
 DescDetail: <<
  This package contains 'fortune cookies' which some may consider to
  be offensive. Please do not install this package if you or your
  users are easily offended. You'll need the fortune-mod package to
  display the cookies.
 Provides: fortune-cookie-db
 Recommends: %N
 Files: share/fortunes/off
 DocFiles: <<
  ChangeLog cookie-files debian/copyright INDEX Notes Offensive README
  debian/README.Debian debian/README.Debian.offensive TODO
Splitoff2: <<
 Package: fortunes-min
 Description: Data files containing a basic fortune cookie set
 DescDetail: <<
  This package contains a small number of 'fortune cookies' for the
  bandwidth conscious. There are over 15000 different 'fortune cookies'
  in the fortunes package. You'll need the fortune-mod package to display
  the cookies.
 Provides: fortune-cookie-db
 Recommends: %N
 Files: <<
 DocFiles: <<
  ChangeLog cookie-files debian/copyright INDEX Notes Offensive README
  debian/README.Debian debian/README.Debian.offensive TODO
Splitoff3: <<
 Package: fortunes
 Description: Data files containing fortune cookies
 DescDetail: <<
  There are by far over 15000 different 'fortune cookies' in this
  package. You'll need the fortune-mod package to display the cookies.
 Provides: fortune-cookie-db
 Recommends: %N
 Files: share/fortunes
 DocFiles: <<
  ChangeLog cookie-files debian/copyright INDEX Notes Offensive README
  debian/README.Debian debian/README.Debian.offensive TODO
DescPackaging: <<
  Original maintainer: Carsten Klapp <carstenkl...@users.sourceforge.net>

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