We're nearing release, and I'd like someone to help me with getting a
package ready for mutella.

I'm responsible for the port of Mutella to MacOS X, and will be taking over
as package maintainer for some time while Max, who's done much of the work
up to now, takes a breather from the project.

It runs, it's stable, and it's fast.  It support 0.6, and I'm going to add
GGEP and Ultrapeers for the next version, in all likelihood.  It doesn't do
swarming, but it will make parallel connections to anyone who offers and
take from the fastest, continually checking to see if faster providers come

It's a nice client.  And I'd like to see it more widely used.  That means
getting it added to fink.

It's got a single dependency on libreadline, and it's got a working build
system (automake 1.5, autoconf 2.13, needs to have /usr/libexec/config.*
copied to the local directory first).

I need someone to help in getting a package together, and if anyone has
time, maybe to help with testing and report feedback, or by writing a man

Is there anyone out there who might be willing to provide packaging?

Greg Block, co-maintainer,
Mutella  ( http://mutella.sourceforge.net )

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