Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/languages
In directory 

Added Files:
        cm3-doc.info cm3.info f2c.info pforth.info pforth.patch 
        smarteiffel.info smarteiffel.patch sml-mode.info 
        smlnj-doc.info smlnj-doc.patch smlnj-runtime.info 
        smlnj-runtime.patch system-fortran.info 
Removed Files:
        cm3-5.2.4-2.info cm3-doc-5.2.4-1.info f2c-20030428-1.info 
        pforth-21-1.info pforth-21-1.patch smarteiffel-1.1-1.info 
        smarteiffel-1.1-1.patch sml-mode-3.9.5-13.info 
        smlnj-doc-110-2.info smlnj-doc-110-2.patch 
        smlnj-runtime-110.42-1.info smlnj-runtime-110.42-1.patch 
Log Message:
Rename %f->%n

--- cm3-5.2.4-2.info DELETED ---

--- smarteiffel-1.1-1.patch DELETED ---

--- NEW FILE: smarteiffel.info ---
Package: smarteiffel
Version: 1.1
Revision: 1
Conflicts: smalleiffel
Replaces: smalleiffel
Description: GNU Eiffel compiler, version 1.1
DescDetail: <<
SmartEiffel (previously known as SmallEiffel) is intended to be a
complete, though small and very fast, free Eiffel compiler; it is the
result of a research project of the LORIA, a joint computer science
research center in Nancy, France. The current distribution includes
compilers from Eiffel to C and Java bytecode, debugger, documentation
tool, pretty printer and various other tools.
License: GPL
DescPackaging: <<
Small patches to get things to work with files in good locations
Source: ftp://ftp.loria.fr/pub/loria/SmartEiffel/Oldies/se-%v.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: babb4fd865abf3251a35e819204470e3
SourceDirectory: SmartEiffel
PatchScript: sed -e 's:@@PREFIX@@:%p:g' <%a/%n.patch | patch -p1
CompileScript: <<
cc -o se_install install.c
(echo ''; echo '1'; echo '1'; echo '%b/fink-compiletime-serc'; echo ''; echo 
'4'; echo '5'; echo ''; echo '6') | ./se_install
InstallScript: <<
mkdir -p %i/lib/%n
cp -R lib/* %i/lib/%n/
mkdir -p %i/bin
rm bin/README.txt
install -m 755  bin/* %i/bin/
mkdir -p %i/share/%n
cp -R contrib misc short sys tools tutorial %i/share/%n
mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n
cp -R man %i/share/doc/%n/
mkdir -p %i/etc/profile.d
install -m 755 %n.sh %i/etc/profile.d/
install -m 755 %n.csh %i/etc/profile.d/
install -m 755 fink-serc %i/etc/serc
Homepage: http://SmartEiffel.loria.fr/
Maintainer:  Damien Pollet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- sml-mode-3.9.5-13.info DELETED ---

--- smlnj-runtime-110.42-1.info DELETED ---

--- NEW FILE: cm3-doc.info ---
Package: cm3-doc
Version: 5.2.4
Revision: 1
Maintainer: Matthias Neeracher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Source: http://www.elegosoft.com/cm3/cm3-doc-%v.tgz
Source-MD5: 9d02db9b7bde6907b1d3b2239960d7ce
NoSourceDirectory: true
CompileScript: echo 'No assembly required!'
InstallScript: <<
mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n
mv doc/* %i/share/doc/%n 
Description: Critical Mass Modula-3 Compiler Documentation
DescDetail: <<
This is the documentation package for the Critical Mass Modula-3 Compiler
License: Restrictive/Distributable
Homepage: http://www.m3.org

--- NEW FILE: sml-mode.info ---
Package: sml-mode
Version: 3.9.5
Revision: 13
Description: Emacs mode for editing Standard ML source code
DescDetail: <<
SML-MODE is a major Emacs mode for editing Standard ML. It provides
syntax highlighting and automatic indentation and comes with sml-proc
which allows interaction with an inferior SML interactive loop.
License: GPL
Homepage: http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/what/smlnj/software.html#contrib
Maintainer: None <fink-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>

