Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4-transitional/stable/main/finkinfo/devel
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv32475

Added Files:
        cc65-c64.info cc65.info 
Log Message:
Bring cc65 and cc65-c64 into stable/

--- NEW FILE: cc65.info ---
Package: cc65
Version: 2.10.1
Revision: 1
BuildDepends: gcc3.3
Source: http://www.funet.fi/pub/cbm/programming/%n/%n-sources-%v.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: ea600666a514a792d2a18c4af2859380
SourceDirectory: %n-%v
CompileScript: <<
cd src ; make CC=gcc-3.3 CDEFS='-DCC65_INC=\"%p/lib/cc65/include/\" 
-DCC65_LIB=\"%p/lib/cc65/lib\"' -f make/gcc.mak
cd libsrc ; make
InstallScript: <<
mkdir -p %i/bin/
mkdir -p %i/lib/cc65/lib/
mkdir -p %i/lib/cc65/include/geos/
cp libsrc/*.lib %i/lib/cc65/lib/
cp libsrc/*.o %i/lib/cc65/lib/
chmod 644 %i/lib/cc65/lib/*
cp include/*.h %i/lib/cc65/include/
cp include/geos/*.h %i/lib/cc65/include/geos/
chmod 644 %i/lib/cc65/include/*.h
chmod 644 %i/lib/cc65/include/geos/*
for bin in ar65 ca65 cc65 cl65 da65 grc ld65 od65 ca65html; do install -m0755 
src/$bin/$bin %i/bin; done
Description: 6502 cross compilation tools
DescDetail: <<
Crosscompiler/Crossassembler for 6502 systems
A C crosscompiler for 6502 systems, including a macroassembler that
supports 6502, 65SC02 and 65816 CPUs, a linker, an archiver and some
other tools. To create programs for one of the supported target
machines, you have to install at least one of the library packages.
License: GPL
Maintainer: Rob Braun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- NEW FILE: cc65-c64.info ---
Package: cc65-c64
Version: 2.10.1
Revision: 1
Depends: cc65
Source: http://www.funet.fi/pub/cbm/programming/cc65/%n-%v-1.zip
Source-MD5: 5f9e0c66a38be31c156dbcdbb9a1ff14
NoSourceDirectory: yes
CompileScript: <<
echo No compliation needed.  Just repackaging.
InstallScript: <<
mkdir -p %i/lib/cc65/lib/
cp -R . %i/lib/cc65/
rm -rf %i/lib/cc65/include/c64.h %i/lib/cc65/lib/
Description: C64 specific files for cc65
DescDetail: <<
C64 specific files for cc65
License: GPL
Maintainer: Rob Braun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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