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new package

--- NEW FILE: structuresynth.info ---
Package: structuresynth
Version: 0.9.5
Revision: 1002
Depends: glib2-shlibs (>= 2.18.4-3), libgettext3-shlibs (>= 0.14.5-2), libiconv 
(>= 1.12-3), libpng3-shlibs (>= 1:1.2.33-1), qt4-x11-core-shlibs (>= 4.5.0-4), 
qt4-x11-gui-shlibs (>= 4.5.0-4), x11, x11-shlibs
BuildDepends: glib2-dev (>= 2.18.4-3), libgettext3-dev (>= 0.14.5-2), 
libiconv-dev (>= 1.12-3), libpng3-dev (>= 1:1.2.33-1), qt4-x11 (>= 4.5.0-4), 
Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/StructureSynth-Source-v%v.zip
Source-MD5: 15595272c3b84a2e2ee61533d83d604e
PatchScript: << 
        %p/lib/qt4-x11/bin/qmake -project -after "CONFIG += opengl"
        %p/lib/qt4-x11/bin/qmake StructureSynth-Source-v0.9.5.pro
        perl -pi -e "s,INCPATH       =,INCPATH       = 
-I%p/lib/qt4-x11/include/QtXml -I%p/lib/qt4-x11/include/QtScript 
-I%p/lib/qt4-x11/include/QtOpenGL ,;s,-lQtCore,-lQtCore -lQtOpenGL -lQtScript 
-lQtXml,;s,-O2,-Os,g" Makefile
CompileScript: make
InstallScript: mkdir -p %i/bin && cp -p StructureSynth-Source-v0 
DocFiles: LICENSE*
License: GPL
GCC: 4.0
Homepage: http://structuresynth.sourceforge.net
Maintainer: Jack Fink <jackf...@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: 3D structure creator
DescDetail: <<
        Structure Synth is an application for creating 3D structures from a set 
        user specified rules. It is an attempt to make a 3D version of Context 

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