Update of /cvsroot/fink/experimental/alexkhansen/common/finkinfo/sci
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv31798

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Final (?) update before release to the distro.

Index: octave-3.0.5.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- octave-3.0.5.info   14 Aug 2011 21:04:03 -0000      1.3
+++ octave-3.0.5.info   14 Aug 2011 23:39:58 -0000      1.4
@@ -13,26 +13,26 @@
        pcre, gcc46, suitesparse, qhull, fink (>= 0.28), 
fink-package-precedence, sed,
        (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) atlas
-Depends: octave%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas] (=%v-%r)
+Depends: %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas] (=%v-%r)
 BuildConflicts: coot-dev, broken-gcc, lammpi-dev, fort77, 4ti2-dev
-Suggests: octave-docs
+Suggests: %{Ni}-docs
 GCC: 4.0
 Conflicts: <<
-       (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) octave, (%type_raw[-atlas] != -atlas) 
-       octave3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), octave3.0.2-atlas ( << 3.0.2-5) 
+       (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) %{Ni}, (%type_raw[-atlas] != -atlas) 
+       %{Ni}3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), %{Ni}3.0.2-atlas ( << 3.0.2-5) 
-Replaces: octave, octave-atlas, octave3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), octave3.0.2-atlas ( 
<< 3.0.2-5) 
+Replaces: %{Ni}, %{Ni}-atlas, %{Ni}3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), %{Ni}3.0.2-atlas ( << 
 #UseMaxBuildJobs: true
 PatchFile: %{ni}.patch
-PatchFile-MD5: d2f63a16d193ae4df0ec7005bbaa6aa2
+PatchFile-MD5: 02f8689d5f0127dcc1f4681ecf02da7d
 PatchScript: <<
        cp doc/interpreter/%{Ni}.1 doc/interpreter/%{Ni}-%v.1
        cp doc/interpreter/%{Ni}-bug.1 doc/interpreter/%{Ni}-bug-%v.1
        cp doc/interpreter/%{Ni}-config.1 doc/interpreter/%{Ni}-config-%v.1
        cp doc/interpreter/mkoctfile.1 doc/interpreter/mkoctfile-%v.1
-       sed -i -e 's|@FINKPREFIX@|%p|g' -e 's/@OCTVERSION@/%v/g'  octave-forge* 
octaverc doc/interpreter/*.1
+       sed -i -e 's|@FINKPREFIX@|%p|g' -e 's/@OCTVERSION@/%v/g'  %{Ni}-forge* 
%{Ni}rc doc/interpreter/*.1
 SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/opt/hdf5v1.6/include
@@ -54,37 +54,36 @@
  ./configure FLIBS="${FLIBDIR}/libgfortran.dylib" %c $a
- fink-package-precedence --depfile-ext='.d' 
+ fink-package-precedence --depfile-ext='.d' 
 InstallScript: <<
  #!/bin/sh -ev
  export MAKEFLAGS=-j1
  make install DESTDIR=%d
- # install Fink-specific octaverc which points at our oct-versioned
+ # install Fink-specific %{Ni}rc which points at our oct-versioned
  # package directory
- cp %b/octaverc %i/share/%{Ni}/%v/m/startup
+ cp %b/%{Ni}rc %i/share/%{Ni}/%v/m/startup
  mkdir -p %i/var/%{Ni}/%v/
  # install examples
  mkdir -p %i/share/%{Ni}/%v/doc/examples
  cp -R examples %i/share/%{Ni}/%v/doc/examples
  pushd %i/bin 
  # clear out hardcoded Fink sed
- for file in mkoctfile-%v octave-bug-%v octave-config-%v 
+ for file in mkoctfile-%v %{Ni}-bug-%v %{Ni}-config-%v 
        perl -pi -e 's|%p/bin/sed|/usr/bin/sed|g' $file
  # remove TeX stuff which may have been generated:
- rm %i/share/octave/ls-R %i/lib/octave/ls-R
+ rm %i/share/%{Ni}/ls-R %i/lib/%{Ni}/ls-R
  # remove autogenerated freedesktop.org desktop file
- rm -f %i/share/applications/www.octave.org-octave.desktop
+ rm -f %i/share/applications/www.%{Ni}.org-%{Ni}.desktop
  mkdir -p %i/share/%{Ni}/%v/scripts
- # install the octave-forge helper scripts
- cp octave-forge* %i/share/%{Ni}/%v/scripts
+ # install the %{Ni}-forge helper scripts
+ cp %{Ni}-forge* %i/share/%{Ni}/%v/scripts
  chmod a+x %i/share/%{Ni}/%v/scripts/*
- # what part of --infodir do you not get?
