Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/libs/perlmods
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv1337

Added Files:
        algorithm-c3-pm.info algorithm-c3-pm.patch class-c3-pm.info 
        class-c3-xs-pm.info data-optlist-pm.info data-section-pm.info 
        extutils-parsexs-pm.info module-build-pm-10.7.info 
        module-build-pm.info module-metadata-pm.info 
        mro-compat-pm.info par-dist-pm.info params-util-pm.info 
        perl-ostype-pm.info pod-readme-pm.info podlators-pm.info 
        regexp-common-pm.info scalar-list-utils-pm.info 
        software-license-pm.info sub-exporter-pm.info 
        sub-install-pm.info sub-name-pm.info text-template-pm.info 
Log Message:
Move module-build-pm and deps to 10.7.

--- NEW FILE: software-license-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: software-license-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.103002
Revision: 1
Description: Common open source software licenses
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>

# Dependencies.
Depends: <<
        fink (>= 0.28.0-1),
BuildDepends: <<
        fink (>= 0.28.0-1),
        extutils-makemaker-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>=6.31),

# Unpack Phase:
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/R/RJ/RJBS/Software-License-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 26497d9e8c41d1e1883f5b266933e44a

InfoTest: TestDepends: test-simple-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.96-1)

# Install Phase:
InstallScript: <<
 mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
UpdatePOD: true
DocFiles: Changes README

# Additional Data:
DescPackaging: <<
        Former Koen van der Drift <drift...@users.sourceforge.net>
DescDetail: <<
 Software-License contains templates for common open source software
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Software-License/

--- NEW FILE: pod-readme-pm.info ---
Package: pod-readme-pm
Version: 0.11
Revision: 1
Type: perl
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/B/BI/BIGPRESH/Pod-Readme-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 5846d5fad616daf941862c44b3512ba7

Depends: podlators-pm, regexp-common-pm

DocFiles: Changes README
UpdatePOD: true

Description: Convert Module POD to a README file
License: Artistic
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Pod-Readme
Maintainer: Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org>

--- NEW FILE: algorithm-c3-pm.patch ---
diff -Nurd Algorithm-C3-0.08/Makefile.PL Algorithm-C3-0.08-new/Makefile.PL
--- Algorithm-C3-0.08/Makefile.PL       1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ Algorithm-C3-0.08-new/Makefile.PL   2010-06-01 10:35:29.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+    NAME         => q[Algorithm::C3],
+    VERSION_FROM => q[lib/Algorithm/C3.pm],
+    INSTALLDIRS  => $] >= 5.007003 ? 'perl' : 'site',
+    PREREQ_PM    => { 'Carp' => '0.01' },

--- NEW FILE: sub-install-pm.info ---
Info3: <<
Package: sub-install-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.925
Revision: 1
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.6
Description: Install subroutines into packages easily
Type: perl(5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
License: Artistic
Maintainer: Benjamin Reed <sub-install...@fink.raccoonfink.com>

Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.29.7-1)

Source: mirror:cpan:modules/by-module/Sub/Sub-Install-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 694aaec771c42280746a9a6279683263

UseMaxBuildJobs: true

UpdatePOD: true
InstallScript: <<
mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
DocFiles: Changes LICENSE README

Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Sub-Install
DescDetail: <<
This module makes it easy to install subroutines into
packages without the unsightly mess of no strict or
typeglobs lying about where just anyone can see them.

