Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/utils
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv9310

Added Files:
        backupbouncer.info backupbouncer.patch 
Log Message:
For 10.7

--- NEW FILE: backupbouncer.info ---
Package: backupbouncer
Version: 0.2.0
Revision: 10
Description: Test-suite for backup software
License: BSD
Maintainer: Remi Mommsen <remigius.momm...@cern.ch>
HomePage: http://www.n8gray.org/code/backup-bouncer/
DescDetail: <<
 Backup Bouncer is here to help keep the ugly backup tools
 out of the club. It's a command-line-based test suite that
 makes it easy to find out how bad (or good, if you're lucky)
 your backup software is. It aims to be a comprehensive test
 for preservation of all OS X file metadata.
DescPackaging: <<
 The patches fixing the resource forkes for 10.7 were developed by
 John Lillibridge <john.lillibri...@noaa.gov>.

BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12)
Depends: xcode

Source: http://github.com/n8gray/Backup-Bouncer/tarball/release-%v
Source-MD5: 91ad3f6afe7819e31fc421d69fd715d9
SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz
SourceDirectory: n8gray-Backup-Bouncer-506a35c

PatchFile: %n.patch
PatchFile-MD5: a5c42f7f243d22e4c288827546ab34cc
PatchScript: <<
 /usr/bin/sed -i'.bak' -e 's:`dirname $0`:%p/share/%n:' bbouncer

CompileScript: <<

InstallScript: <<
 /usr/bin/install -m 755 -d %i/share/%n
 # mv files into place to assure preservance of all special attributes
 /bin/mv bbouncer copiers.d tests.d util %i/share/%n/
 /bin/rm -f %i/share/%n/util/*.c %i/share/%n/util/Makefile
 /usr/bin/install -m 755 -d %i/bin
 /bin/ln -s ../share/%n/bbouncer %i/bin/

PreRmScript: <<
 /bin/rm -f %p/share/%n/*.sparseimage

--- NEW FILE: backupbouncer.patch ---
diff -Naur bb.orig/tests.d/30-resource-forks.test 
--- bb.orig/tests.d/30-resource-forks.test      2009-09-16 03:26:42.000000000 
+++ bb.new/tests.d/30-resource-forks.test       2011-08-16 09:58:52.000000000 
@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@
     cd $1
     set -e
     echo "testing 1 2 3" > some-file
-    echo "Hello world" > some-file/rsrc
+    echo "Hello world" > some-file/..namedfork/rsrc
     echo "Apple's rsync had issues with resource forks + hardlinks" > hl-rfork1
     ln hl-rfork1 hl-rfork2
-    echo "Let's see what happens..." > hl-rfork1/rsrc
+    echo "Let's see what happens..." > hl-rfork1/..namedfork/rsrc
 compare () {
     set -e
     # We only test regular files.  Should we test others?
     if [ -f "$1" ]; then
-        cmp "$1/rsrc" "$2/rsrc"
+        cmp "$1/..namedfork/rsrc" "$2/..namedfork/rsrc"
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     test -e ./some-file \
         && grep -q '^testing 1 2 3$' ./some-file \
-        && grep -q '^Hello world$' ./some-file/rsrc
+        && grep -q '^Hello world$' ./some-file/..namedfork/rsrc
     subtest "on files" $x1
diff -Naur bb.orig/tests.d/99-combo-tests.test 
--- bb.orig/tests.d/99-combo-tests.test 2009-09-16 03:26:42.000000000 +0200
+++ bb.new/tests.d/99-combo-tests.test  2011-08-16 09:59:43.000000000 +0200
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
     set -e
     touch xattr-with-rfork
-    echo "I love pancakes so much" > xattr-with-rfork/rsrc
+    echo "I love pancakes so much" > xattr-with-rfork/..namedfork/rsrc
     xattr-util w fairy.tale \
             "My friend Goldilocks, she does things she shouldn't do" \

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