Depends: emacsen

CustomMirror: <<
 Primary: ftp://flint.cs.yale.edu/pub/monnier/sml-mode/
 Secondary: ftp://ftp.research.bell-labs.com/dist/smlnj/contrib/emacs/
Source: mirror:custom:%n-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 6496ac75c6db10b4ee34ba03a04375be
GCC: 3.3

CompileScript: make elcfiles info
InstallScript: <<
 mkdir -p %i/share/emacs/site-lisp %i/share/info
 make install_elc install_el lispdir=%i/share/emacs/site-lisp
 cp *.info* %i/share/info
InfoDocs: sml-mode.info

DescPort: <<
Users can make use of this by adding
(load "sml-mode/sml-mode-startup") to their .emacs files.

--- NEW FILE: system-fortran.info ---
Package: system-fortran
Version: 7.0
Revision: 1
Type: bundle
Maintainer: Jeffrey Whitaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Description: Placeholder package for manually installed Absoft ProFortran
DescDetail: <<
Install this package if you have the commerical Absoft fortran installed. It 
will check
whether the installation is okay and provide the 'system-fortran' virtual 
PreInstScript: <<
if [ -d /Applications/Absoft ]; then
  for file in bin/f77 bin/f90 bin/f90 ; do
    if [ ! -f "/Applications/Absoft/$file" ]; then
      echo "$missing /Applications/Absoft/$file"
  if [ $mcount -ge 1 ]; then
    echo "Your Absoft Fortran installation is incomplete!"
    exit 1
    echo "Your Absoft Fortran installation looks OK."
    exit 0
  echo "Absoft Fortran not installed."
  exit 1

--- smlnj-doc-110-2.info DELETED ---

--- NEW FILE: f2c.info ---
Package: f2c
Version: 20030428
Revision: 3
#BuildDependsOnly: true
Source: mirror:sourceforge:fink/%n-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 7d88946325ce016cc4b002d89b5b20fc
Suggests:  fort77
CompileScript: <<
 gunzip -f src/*.gz
 mv src/notice src/Notice
 mv src/readme src/README
 sed 's/CFLAGS = -O/CFLAGS = -O2 -fno-common/; s/ld -r -x/ld -r/' 
libf2c/makefile.u > libf2c/makefile
 mv src/makefile src/makefile.orig
 sed 's/CFLAGS = -O/CFLAGS = -O2 -fno-common/; s/ld -r -x/ld -r/' 
src/makefile.orig > src/makefile
 (cd libf2c; make hadd; make; cd ../src; make)
 mv fc fc.orig
 sed 's/CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $O"/CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $O""3"/; s/ -lm//g; s/ -u 
MAIN__//g; s|/usr/local|%p|g; s/lib\/cpp/usr\/bin\/cpp/g' fc.orig > fc
 chmod +x fc
InstallScript: <<
 mkdir -p %i/include
 cp libf2c/f2c.h %i/include
 mkdir -p %i/lib
 cp libf2c/libf2c.a %i/lib
 ranlib %i/lib/libf2c.a
 mkdir -p %i/bin
 cp src/f2c %i/bin
 cp fc %i/bin
 mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1
 cp src/f2c.1t %i/share/man/man1/f2c.1
DocFiles: README libf2c/Notice
License: OSI-Approved 
Description: Convert Fortran 77 source to C source
DescUsage: <<
The shell script fc converts f77 source code to c, and compiles the c.
It acts very much like a 'real' compiler.  The fort77 package provides
a perl script with similar, but added, functionality.
To test:  f2c myprog.f
          cc -O2 -I $PREFIX/include -L$PREFIX/lib -lf2c -o myprog myprog.c
          setenv F2CFLAGS {any flags you want fc to pass to f2c here}
          fc -O -o myprog myprog.f; ./myprog
where $PREFIX is the root of fink's directory hierarchy (/sw by default).