--- NEW FILE: extutils-parsexs-pm.info ---
Package: extutils-parsexs-pm
Version: 2.2206
Revision: 1
Description: Converts Perl XS code into C code
Type: perl
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>

# Dependencies.
Depends: extutils-cbuilder-pm

# Unpack Phase:
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/ExtUtils-ParseXS-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 5a78d0c4654c6b50e7c87da8b671e8a6

# Install Phase:
UpdatePOD: true
DocFiles: Changes README

# Additional Data:
DescPackaging: <<
        Former Maintainer: Koen van der Drift <drift...@users.sourceforge.net>
DescDetail: <<
"ExtUtils::ParseXS" will compile XS code into C code by embedding the
constructs necessary to let C functions manipulate Perl values and creates
the glue necessary to let Perl access those functions. The compiler uses
typemaps to determine how to map C function parameters and variables to Perl
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/

--- NEW FILE: class-c3-xs-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: class-c3-xs-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.13
Revision: 1
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] 
= 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core
BuildDepends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, test-simple-pm%type_pkg[perl]

Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/F/FL/FLORA/Class-C3-XS-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 92a48fe74206b803315749de29c30b88
UpdatePOD: true
InstallScript: <<
  mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
Description: XS speedups for Class::C3
DescDetail: <<
  This contains XS performance enhancers for Class::C3 version 0.16 and
  higher.  The main Class::C3 package will use this package automatically
  if it can find it.  Do not use this package directly, use Class::C3
DescPackaging: <<
  Previous maintainer: degraw <deg...@users.sourceforge.net>
                       Koen van der Drift <drift...@users.sourceforge.net>
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Class-C3-XS

--- NEW FILE: text-template-pm.info ---
Package: text-template-pm
Version: 1.45
Revision: 1
Description: Expand template text with embedded Perl
Type: perl
License: Artistic
Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>

# Unpack Phase:
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/M/MJ/MJD/Text-Template-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: cd22441c1ab0870c012225c9a585e262

# Install Phase:
UpdatePOD: true
DocFiles: Artistic COPYING README

# Additional Data:
DescDetail: <<
This is a library for generating form letters, building HTML pages, or
filling in templates generally.  A `template' is a piece of text that
has little Perl programs embedded in it here and there.  When you
`fill in' a template, you evaluate the little programs and replace
them with their values.  
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Text-Template

--- NEW FILE: mro-compat-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: mro-compat-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.11
Revision: 1
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] 
= 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, class-c3-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.19-1)
BuildDepends: <<
  perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, test-simple-pm%type_pkg[perl],
  class-c3-xs-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.08-1)
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/F/FL/FLORA/MRO-Compat-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 462b68631d5bef8c807190f1c5c17306
UpdatePOD: true
InstallScript: <<
  mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
Description: MRO::Compat
DescDetail: <<
  The "mro" namespace provides several utilities for dealing with method
  resolution order and method caching in general in Perl 5.9.5 and higher.

  This module provides those interfaces for earlier versions of Perl (back
  to 5.6.0 anyways).
DescPackaging: <<
  Previous maintainer: degraw <deg...@users.sourceforge.net>
                       Koen van der Drift <drift...@users.sourceforge.net>
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/MRO-Compat

--- NEW FILE: data-section-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: data-section-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.101620
Revision: 1
Description: Read data out of your DATA section
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>

Depends: <<
        fink (>= 0.28.0-1),
BuildDepends: <<
        extutils-makemaker-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 6.31-1),
        test-simple-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.94-1),

Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/R/RJ/RJBS/Data-Section-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: ab3956489991b41a6604aad81a4d3a0b

InstallScript: <<
 mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]

#NoPerlTests: True
UpdatePOD: true
DocFiles: Changes README

DescPackaging: <<
        Former Maintainer: Koen van der Drift <drift...@users.sourceforge.net>
DescDetail: <<
 Read multiple hunks of data out of your DATA section
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Data-Section/

--- NEW FILE: data-optlist-pm.info ---
Info3: <<
Package: data-optlist-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.106
Revision: 1
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.6
Description: Parse and validate name/value option pairs
Type: perl(5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
License: Artistic
Maintainer: Benjamin Reed <data-optlist...@fink.raccoonfink.com>

Depends: <<
        fink (>= 0.29.7-1),
        params-util-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.14-1),
        sub-install-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.921-1)
BuildDepends: <<
        fink (>= 0.29.7-1),
        params-util-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.14-1),
        sub-install-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.921-1)

