Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci
In directory sc8-pr-cvs17.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv15346

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
Finally got patchy to work

Index: cernlib2005.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci/cernlib2005.info,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -d -r1.6 -r1.7
--- cernlib2005.info    29 Sep 2007 22:58:47 -0000      1.6
+++ cernlib2005.info    11 Dec 2007 03:46:56 -0000      1.7
@@ -2,15 +2,19 @@
 Package: cernlib2005-%type_pkg[fortran]
 Type: fortran (g77 gfortran)
 Version: 2005
-Revision: 2010
+Revision: 2011
 Description: Paw and other basic executables
 Architecture: (%type_pkg[fortran] = g77) powerpc
-Depends: x11
+Depends: <<
+  x11,
+  (%type_pkg[fortran] = gfortran) gcc42-shlibs
 BuildDepends: <<
   (%type_pkg[fortran] = g77)      g77,
-  (%type_pkg[fortran] = gfortran) gcc42
+  (%type_pkg[fortran] = gfortran) gcc42,
+  (%type_pkg[fortran] = gfortran) patchy4-gfortran
 Conflicts: <<
@@ -58,7 +62,7 @@
 Source12Rename: cernlib-%v_geant321.tar.gz
 Source13: mirror:custom:%v_source/tar/src_patchy.tar.gz
 Source13Rename: cernlib-%v_patchy.tar.gz
-Source14: http://www-d0.fnal.gov/~mommsen/fink/cernlib2005-%r.patch.tgz
+Source14: http://www-d0.fnal.gov/~mommsen/fink/cernlib2005_1.patch.tgz
 Source-MD5: 03bfd1239e57a23ab087bf29fe48c8a8
 Source2-MD5: b72b89cb3a7f7c592d28b992c95b4eff
 Source3-MD5: 9ebd72a2b6e5349b25fc93e7b20c172a
@@ -76,9 +80,9 @@
 SourceDirectory: %v/src
 PatchScript: <<
   #!/bin/sh -ev
-  if [ "%m" == "powerpc" ] ; 
-    then ARCH="PPC" ; 
-    else ARCH="I386" ;
+  if [ "%m" == "powerpc" ]
+    then ARCH="PPC"
+    else ARCH="I386"
   sed "s|@PREFIX@|%p|g" < ../../%n.patch | sed "s|@ARCH@|${ARCH}|g" | patch -p1
   patch -p1 < ../../cernlib2005.patch
@@ -103,11 +107,34 @@
   (cd packlib; make install.bin) || exit 1
   (cd graflib; make install.bin) || exit 1
   (cd pawlib; make install.bin) || exit 1
+  if [[ "%m" == "i386" && "%type_raw[fortran]" == "gfortran" ]] ; then
+    make patchy/Makefile
+    (cd patchy; make install.bin) || exit 1
+  fi 
   make install.include CERN_INCLUDEDIR=${CERN_ROOT}/include
 InstallScript: <<
   install -d %i/bin
-  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/* %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/cdbackup %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/cdmake %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/cdmove %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/cdserv %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/cernlib %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/dzedit %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/dzeX11 %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/fatback %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/fatmen %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/fatnew %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/fatsend %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/fatsrv %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/hepdb %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/kuesvr %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/kuipc %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/paw %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/pawserv %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/pawX11 %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/zftp %i/bin
+  install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/zserv %i/bin
 InfoTest: <<
   TestSuiteSize: large
@@ -164,10 +191,11 @@
     %N (=%v-%r)
-  Files: <<
-    bin/paw++
-    bin/kxterm
-  <<  
+  InstallScript: <<
+    install -d %i/bin
+    install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/paw++ %i/bin 
+    install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/kxterm %i/bin
+ <<  
 SplitOff2: <<
   Description: Basic libraries and include files
@@ -257,6 +285,8 @@
   Depends: %N-dev (=%v-%r)
   InstallScript: <<
+    install -d %i/bin
+    install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/gxint %i/bin
     install -d %i/lib
     install -m 644 cernlib/%v/lib/libgeant321.a %i/lib
     install -m 644 cernlib/%v/lib/gxint321.f %i/lib
@@ -268,7 +298,6 @@
     install -d %i/include
     cp -r cernlib/%v/include/geant321 %i/include
-  Files: bin/gxint
 SplitOff4: <<
   Description: Monte-carlo libraries and files
@@ -335,6 +364,47 @@
     cp -r cernlib/%v/include/pythia6205 %i/include
+SplitOff5: <<
+  Description: CERNLIB patchy utilities
+  Package: patchy5-%type_pkg[fortran]
+  Provides: patchy, patchy5
+  Depends: %N-dev (=%v-%r)
+  InstallScript: <<
+    #!/bin/sh -ev
+    if [[ "%m" == "i386" && "%type_raw[fortran]" == "gfortran" ]] ; then
+      install -d %i/bin
+      install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/fcasplit %i/bin/fcasplit5
+      install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/nycheck %i/bin
+      install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/nydiff %i/bin
+      install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/nyindex %i/bin
+      install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/nylist %i/bin
+      install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/nymerge %i/bin
+      install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/nypatchy %i/bin
+      install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/nyshell %i/bin
+      install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/nysynopt %i/bin
+      install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/nytidy %i/bin
+      install -m 755 cernlib/%v/bin/yexpand %i/bin
+    else
+      install -d %i/share/doc/patchy
+      echo 
"*******************************************************************" > 
+      echo "* Patchy is currently on available on i386 compiled with gfortran 
*" >> %i/share/doc/patchy/README
+      echo "* This package is empty for other configurations.                 
*" >> %i/share/doc/patchy/README
+      echo 
"*******************************************************************" >> 
+    fi
+  <<  
+  PostInstScript: <<
+    if [[ "%m" == "i386" && "%type_raw[fortran]" == "gfortran" ]] ; then
+      update-alternatives --install %p/bin/fcasplit fcasplit %p/bin/fcasplit5 
+    else
+      cat %p/share/doc/patchy/README
+    fi
+  <<
+  PreRmScript: <<
+    if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then
+      update-alternatives --remove fcasplit %p/bin/fcasplit5
+    fi
+  <<
 RuntimeVars: <<
   CERN:       %p
   CERN_LEVEL: '.'