There is no versioning system for f2c - you should periodically rebuild
the package to get the latest changes.  See the "readme" file for the
Maintainer: Jeffrey Whitaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Homepage: http://www.netlib.org/f2c

--- NEW FILE: smlnj-runtime.patch ---
diff -u -r -P src/runtime/LICENSE runtime/LICENSE
--- src/runtime/LICENSE Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
+++ runtime/LICENSE     Fri Mar 15 01:31:38 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Copyright (c) Lucent Technologies
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
+its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
+granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all
+copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission
+notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation,
+and that the name of Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs or any Lucent
+entity not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior
+Lucent disclaims all warranties with regard to this software,
+including all implied warranties of merchantability and
+fitness. In no event shall Lucent be liable for any special,
+indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever
+resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action
+of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of
+or in connection with the use or performance of this software.
diff -u -r -P src/runtime/smlnj-script runtime/smlnj-script
--- src/runtime/smlnj-script    Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
+++ runtime/smlnj-script        Fri Mar 15 01:27:10 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+APP=`basename -- $0`
+case $APP in
+    smlnj-script)
+        echo "Please do not run \"smlnj-script\" directly."
+        echo "It should be symlinked to an application name."
+        exit 1
+        ;;
+exec smlnj-runtime @SMLcmdname=$0 @SMLload=$HEAPDIR/$APP @SMLalloc=$ALLOC "$@"

--- pforth-21-1.patch DELETED ---

--- NEW FILE: smarteiffel.patch ---
diff -ruN SmartEiffel/fink-serc SmartEiffel-patched/fink-serc
--- SmartEiffel/fink-serc       Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ SmartEiffel-patched/fink-serc       Fri Jun 20 01:02:34 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+-- This is the configuration file of SmartEiffel, generated by the
+-- SmartEiffel installer.
+-- If you have any problems or questions, please:
+--   - either look at the SmartEiffel site (http://SmartEiffel.loria.fr)
+--   - or contact the SmartEiffel team ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
+-- ======================================================================= --
+-- This section contains some general-purpose keys. They describe how is the
+-- SmartEiffel distribution arranged, and on which operating system it was
+-- installed.
+-- The 'bin' key is the path to the directory that contains the SmartEiffel
+-- directory. It is used by 'compile' to find 'compile_to_c'.
+-- The 'sys' directory is used to find the C and Java files used by the
+-- compilers.
+-- The 'short' directory is used by the 'short' utility to fotmat the output.
+-- The 'os' key tells on which system SmartEiffel is installed on.
+-- At last, 'tag' gives the version of install configuration (used only by the
+-- installer)
+bin: @@PREFIX@@/bin/
+sys: @@PREFIX@@/share/smarteiffel/sys/
+short: @@PREFIX@@/share/smarteiffel/short/
+os: UNIX
+tag: 1
+-- This section contains the default loadpaths used by this SmartEiffel