Source: mirror:cpan:modules/by-module/Data/Data-OptList-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: d2e2e74540f9a388a7d180849d63d03a

UseMaxBuildJobs: true

UpdatePOD: true
InstallScript: <<
mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
DocFiles: Changes LICENSE README

Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Data-OptList

--- NEW FILE: scalar-list-utils-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: scalar-list-utils-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 1.23
Revision: 1
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.6
Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.20.1-1)
Replaces: scalar-list-utils-pm, scalar-list-utils-pm560, %N-man
Conflicts: %N-man
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/G/GB/GBARR/Scalar-List-Utils-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 2e7909f8737cd6eecd8520b77326916b
Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
UpdatePOD: true
DocFiles: Changes README
InstallScript: <<
  mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
Description: Common Scalar and List utility subroutines
DescDetail: <<
  This package contains a selection of subroutines that people have
  expressed would be nice to have in the perl core, but the usage would not
  really be high enough to warrant the use of a keyword, and the size so
  small such that being individual extensions would be wasteful.
DescPackaging: <<
 Report bugs to the maintainer or the CPAN bug tracker:
 Maintained by Chris Dolan through 1.17
 Maintained by Christian Schaffner through v1.14-3.
 Earlier versions by Justin F. Hallett.
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Scalar-List-Utils

--- NEW FILE: par-dist-pm.info ---
Package: par-dist-pm
Version: 0.47
Revision: 1
Replaces: par-dist-pm581 (<= 0.06-10)
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/S/SM/SMUELLER/PAR-Dist-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: ea5fd9791e40f7c2524a45139bea23a2
Type: perl
UpdatePOD: true
DocFiles: Changes README
Description: Create and manipulate PAR distributions
License: Artistic
Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/PAR-Dist

--- NEW FILE: sub-exporter-pm.info ---
Info3: <<
Package: sub-exporter-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.982
Revision: 1
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.6
Description: Exporter for custom-built routines
Type: perl(5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
License: Artistic
Maintainer: Benjamin Reed <sub-exporter...@fink.raccoonfink.com>

Depends: <<
        data-optlist-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.100-1),
        fink (>= 0.29.7-1),
        params-util-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.14-1),
        sub-install-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.92-1)
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.29.7-1)

Source: mirror:cpan:modules/by-module/Sub/Sub-Exporter-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: db90a0d73a5ca2d185dd6c6d2fc848f0

UseMaxBuildJobs: true

UpdatePOD: true
InstallScript: <<
mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
DocFiles: Changes LICENSE README

Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Sub-Exporter
DescDetail: <<
Sub::Exporter builds a custom exporter which can then be installed
into your module.  It builds this method based on configuration
passed to its setup_exporter method.

--- NEW FILE: sub-name-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: sub-name-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.05
Revision: 1
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] 
= 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core
BuildDepends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/F/FL/FLORA/Sub-Name-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 26077202597620e4a6068c8087f3e09f
UpdatePOD: true
InstallScript: <<
  mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
DocFiles: Changes README
Description: Sub::Name - (re)name a sub
DescDetail: <<
  This module has only one function, which is also exported by default:

  subname NAME, CODEREF

  Assigns a new name to referenced sub.  If package specification is
  omitted in the name, then the current package is used.  The return
  value is the sub.
DescPackaging: <<
  Previous maintainer: degraw <deg...@users.sourceforge.net>
                       Koen van der Drift <drift...@users.sourceforge.net>
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Sub-Name

--- NEW FILE: regexp-common-pm.info ---
Package: regexp-common-pm
Version: 2010010201
Revision: 1
Type: perl
Description: Perl module for commonly needed reg. exp
License: Artistic
Maintainer: Christian Schaffner <chri...@users.sourceforge.net>

# Unpack Phase:
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/A/AB/ABIGAIL/Regexp-Common-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: e4267a626af781ed62c696f05b2b60f3