- mv /%i/share/%{Ni}.info* %i/share/%{Ni}/%v/info/
+InfoDocs: %{Ni}.info
 RuntimeVars: <<
  GNUTERM: aqua
@@ -95,17 +94,17 @@
 SplitOff: <<
        Package: octave%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-shlibs
        Conflicts: << 
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) octave%type_pkg[oct]-shlibs, 
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) octave%type_pkg[oct]-atlas-shlibs, 
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) octave (<< 3.0.5-5), 
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) octave-atlas (<< 3.0.5-5), 
-               octave3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), octave3.0.2-atlas ( << 3.0.2-5)
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]-shlibs, 
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]-atlas-shlibs, 
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) %{Ni} (<< 3.0.5-5), 
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) %{Ni}-atlas (<< 3.0.5-5), 
+               %{Ni}3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), %{Ni}3.0.2-atlas ( << 3.0.2-5)
        Replaces: <<
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) octave%type_pkg[oct]-shlibs, 
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) octave%type_pkg[oct]-atlas-shlibs, 
-               octave (<< 3.0.5-5), octave-atlas (<< 3.0.5-5), 
-               octave3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), octave3.0.2-atlas ( << 3.0.2-5)
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]-shlibs, 
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]-atlas-shlibs, 
+               %{Ni} (<< 3.0.5-5), %{Ni}-atlas (<< 3.0.5-5), 
+               %{Ni}3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), %{Ni}3.0.2-atlas ( << 3.0.2-5)
        Depends:  fftw3-shlibs, gcc46-shlibs, hdf5.7-oldapi-shlibs, 
readline5-shlibs,   (%type_raw[-atlas] = -atlas) atlas-shlibs (>= 3.8.1-1)
        Files: <<
@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@
        Shlibs: <<
                %p/lib/%{Ni}-%v/libcruft.dylib 0.0.0 %n (>=3.0.5-5)
-               %p/lib/%{Ni}-%v/liboctave.dylib 0.0.0 %n (>=3.0.5-5)
+               %p/lib/%{Ni}-%v/lib%{Ni}.dylib 0.0.0 %n (>=3.0.5-5)
                %p/lib/%{Ni}-%v/liboctinterp.dylib 0.0.0 %n (>=3.0.5-5)
        DescDetail: <<
@@ -123,14 +122,14 @@
        DescUsage: <<
        To use mkoctfile to build dynamically loadable modules, you will need 
-       to install the hdf5-oldapi and fftw3 packages, as well
-       as %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-dev.  
+       to install the hdf5-oldapi and fftw3 packages, as well as 
+       %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-dev.  
        It cannot Depend on them since they are BuildDependsOnly.
-       Any package that either links to the libraries in octave or installs
-       an extension should Depend on 
-       and BuildDepend on %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-dev.  In 
-       it will need to BuildDepend on hdf5-oldapi and fftw3.
+       Any package that either links to the libraries in 
%{Ni}%type_pkg[-atlas]-shlibs or 
+       installs an extension should Depend on 
%{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-shlibs and BuildDepend
+       on %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-dev.  In addition, it will need 
to BuildDepend on
+       hdf5-oldapi and fftw3.
@@ -138,17 +137,17 @@
        Package: octave%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-dev
        Depends: octave%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-shlibs (=%v-%r), 
gcc46-compiler, (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) atlas (>= 3.8.1-1)
        Conflicts: << 
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) octave%type_pkg[oct]-dev, 
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) octave%type_pkg[oct]-atlas-dev, 
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) octave (<< 3.0.5-5), 
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) octave-atlas (<< 3.0.5-5), 
-               octave3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), octave3.0.2-atlas ( << 3.0.2-5)
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]-dev, 
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]-atlas-dev, 
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) %{Ni} (<< 3.0.5-5), 
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) %{Ni}-atlas (<< 3.0.5-5), 
+               %{Ni}3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), %{Ni}3.0.2-atlas ( << 3.0.2-5)
        Replaces: <<
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) octave%type_pkg[oct]-dev, 
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) octave%type_pkg[oct]-atlas-dev, 
-               octave (<< 3.0.5-5), octave-atlas (<< 3.0.5-5), 
-               octave3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), octave3.0.2-atlas ( << 3.0.2-5)
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]-dev, 
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]-atlas-dev, 
+               %{Ni} (<< 3.0.5-5), %{Ni}-atlas (<< 3.0.5-5), 
+               %{Ni}3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), %{Ni}3.0.2-atlas ( << 3.0.2-5)
        BuildDependsOnly: true
        Files: <<
@@ -164,21 +163,21 @@
        DescUsage: <<
        To use mkoctfile to build dynamically loadable modules, you will need 
-       to install the hdf5-oldapi and fftw3 packages, as well
-       as %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-dev.  
+       to install the hdf5-oldapi and fftw3 packages, as well as 
+       %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-dev.  
        It cannot Depend on them since they are BuildDependsOnly.
-       Any package that either links to the libraries in octave or installs
-       an extension should Depend on 
-       and BuildDepend on %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-dev.  In 
-       it will need to BuildDepend on hdf5-oldapi and fftw3.
+       Any package that either links to the libraries in 
%{Ni}%type_pkg[-atlas]-shlibs or 
+       installs an extension should Depend on 
%{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-shlibs and BuildDepend
+       on %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-dev.  In addition, it will need 
to BuildDepend on
+       hdf5-oldapi and fftw3.