+-- installation.
+-- The key is a mere description and serves no other purpose,
+-- The value of the key is the path to a loadpath file.
+-- Note that the loadpath files ar read in the order given below.
+lib: @@PREFIX@@/lib/smarteiffel/loadpath.se
+tools: @@PREFIX@@/share/smarteiffel/tools/loadpath.se
+tutorial: @@PREFIX@@/share/smarteiffel/tutorial/loadpath.se
+-- ======================================================================= --
+-- Below are the "C mode" sections. Each C mode describes which C compiler must
+-- be called, with which options, which linker, and so on. The keys are
+-- described below.
+-- The first sections (boost, ..., debug_check) are by default used in
+-- conjunction with the corresponding SmartEiffel check level. This behaviour
+-- may be changed by using the -c_mode flag.
+-- The recognized keys in each section are:
+-- 'compiler_type', which tells which is the compiler type to use
+-- 'compiler_path', which gives the path to the compiler executable
+-- 'compiler_options', which gives some options to the compiler
+-- 'linker_path', which gives the path to the linker executable (not used in
+--  -no_split mode)
+-- 'linker_options', which gives some options for the linker (not used in
+--  -no_split mode)
+-- 'smarteiffel_options', which gives some extra SmartEiffel options to take
+--  into account
+c_compiler_type: gcc
+c_compiler_options: -pipe -O2
+cpp_compiler_type: g++
+cpp_compiler_options: -pipe -O2
+c_compiler_type: gcc
+c_compiler_options: -pipe -O1
+cpp_compiler_type: g++
+cpp_compiler_options: -pipe -O1
+c_compiler_type: gcc
+c_compiler_options: -pipe
+cpp_compiler_type: g++
+cpp_compiler_options: -pipe
+c_compiler_type: gcc
+c_compiler_options: -pipe
+cpp_compiler_type: g++
+cpp_compiler_options: -pipe
+c_compiler_type: gcc
+c_compiler_options: -pipe
+cpp_compiler_type: g++
+cpp_compiler_options: -pipe
+c_compiler_type: gcc
+c_compiler_options: -pipe
+cpp_compiler_type: g++
+cpp_compiler_options: -pipe
+c_compiler_type: gcc
+c_compiler_options: -pipe
+cpp_compiler_type: g++
+cpp_compiler_options: -pipe
+c_compiler_type: gcc
+c_compiler_options: -pipe -g
+cpp_compiler_type: g++
+cpp_compiler_options: -pipe -g
+smarteiffel_options: -no_strip
+c_compiler_type: gcc
+c_compiler_options: -pipe -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
+cpp_compiler_type: g++
+cpp_compiler_options: -pipe -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
+smarteiffel_options: -no_split -compact
diff -ruN SmartEiffel/smarteiffel.csh SmartEiffel-patched/smarteiffel.csh
--- SmartEiffel/smarteiffel.csh Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ SmartEiffel-patched/smarteiffel.csh Fri Jun 20 01:00:21 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#setenv SmartEiffel @@PREFIX@@/share/smarteiffel/sys/system.se
+#setenv CLASSPATH 
diff -ruN SmartEiffel/smarteiffel.sh SmartEiffel-patched/smarteiffel.sh
--- SmartEiffel/smarteiffel.sh  Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ SmartEiffel-patched/smarteiffel.sh  Fri Jun 20 01:00:06 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#export SmartEiffel=@@PREFIX@@/share/smarteiffel/sys/system.se
diff -ruN SmartEiffel/tools/system_tools.e 
--- SmartEiffel/tools/system_tools.e    Mon Jun 16 11:56:20 2003
+++ SmartEiffel-patched/tools/system_tools.e    Fri Jun 20 00:55:23 2003
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
                   i := i + 1
-               s := once "/etc/serc"
+               s := once "@@PREFIX@@/etc/serc"
                if Result.upper >= i then