--- NEW FILE: patchy4.info ---
Info3: <<
Package: patchy4-%type_pkg[fortran]
#Type: fortran (g77 gfortran) in case that g77 comes to i386
Type: fortran (gfortran)
Version: 4.15
Revision: 1
Description: CERNLIB patchy utilities
Architecture: i386
BuildDepends: gcc42
Depends: gcc42-shlibs
Provides: patchy
Source: http://www-d0.fnal.gov/~mommsen/fink/patchy_%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 4f7cb685300dfb89d374bae1f07ab3d1
SourceDirectory: patchy/%v/src
CompileScript: <<
  #!/bin/sh -ev
  export PATH=..:.:$PATH
  /usr/bin/sed -i '.bak' 's:fort77:gfortran:g' rceta.sh
  rm -f rceta.f rceta.o rceta
  /usr/bin/sed -i '.bak' 's:f77:gfortran:g' p4boot.sh
  /usr/bin/sed -i '.bak' 's:f77:gfortran:g' fcasplit.f
  /usr/bin/sed -i '.bak' 's:-posix:-std=legacy:g' p4boot.sh
  /usr/bin/sed -i '.bak' 's:DOUBLE PRECISION ACTION:CHARACTER(8)     ACTION:g' 
  chmod a+x p4boot.sh
  ./p4boot.sh 0
  rm -f y*.o y.lis
InstallScript: <<
  install -d %i/bin
  install -m 755 y* %i/bin
  install -m 755 fcasplit %i/bin/fcasplit4
PostInstScript: <<
  update-alternatives --install %p/bin/fcasplit fcasplit %p/bin/fcasplit4 20
PreRmScript: <<
  if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then
    update-alternatives --remove fcasplit %p/bin/fcasplit4
License: GPL
DescDetail: <<
  Utilities for extracting sources from patchy cards and cradles.
Homepage: http://cernlib.web.cern.ch/cernlib
Maintainer: Remi Mommsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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