Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/libs/pythonmods
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv1677

Added Files:
        dulwich-py.info python-fastimport-py.info testtools-py.info 
Log Message:
Move to 10.7.

--- NEW FILE: dulwich-py.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: dulwich-py%type_pkg[python]
Version: 0.7.1
Revision: 1
Type: python (2.6 2.7)
Source: http://samba.org/~jelmer/dulwich/dulwich-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: ee1713c574146735490c229cdef5375e
BuildDepends: distribute-py%type_pkg[python], fink (>= 0.24.12)
Depends: python%type_pkg[python], python-fastimport-py%type_pkg[python]

PatchScript: <<
  sed -i.bak -e's/-arch i386 -arch x86_64//' setup.py
  sed -i.bak -e's/__APPLE__/NOTONLION/' dulwich/_objects.c

CompileScript: <<
  make PYTHON=%p/bin/python%type_raw[python]
  # Needs pydoctor
  # make doc

InfoTest: <<
  TestDepends: git, (%type_pkg[python] != 27) unittest2-py%type_pkg[python]
  TestScript: make check PYTHON=%p/bin/python%type_raw[python] || exit 2

InstallScript: <<
  %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py install --root=%d
  mv %i/bin/dul-daemon %i/bin/dul-daemon-py%type_pkg[python]
  mv %i/bin/dul-web %i/bin/dul-web-py%type_pkg[python]
  mv %i/bin/dulwich %i/bin/dulwich-py%type_pkg[python]
  mkdir -p %i/share/doc
  cp -r docs %i/share/doc/%n

PostInstScript: <<
        update-alternatives --install %p/bin/dul-daemon dul-daemon 
%p/bin/dul-daemon-py%type_pkg[python] %type_pkg[python]
        update-alternatives --install %p/bin/dul-web dul-web 
%p/bin/dul-web-py%type_pkg[python] %type_pkg[python]
        update-alternatives --install %p/bin/dulwich dulwich 
%p/bin/dulwich-py%type_pkg[python] %type_pkg[python]

PreRmScript: <<
        if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then
                update-alternatives --remove dul-daemon 
                update-alternatives --remove dul-web 
                update-alternatives --remove dulwich 

Description: Python implementation of Git
DescDetail: <<
Dulwich is a pure-Python implementation of the Git file formats
and protocols.

The project is named after the village in which Mr. and Mrs. Git live
in the Monty Python sketch.
DescPackaging: Previously maintained by Brendan Cully <bren...@finkproject.org>
License: GPL2+
Homepage: http://samba.org/~jelmer/dulwich/
Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <dan...@daniel-johnson.org>

--- NEW FILE: python-fastimport-py.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: python-fastimport-py%type_pkg[python]
Version: 0.9.0
Revision: 1
Type: python (2.6 2.7)
Description: Fastimport parser in Python
DescDetail: <<
        This is the Python parser that was originally developed for
        bzr-fastimport, but extracted so it can be used by other projects.

        It is currently used by bzr-fastimport and dulwich. hg-fastimport and
        git-remote-hg use a slightly modified version of it.
Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <dan...@daniel-johnson.org>
License: GPL2+
Homepage: https://launchpad.net/python-fastimport

Source: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/63185995/python-fastimport-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 71ee728023f7d9a42f57436edeae03fb

Depends: python%type_pkg[python]
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12)

CompileScript: %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py build

InfoTest: <<
        TestDepends: discover-py%type_pkg[python], testtools-py%type_pkg[python]
        TestScript: %p/bin/discover-py%type_pkg[python] || exit 2

InstallScript: %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py install --root=%d


--- NEW FILE: testtools-py.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: testtools-py%type_pkg[python]
Version: 0.9.11
Revision: 1
Type: python (2.6 2.7 3.1 3.2)
Description: Extensions to Python unit testing framework
Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <dan...@daniel-johnson.org>
License: BSD
Homepage: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/testtools

Source: mirror:custom:t/testtools/testtools-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 89616849d247f120bb3984cd871b161f

Depends: python%type_pkg[python]
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12)

PatchScript: <<
        #!/bin/bash -ev
        if [ %type_pkg[python] -gt 30 ]; then
                2to3-%type_raw[python] -w --no-diffs testtools/helpers.py 

CompileScript: %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py build

InfoTest: TestScript: make check PYTHON=%p/bin/python%type_raw[python] || exit 2

InstallScript: %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py install --root=%d


CustomMirror: <<
    eur-NL: http://a.pypi.python.org/packages/source/
    nam-US: http://b.pypi.python.org/packages/source/
    eur-DE: http://c.pypi.python.org/packages/source/
    eur-DE: http://d.pypi.python.org/packages/source/
    eur-DE: http://e.pypi.python.org/packages/source/
    eur-DE: http://f.pypi.python.org/packages/source/

Magic Quadrant for Content-Aware Data Loss Prevention
Research study explores the data loss prevention market. Includes in-depth
analysis on the changes within the DLP market, and the criteria used to
evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these DLP solutions.
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