# Install Phase:
UpdatePOD: True

# Additional Info:
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Regexp-Common/

--- NEW FILE: class-c3-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: class-c3-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.23
Revision: 1
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] 
= 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
Depends: <<
  perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, algorithm-c3-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.06-1),
BuildDepends: <<
  perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, test-simple-pm%type_pkg[perl],
  sub-name-pm%type_pkg[perl], class-c3-xs-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.07-1)
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/F/FL/FLORA/Class-C3-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 5b997841af85a5f8ed8add7120d56611
UpdatePOD: true
InstallScript: <<
  mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
Description: Pragma to use the C3 algorithm
DescDetail: <<
  This is pragma to change Perl 5's standard method resolution order from
  depth-first left-to-right (a.k.a - pre-order) to the more sophisticated
  C3 method resolution order.
DescPackaging: <<
  Previous maintainer: degraw <deg...@users.sourceforge.net>
                       Koen van der Drift <drift...@users.sourceforge.net>
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Class-C3

--- NEW FILE: algorithm-c3-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: algorithm-c3-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.08
Revision: 3
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] 
= 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1), perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, 
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/F/FL/FLORA/Algorithm-C3-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 07afb08682125c875b80c315d99f6f95
PatchFile: algorithm-c3-pm.patch
PatchFile-MD5: a140041d165b78062dd08fa33253a710
UpdatePOD: true
PatchScript: <<
        rm -rf Build.PL
InstallScript: <<
        install -d -m 755 %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
        mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]/
Description: Merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm
DescDetail: <<
  C3 is the name of an algorithm which aims to provide a sane method res-
  olution order under multiple inheritence.
DescPackaging: <<
  Previous maintainer: degraw <deg...@users.sourceforge.net>
                       Koen van der Drift <drift...@users.sourceforge.net>
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Algorithm-C3

--- NEW FILE: perl-ostype-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: perl-ostype-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 1.002
Revision: 2
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
License: Artistic/GPL
Description: Map Perl OS names to generic types
Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <dan...@daniel-johnson.org>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Perl-OSType/

BuildDepends: extutils-makemaker-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 6.56-3)
# Should depend on exporter-pm but that indirectly deps on module-build-pm 
which deps on this. Boom.
Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core

Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Perl-OSType-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 73be06de32cd51cf5e6de37b5725e0ac

# Should depend on constant-pm but that indirectly deps on module-build-pm 
which deps on this. Boom.
InfoTest: TestDepends: file-find-pm%type_pkg[perl], 
file-temp-pm%type_pkg[perl], test-simple-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.96-1)

InstallScript: <<
        /bin/mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]

UpdatePOD: true

DocFiles: Changes LICENSE README

--- NEW FILE: params-util-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: params-util-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 1.03
Revision: 1
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.6
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/A/AD/ADAMK/Params-Util-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 9e5ae2987472f15fddf8ab806f4de867
Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
UpdatePOD: true
Depends: <<
        extutils-cbuilder-pm (>= 0.27-1),
        extutils-makemaker-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 6.52-1),
        scalar-list-utils-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 1.18-1)
Conflicts: %N-man
Replaces: %N-man

# Disable auto-installation of optional packages
CompileScript: <<
 #!/bin/sh -ev

InstallScript: <<
 mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
DocFiles: Changes LICENSE README
License: Artistic/GPL
Description: Utility functions to aid parameter checking
Maintainer: Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Params-Util
DescPackaging: <<
 Report bugs to the maintainer or the CPAN bug tracker:

 Not sure what PERL_EXTUTILS_AUTOINSTALL does or if we still need it.

