Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/libs/perlmods
In directory sfp-cvsdas-3.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv16738

Modified Files:
Log Message:
fix self-tests on 32bit. Step 1: don't subvert default CompileScript, patch 
poor Makefile.PL behavior (allows more automatic propagation of perl interp); 
Step 2: interp can't introspect our /usr/bin/arch wrapper, so patch to allow 
propagating via env var

Index: xml-twig-pm.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.22
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -d -r1.22 -r1.23
--- xml-twig-pm.info    16 May 2010 17:13:42 -0000      1.22
+++ xml-twig-pm.info    6 Aug 2010 20:03:46 -0000       1.23
@@ -11,25 +11,33 @@
 # There is a bug in fink's perl packages which sets perlpath to %p/bin/perl
 # instead of %p/bin/perlx.y.z so the tests fail if perlxyz isn't installed
 # in addition to perlxyz-core. This patch works around the bug.
-PatchScript: perl -pi -e 's/\$Config{perlpath}/"perl%type_raw[perl]"/g' t/*.t
-CompileScript: <<
-  ARCHFLAGS="" perl%type_raw[perl] Makefile.PL -y \
-    PERL=`which perl%type_raw[perl]` \
-    PREFIX=%p \
-    INSTALLPRIVLIB=%p/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl] \
-    INSTALLARCHLIB=%p/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]/darwin-thread-multi-2level \
-    INSTALLSITELIB=%p/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl] \
-    INSTALLSITEARCH=%p/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]/darwin-thread-multi-2level \
-    INSTALLMAN1DIR=%p/share/man/man1 \
-    INSTALLMAN3DIR=%p/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]/man/man3 \
-    INSTALLSITEMAN1DIR=%p/share/man/man1 \
-    INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR=%p/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]/man/man3 \
-    INSTALLBIN=%p/bin \
-    INSTALLSITEBIN=%p/bin \
-  make
+PatchScript: <<
+  perl -pi -e 's/\$Config{perlpath}/"perl%type_raw[perl]"/g' t/*.t
+  # hardcode the desired option
+  perl -pi -e 's/\$ARGV\[0\]/"-y"/g' Makefile.PL
+  # perl tests aren't getting propagated perl interp flags even if
+  # perl's perlpath var is set correctly
+  perl -pi -e 's/\$\^X/\$ENV{FULLPERL}/' t/test_autoencoding_conversion.t 
t/test_errors.t t/test_xml_split.t t/test_xml_split_g.t
+  perl -pi -e 's/\$\^X/"\$ENV{FULLPERL}"/' t/tools.pm
+  # ...and because it could be a multi-shellword thing, gotta quote
+  # it when passed as a command parameter
+  perl -pi -e 's/(\$perl.*)(\$perl)/\1"\2"/' t/test_errors.t
+InfoTest: <<
+  TestDepends: test-pod-pm, test-pod-coverage-pm, 
xml-simple-pm%type_pkg[perl], xml-sax-writer-pm%type_pkg[perl], 
+  TestScript: <<
+  #!/bin/sh -ev
+    perlversion=%type_raw[perl]
+    if dpkg --compare-versions "$perlversion" ">=" "5.10.0" && [ "%m" != 
"powerpc" ]; then
+      export FULLPERL="/usr/bin/arch -%m perl$perlversion"
+    else
+      export FULLPERL="\$^X"
+    fi
+    %{default_script}
+  <<
-InfoTest: TestDepends: test-pod-pm, test-pod-coverage-pm, 
xml-simple-pm%type_pkg[perl], xml-sax-writer-pm%type_pkg[perl], 
 InstallScript: <<
 #!/bin/sh -ev
@@ -69,6 +77,7 @@
   Justin Hallett - removed make test as it faild do to a perl bug with <DATA>
                    usage and clean up, xml-twig-pm works fine.
   dmacks - fixed -pmXXX orthogonality
+  dmacks - more fixes for perl interp used during self-test
 License: Artistic
 Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <dan...@daniel-johnson.org>

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