Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/sci
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv3369

Added Files:
        nco.info nco.patch 
Log Message:
New upstream.  Works happily on 10.7/ .  Will backport to 10.4/ soon.

--- NEW FILE: nco.info ---
Package: nco%type_raw[-dap]
Version: 4.0.8
Revision: 1
Type: -dap (-opendap -netcdf)
Description: The MetCDF Operators
License: GPL
Maintainer: Alexander Hansen <alexkhan...@users.sourceforge.net>

# Prerequisites
Depends: <<
        bison (>=1.35-2), 
        gsl-shlibs, udunits2-shlibs,
        (%type_raw[-dap] = -opendap) libnc-dap3-shlibs,
        (%type_raw[-dap] = -netcdf) netcdf7-shlibs
BuildDepends: <<
        antlr, gsl, udunits2-dev, 
        fink (>=0.28-1), fink-package-precedence,
        (%type_raw[-dap] = -opendap) libdap10,
        (%type_raw[-dap] = -opendap) libnc-dap3,
        (%type_raw[-dap] = -netcdf) netcdf7
Conflicts: nco, nco-dap (<< 4.0.8-1), nco-netcdf, nco-opendap 
Replaces: nco, nco-dap (<< 4.0.8-1), nco-netcdf, nco-opendap
# Unpack Phase:
Source: http://nco.sourceforge.net/src/nco-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: edd1e5dab719b4bfc2cd07ec840f4f1d

# Patch Phase:
PatchScript:  <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
        perl -pi -e 's|<malloc.h>|<stdlib.h>|' src/nco++/Invoke.cc \
        src/nco++/NcapVector.hh src/nco++/ncoGrammer.g src/nco++/ncoLexer.hpp \
        src/nco++/ncoParser.hpp src/nco++/ncoTree.hpp
        perl -pi -e 's|-lnco|%b/src/nco/.libs/libnco.a|' src/nco++/Makefile.in
        perl -pi -e 's,dynamiclib,$& -single_module,' configure aclocal.m4

# Compile Phase:
GCC: 4.0
SetLDFLAGS: -Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs
ConfigureParams: <<
        --enable-udunits2 --enable-gsl \
        (%type_raw[-dap] = -opendap) --disable-dap-netcdf \
        (%type_raw[-dap] = -opendap) --disable-netcdf4 \
        (%type_raw[-dap] = -opendap) --enable-dap-opendap \
        (%type_raw[-dap] = -netcdf) --enable-dap-netcdf \
        (%type_raw[-dap] = -netcdf) --enable-netcdf4 \
        (%type_raw[-dap] = -netcdf) --disable-dap-opendap \
CompileScript: << 
        #!/bin/sh -ev
        if [[ "%type_raw[-dap]" == "-netcdf" ]] 
        then export     NETCDF_INC=%p/opt/netcdf7/include \
                                NETCDF_LIB=%p/opt/netcdf7/lib \
--prohibit-bdep=nco-dap,nco-opendap,nco-netcdf,nco .

# Install Phase:
DocFiles: doc/*
InfoDocs: nco.info

InstallScript: <<
        make install DESTDIR=%d
DescDetail: <<
        Each NCO operator (e.g., ncks) takes netCDF or HDF input file(s),
        performs an operation (e.g., averaging, hyperslabbing, or renaming),
        and outputs a processed netCDF file. Although most users of
        netCDF and HDF data are involved in scientific research,
        these data formats, and thus NCO, are generic and
        are equally useful in fields like finance.
        This version is OPeNDAP/DODS enabled, so it can be given
        URLs to read remote datasets as if they were local netCDF files.

        The -netcdf variant uses Fink's netcdf7 package (upstream NetCDF 4), and
        and the -opendap variant uses libnc-dap3.

DescPort: <<
Get rid of hardcoded malloc.h for C++ stuff.
Patch out an -lnco that of course links to a library in the 
previously installed version of the package.
Doesn't want to build shared libraries, even when explicitly called for.
Homepage: http://nco.sourceforge.net/

--- NEW FILE: nco.patch ---
--- nco-3.1.8/configure.orig    2006-12-16 17:02:32.000000000 +0900
+++ nco-3.1.8/configure 2006-12-16 17:02:57.000000000 +0900
@@ -1829,7 +1829,7 @@
-    powerpc-apple-darwin* )
+    *-apple-darwin* )
 cat >>confdefs.h <<\_ACEOF
 #define MACOSX 1

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