--- NEW FILE: module-metadata-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: module-metadata-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 1.000004
Revision: 1
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
License: Artistic/GPL
Description: Gather package info from perl module files
Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <dan...@daniel-johnson.org>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-Metadata/

Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, version-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.88-1)

Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Module-Metadata-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 3011f1b7f2f7b5462760df89aefc7035

InstallScript: <<
        /bin/mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]

UpdatePOD: true

DocFiles: Changes

--- NEW FILE: podlators-pm.info ---
Package: podlators-pm
Version: 2.4.0
Revision: 1
Type: perl
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/R/RR/RRA/podlators-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 12f9440cb0dda67cf089d7a4b28f7329

Depends: pod-simple-pm (>= 3.07-1)

InstallScript: <<
        mv %i/bin/pod2text %i/bin/pod2text-new
        mv %i/bin/pod2man %i/bin/pod2man-new
        mv %i/share/man/man1/pod2text.1 %i/share/man/man1/pod2text-new.1
        mv %i/share/man/man1/pod2man.1 %i/share/man/man1/pod2man-new.1
UpdatePOD: true

Description: Format POD source into various output formats
DescDetail: <<
Provides the Pod::Text and Pod::Man modules and the pod2text and
pod2man programs. Those programs are installed as "pod2text-new" and
"pod2man-new" to avoid collisions with the ones supplied by perl
itself (this package has newer versions of the core items).
License: Artistic/GPL
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/podlators
Maintainer: Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org>

--- NEW FILE: module-build-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: module-build-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.38.00
Revision: 2
Epoch: 1
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
Description: Alternative installer for Perl modules
License: Artistic
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-Build/
Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <dan...@daniel-johnson.org>

# Dependencies.
Depends: <<
 cpan-meta-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 2.110580-1),
 extutils-cbuilder-pm (>= 0.27.03-1),
 extutils-install-pm (>= 1.54),
 extutils-manifest-pm (>= 1.57),
 extutils-parsexs-pm (>= 2.21),
 parse-cpan-meta-pm (>= 1.44.01),
 test-harness-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 3.16), 
 version-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.88-1)

# module-signature-pm has lots of (maybe even crypto) deps and it's optional
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.30.2)
Conflicts: %N-man, %N-bin
Replaces: %N-man, %N-bin

# Unpack Phase.
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Module-Build-0.3800.tar.gz
Source-MD5: b9e3085a2f314c2dea2274bd5ab16236

DefaultScript: ModuleBuild

# Install Phase.
InstallScript: <<
        mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
        mv %i/bin %i/lib/%n


# Documentation.
DescDetail: <<
"Module::Build" is a system for building, testing, and installing Perl
modules.  It is meant to be a replacement for "ExtUtils::MakeMaker".
Developers may alter the behavior of the module through subclassing in
a much more straightforward way than with "MakeMaker".  It also does
not require a "make" on your system - most of the "Module::Build" code
is pure-perl and written in a very cross-platform way.  In fact, you
don't even need a shell, so even platforms like MacOS (traditional)
can use it fairly easily.  Its only prerequisites are modules that are
included with perl 5.6.0, and it works fine on perl 5.005 if you can
install a few additional modules.

See the "MOTIVATIONS" section in the README for more comparisons
between "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" and "Module::Build".

DescPackaging: <<
In version 0.34, removed the bin SplitOff and moved the config_data file to 
/sw/lib/%n/, to prevent 
conflicts with perl-core.

Dependency for module-signature-pm is disabled, it has lots of (maybe even 
crypto) deps and it's optional

Previous maintainer: Blair Zajac <bl...@orcaware.com>
                     Koen van der Drift <drift...@users.sourceforge.net>


--- NEW FILE: module-build-pm-10.7.info ---
Package: module-build-pm
Version: 0.36.24
Revision: 401
Epoch: 1
Distribution: 10.7
Depends: system-perl5123, %n5123 (>= %e:%v-1)
Type: bundle
Description: Module::Build for /usr/bin/perl
DescDetail: <<
        Use BuildDepends:module-build-pm for packages that do not
        otherwise need to be perl-version varianted so that they do
        not need to be perl-version varianted on account of this build

        For packages that *are* perl-version varianted, use
        BuildDepends:module-build-pmXXX for the appropriate perlXXX.
License: Artistic
Maintainer: Fink Core Group <fink-c...@lists.sourceforge.net>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-Build/

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