 Splitoff3: <<
        Package: octave%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]
        Depends: <<
-       octave%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-shlibs (=%v-%r),
+       %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-shlibs (=%v-%r),
        glpk-shlibs, gnuplot (>=4.2.0) | gnuplot-nox | gnuplot-nogtk,  
        fftw3-shlibs (>= 3.1.1-7),
        ncurses, aquaterm, libcurl4-shlibs, 
@@ -186,17 +185,17 @@
        (%type_raw[-atlas] = -atlas) atlas-shlibs (>= 3.8.1-1)
        Conflicts: << 
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) octave%type_pkg[oct], 
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) octave%type_pkg[oct]-atlas, 
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) octave (<< 3.0.5-5), 
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) octave-atlas (<< 3.0.5-5), 
-               octave3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), octave3.0.2-atlas ( << 3.0.2-5)
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct], 
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]-atlas, 
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) %{Ni} (<< 3.0.5-5), 
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) %{Ni}-atlas (<< 3.0.5-5), 
+               %{Ni}3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), %{Ni}3.0.2-atlas ( << 3.0.2-5)
        Replaces: <<
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) octave%type_pkg[oct]-dev, 
-               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) octave%type_pkg[oct]-atlas-dev, 
-               octave (<< 3.0.5-5), octave-atlas (<< 3.0.5-5), 
-               octave3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), octave3.0.2-atlas ( << 3.0.2-5)
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] = atlas) %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]-dev, 
+               (%type_raw[-atlas] != atlas) %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]-atlas-dev, 
+               %{Ni} (<< 3.0.5-5), %{Ni}-atlas (<< 3.0.5-5), 
+               %{Ni}3.0.2 ( << 3.0.2-5), %{Ni}3.0.2-atlas ( << 3.0.2-5)
        Files: <<
@@ -205,34 +204,12 @@
-       PostInstScript: <<
-               update-alternatives --install %p/share/info/%{Ni}.info 
%{Ni}.info %p/share/%{Ni}/%v/info/%{Ni}.info 1 \
-                                                       --slave 
%p/share/info/%{Ni}.info-1 %{Ni}.info-1 %p/share/%{Ni}/%v/info/%{Ni}.info-1 \
-                                                       --slave 
%p/share/info/%{Ni}.info-1 %{Ni}.info-1 %p/share/%{Ni}/%v/info/%{Ni}.info-2 \
-                                                       --slave 
%p/share/info/%{Ni}.info-1 %{Ni}.info-1 %p/share/%{Ni}/%v/info/%{Ni}.info-3 \
-                                                       --slave 
%p/share/info/%{Ni}.info-1 %{Ni}.info-1 %p/share/%{Ni}/%v/info/%{Ni}.info-4 \
-                                                       --slave 
%p/share/info/%{Ni}.info-1 %{Ni}.info-1 %p/share/%{Ni}/%v/info/%{Ni}.info-5 
-               if [ -f %p/share/info/dir ]; then
-               if [ -f %p/sbin/install-info ]; then
-                %p/sbin/install-info --infodir=%p/share/info 
-               elif [ -f %p/bootstrap/sbin/install-info ]; then
-                %p/bootstrap/sbin/install-info --infodir=%p/share/info 
-               fi
-               fi              
-       <<
-       PreRmScript: <<
-       if [ -f %p/share/info/dir ]; then
-       %p/sbin/install-info --infodir=%p/share/info --remove {%Ni}.info
-       fi
-       if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then
-               update-alternatives --remove %{Ni}.info 
-       fi
-       <<
        DescDetail: <<
        This package contains versioned executables, as well as all of the core
-       functionality of the Octave interpreter.
+       functionality of the Octave interpreter.  Note that the GNU info file, 
+       which provides the core documentation, is installed as part of the %{Ni}
+    package.
        Octave provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear 
        nonlinear problems numerically, and for performing other numerical 
        experiments using a language that is mostly compatible with Matlab.
@@ -291,15 +268,15 @@
 or other languages.
 DescUsage: << 
- To use mkoctfile to build dynamically loadable modules, you will need 
- to install the gcc46, hdf5-oldapi, readline5 and fftw3 packages, as well
- as %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-dev.  
- It cannot Depend on them since they are BuildDependsOnly.
- Any package that either links to the libraries in octave or installs
- an extension should Depend on %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-shlibs
- and BuildDepend on %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[atlas]-dev.  In addition,
- it will need to BuildDepend on gcc46, hdf5-oldapi, readline5 and fftw3.
+       To use mkoctfile to build dynamically loadable modules, you will need 
+       to install the hdf5-oldapi and fftw3 packages, as well as 
+       %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-dev.  
+       It cannot Depend on them since they are BuildDependsOnly.
+       Any package that either links to the libraries in 
%{Ni}%type_pkg[-atlas]-shlibs or 
+       installs an extension should Depend on 
%{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-shlibs and BuildDepend
+       on %{Ni}%type_pkg[oct]%type_pkg[-atlas]-dev.  In addition, it will need 
to BuildDepend on
+       hdf5-oldapi and fftw3.
  By default the plotting output (via gnuplot) is directed to AquaTerm. 
  This can be overidden in your startup scripts, e.g.

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