--- pforth-21-1.info DELETED ---

--- f2c-20030428-1.info DELETED ---

--- smarteiffel-1.1-1.info DELETED ---

--- NEW FILE: pforth.patch ---
--- /tmp/pf/Makefile    Mon Apr  6 17:13:12 1998
+++ ./Makefile  Thu Jan  9 13:50:28 2003
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
         -fno-unroll-loops \
         -fpeephole \
         -fno-keep-inline-functions \
-        -x c++ \
         -Wcast-qual \
         -Wall \
         -Wwrite-strings \
@@ -69,7 +68,7 @@
 # build basic dictionary by running newly built pforth and including system.fth
 pforth.dic: pforth
-       pforth -i system.fth
+       ./pforth -i system.fth
 ${SOURCEDIR}/pfdicdat.h: pforth pforth.dic
        @(echo 'INCLUDE utils/savedicd.fth'; \

--- smlnj-runtime-110.42-1.patch DELETED ---

--- NEW FILE: smlnj-doc.patch ---
diff -u -r -P smlnj/doc/CM/index.html smlnj-new/doc/CM/index.html
--- smlnj/doc/CM/index.html     Tue Feb 24 18:15:34 1998
+++ smlnj-new/doc/CM/index.html Wed Mar 20 00:22:36 2002
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@
 <!--End of Navigation Panel-->
+<i>Warning,</i> this document is way outdated and most of what is written
+here is wrong.  A draft version of the <a href="../CM.pdf">new CM
+manual</a> [pdf] is available.
 A Compilation Manager for SML/NJ<BR>
 <EM>User Manual</EM></H1>
diff -u -r -P smlnj/doc/smlnj-lib/index.html smlnj-new/doc/smlnj-lib/index.html
--- smlnj/doc/smlnj-lib/index.html      Tue Feb 24 18:15:31 1998
+++ smlnj-new/doc/smlnj-lib/index.html  Wed Mar 20 00:24:26 2002
@@ -17,6 +17,14 @@
 <H1 ALIGN=CENTER>The SML/NJ Library</H1>
+<div align=center>
+<a href="toc.html">Table of Contents</a>
+<a href="index-all.html">Index</a>
+<a href="sigs/">Signatures</a>
 The documentation for the SML/NJ Library has not yet been updated.
 But there is a brief 

--- system-fortran-7.0-1.info DELETED ---

--- NEW FILE: cm3.info ---
Package: cm3
Version: 5.2.4
Revision: 2
Depends: cm3-dev, cm3-doc
Maintainer: Matthias Neeracher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Type: bundle
Description: Critical Mass Modula-3 Compiler Bundle
DescDetail: <<
This package pulls in all Critical Mass Modula-3 related packages, both the
compiler and its documentation. This is probably your ideal choice for actual
Modula-3 development.

If you just want to compile some Modula-3 package, cm3-dev should be
sufficient. To run dynamically linked cm3 programs, install cm3-shlibs.
License: Restrictive/Distributable
Homepage: http://www.m3.org

--- NEW FILE: pforth.info ---
Package: pforth
Version: 21
Revision: 1
NoSourceDirectory: true
SourceRename: %n-%v.zip
Source: http://www.softsynth.com/pforth/pfthpc%v.zip
Source-MD5: d1793d327494f7d3b6fd3993224ea84e
Patch: %n.patch
DocFiles: <<
  README.txt docs/pf_ref.htm docs/pf_todo.txt 
  docs/pf_tut.htm docs/pfmanual.txt
CompileScript: <<
  mkdir objects
  cp csrc/pf_main.c foo
  cat foo | sed s^pforth.dic^%p/lib/pforth/pforth.dic^ > csrc/pf_main.c
InstallScript: <<
  install -d %i/bin
  install pforth %i/bin/
  install -d %i/lib/pforth
  install pforth.dic %i/lib/pforth/
  install -d %i/share/pforth
  install *.fth %i/share/pforth/
  install -d %i/share/pforth/utils
  install utils/*.fth %i/share/pforth/utils/
Description: Portable ANS-like Forth written in ANSI 'C'
DescDetail: <<
PForth is an ANSI style Forth designed to be portable across many
platforms.  The 'P' in pForth stands for "Portable". PForth is based
on a Forth kernel written in ANSI standard 'C'.

PForth has been designed with portability as the primary design
goal. As a result, pForth avoids any fancy UNIX calls. pForth also
avoids using any clever and original ways of constructing the Forth
dictionary. It just compiles its kernel from ANSI compatible 'C' code
then loads ANS compatible Forth code to build the dictionary. Very
boring but very likely to work on almost any platform.

