Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/libs
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv9840

Added Files:
        libdv4.info libdv4.patch 
Log Message:
Move from 10.6 to 10.7, new upstream release, build fixes and deps update

--- NEW FILE: libdv4.info ---
Package: libdv4
Version: 1.0.0
Revision: 1
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1), popt
Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
BuildDependsOnly: true
Conflicts: libdv
Replaces: libdv
Source: mirror:sourceforge:libdv/libdv-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: f895162161cfa4bb4a94c070a7caa6c7
PatchFile: %N.patch
PatchFile-MD5: 6f6c976e2371ecef95a6c3d3fb4b0a73
ConfigureParams: --disable-asm --disable-sdl --disable-gtk --disable-xv 
--without-x --with-pic --enable-shared --enable-static --mandir=%i/share/man 
--infodir=%i/share/info --libexecdir=%p/lib
InfoTest: TestScript: make check || exit 2
SplitOff: <<
  Package: %N-shlibs
  Replaces: libdv-shlibs
  Conflicts: libdv-shlibs
  Provides: libdv-shlibs
  Files: <<
  Shlibs: <<
    %p/lib/libdv.4.dylib 5.0.0 %n (>= 0.104-3)
SplitOff2: <<
  Package: %N-bin
  Depends: %N-shlibs (>= %v-%r), popt-shlibs
  Replaces: libdv-bin
  Conflicts: libdv-bin
  Files: <<
Description: Software decoder for DV format video
DescDetail: <<
The Quasar DV codec (libdv) is a software codec for DV video, the encoding
format used by most digital camcorders, typically those that support the
IEEE 1394 (a.k.a. FireWire or i.Link) interface. libdv was developed
according to the official standards for DV video: IEC 61834 and SMPTE 314M.
DescPort: <<
--- Benjamin Reed (September 8, 2009)
- removed liboss references

--- Justin F. Hallett (April 5, 2003) (0.99-1)
- enhanced the patch to make it more applable upstream
- enabled playdv
- disabled linking to sdl so playdv would build
- linked playdv againsted liboss

--- Justin F. Hallett (August 14, 2002) (0.98-1)
- Stopped the build of playdv (needs non oss support, and better SDL support)
- encodedv/dvconnect.c stdlib.h instead of malloc.h
- encodedv/dvconnect.c had to remove a block made function fail no matter what
- encodedv/dvavi.c stdlib.h instead of malloc.h
- used the NoLDFLAGS -> LIBS try to build properly

--- Justin F. Hallett (May 2, 2002) (0.9.5-1)
- Stopped the build of playdv (needs to be ported to use esd instead of oss)
- Stopped the build of encodedv (started the port of it, will finish for
  next revision)
- fix in encodedv/dvconnect.c to use stdlib.h instead of malloc.h for __APPLE__
- fixed libdv/Makefile.in to link to proper libs (.libs/*.a instead of *.la)
- multiple fixes in libdv/audio.c, had to disable 2 areas for __APPLE__
- libdv/dv.c fixed functions calls (dv_mb411_right_YUY2 and dv_mb411_YUY2)
- libdv/enc_input.c disabled a section for __APPLE__
- libdv/encode.c fix to disable a redefine of swab for __APPLE__
- libdv/idct_248.c __APPLE__ needed int64 to be defined
- libdv/parse.c disabled a section for __APPLE__
- libdv/vlc.c disable a few sections for __APPLE__ (based on the 0.9-3 patch)

dmacks: gtk front end seems to be not built
License: GPL
Homepage: http://libdv.sourceforge.net/
Maintainer: Justin F. Hallett <the...@users.sourceforge.net>

--- NEW FILE: libdv4.patch ---
diff -uNr libdv-0.104/encodedv/dvconnect.c libdv-0.104-new/encodedv/dvconnect.c
--- libdv-0.104/encodedv/dvconnect.c    2004-05-30 22:05:23.000000000 -0400
+++ libdv-0.104-new/encodedv/dvconnect.c        2005-04-28 10:43:43.000000000 
@@ -857,12 +857,13 @@
 int rt_raisepri (int pri)
+#if defined(_SC_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING) && !defined(__APPLE__)
        struct sched_param scp;
         * Verify that scheduling is available
+#if defined(_SC_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING) && !defined(__APPLE__)
        if (sysconf (_SC_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING) == -1) {
                fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: RR-scheduler not available, "
@@ -877,6 +878,11 @@
        return (0);
+               fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: RR-scheduler not available, "
+                       "disabling.\n");
+               return (-1);
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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