The pForth software code is dedicated to the public domain, and any
third party may reproduce, distribute and modify the pForth software
code or any derivative works thereof without any compensation or
license. The pForth software code is provided on an "as is" basis
without any warranty of any kind, including, without limitation, the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose and their equivalents under the laws of any jurisdiction.
License: Public Domain
Homepage: http://www.softsynth.com/pforth
Maintainer: Jorge Acereda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- NEW FILE: smlnj-runtime.info ---
Package: smlnj-runtime
Version: 110.42
Revision: 1
Description: Standard ML of New Jersey runtime system
Maintainer: Christopher League <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Homepage: http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/what/smlnj/
License: BSD
Suggests: smlnj
CustomMirror: <<
 Primary: ftp://ftp.research.bell-labs.com/dist/smlnj/working/
 Secondary: ftp://flint.cs.yale.edu/pub/smlnj/working/
 eur-AT: ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/languages/smlnj/working/
Source: mirror:custom:%v/runtime.tgz
SourceRename: %v-runtime.tgz
SourceDirectory: runtime
Source-MD5: 2fbd0a8bf452c7ada0369fec1c3b732c
Source2: mirror:custom:%v/%v-README
DocFiles: LICENSE ../%v-README
Patch: %n.patch
CompileScript: cd objs; case `uname -r` in 5.*) make -f mk.ppc-darwin5;; *) 
make -f mk.ppc-darwin;; esac
InstallScript: <<
  mkdir -p %i/bin
  cp objs/run.ppc-darwin* %i/bin/smlnj-runtime
  sed -e "s,@PREFIX@,%p," smlnj-script >> %i/bin/smlnj-script
  chmod 755 %i/bin/smlnj-script
DescDetail: <<
SML/NJ is an implementation of the Standard ML programming language,
produced and maintained by researchers at Bell Labs, Princeton, Yale,
and AT&T Research.  This package includes the runtime system only --
it provides garbage collection and other support for compiled SML

Install this package if you want to run programs written in SML.
DescUsage: <<
End users will not use this package directly.  It installs one
executable (smlnj-runtime) and one shell script (smlnj-script) in
bin/.  These are used to run other programs written in SML -- invoking
them on their own is rarely useful.
DescPackaging: <<
I ignored the installation script provided by Bell Labs.  I also wrote
the smlnj-script, which looks for a "heap file" with the same name as
$0 in <ROOT>/lib/smlnj/ and then invokes smlnj-runtime with the
requisite arguments.  To package an SML program as an executable,
please place the heap file in <ROOT>/lib/smlnj/ and then create a
symlink to smlnj-script with the program name.
Source2-MD5: ab7a93ffc3b886450d4e5ad665fbbba8 

--- smlnj-doc-110-2.patch DELETED ---

--- cm3-doc-5.2.4-1.info DELETED ---

--- NEW FILE: smlnj-doc.info ---
Package: smlnj-doc
Version: 110
Revision: 2
Description: Documentation for Standard ML of New Jersey
Maintainer: Christopher League <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Homepage: http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/what/smlnj/
License: BSD
Suggests: smlnj
Source: ftp://ftp.research.bell-labs.com/dist/smlnj/doc/SMLNJ/smlnj.tar.Z
SourceRename: %v-%n.tar.Z
SourceDirectory: smlnj
Source2: http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/what/smlnj/doc/CM/new.pdf
Source2Rename: %v-cm.pdf
Source3Rename: 110.39-smlnj-lib.tgz
Patch: %n.patch
CompileScript: <<
  cd ../smlnj-lib && find . -name '*-sig.sml' -or -name '*.cm' | xargs tar cf 
InstallScript: <<
  mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n
  mv * %i/share/doc/%n
  mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n/doc
  mv ../%v-cm.pdf %i/share/doc/%n/doc/CM.pdf
  mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n/doc/smlnj-lib/sigs
  cp ../smlnj-lib/Doc/HTML/* %i/share/doc/%n/doc/smlnj-lib
  (cd %i/share/doc/%n/doc/smlnj-lib/sigs && tar xf -) < ../sigs.tgz
DescDetail: <<
SML/NJ is an implementation of the Standard ML programming language,
produced and maintained by researchers at Bell Labs, Princeton, Yale,
and AT&T Research.  Standard ML has many features, including type
safety, algebraic data types with pattern matching, higher-order
functions, and a sophisticated module system.  It is especially
well-suited for writing compilers and other language processors.

This package includes all the documentation from the SML/NJ web site
at Bell Labs.  It refers to version 110, the last official release.
Probably you are using a newer working version, so some of the
documentation is out of date.  It will nevertheless be useful if you
program in SML.
Source-MD5: df81a2da46c28c0803b690ee2bad8fed 
Source2-MD5: 8be75df3c9ddc321664eb6b1a8626607 
Source3-MD5: 2ffec46d10e6dd9620c2895d8b59e570 

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