For the records.
I've just committed the revised package to 10.5 and 10.4 unstable.

Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From: Michael Wild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: Michael Wild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: April 22, 2008 10:39:08 CEDT
> Subject: Patch for the Fink Numarray package
> Hi
> Using the Python Numarray package I came across a bug which  
> apparently is fixed in CVS (see below conversation with the  
> developers). I created a patchfile for the numarray-py package and  
> adjusted the info file accordingly. You might want to adjust the  
> revision number, I just set it to 1.patched and not 2 in order to  
> get your update.
> Regards
> Michael
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Todd Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: 21April, 2008 21:14:43 GMT+02:00
>> Subject: Re: You have been assigned call CNSHD722278 regarding  
>> PyArray_FromDims in Numarray leaking Py_None by chanley its status  
>> is Assigned
>> This is a known problem with no corresponding source release.  The  
>> patch against 1.5.2 patches Src/ and is:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Src]$ cvs diff -r 1.33 -r 1.34
>> Index:
>> ===================================================================
>> RCS file: /cvsroot/numpy/numarray/Src/,v
>> retrieving revision 1.33
>> retrieving revision 1.34
>> diff -c -r1.33 -r1.34
>> ***      24 Aug 2006 18:39:45 -0000      1.33
>> ---      20 Nov 2006 17:35:31 -0000      1.34
>> ***************
>> *** 877,882 ****
>> --- 877,883 ----
>>             if (!buf) return NULL;
>>     } else {
>>             buf = Py_None;
>> +               Py_INCREF(buf);
>>     }
>>     a = NA_NewAllFromBuffer( nd, dimensions, descr->type_num, buf,
>> After patching,  do:
>> % python install --gencode --selftest
>> Another alternative is to use the unofficial numarray-1.5.3 tarball  
>> (attached) which should work on at least linux and Mac OS-X.  It is  
>> lightly tested with Python-2.5.2 but there are known self-test  
>> problems on Windows (numarray floating point Python version  
>> specific platform esoterica) or Mac OS-X (apparently in numpy).  It  
>> appeared to fix your problem though.
>> Regards,
>> Todd
>>> You have been assigned call CNSHD722278 regarding PyArray_FromDims  
>>> in Numarray leaking Py_None by chanley its status is Assigned
>>> Request Log :    04/18/08 04:28:16     mcleskey
>>>          Request from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>           To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>    Cc:             This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC  
>>> 2440 and 3156)
>>>    --Apple-Mail-20-418780118
>>>    Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=Apple-Mail-19-418780066
>>>                --Apple-Mail-19-418780066
>>>    Content-Type: text/plain;
>>>     charset=US-ASCII;
>>>     format=flowed;
>>>     delsp=yes
>>>    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>>          Hi
>>>          I know that Numarray is being phased out and one should  
>>> switch over to        Numpy, but I encountered a problem with a  
>>> rather large code (cantera)        which makes use of Numarray, so  
>>> I still direct this question to you.
>>>          The cantera code I use had the strange behavior of  
>>> crashing python        with an error message stating "trying to  
>>> deallocate None". I tracked        it down to PyArray_FromDims  
>>> being called very often, and found that        after each call the  
>>> reference count of the Py_None object is decreased        by 1.  
>>> This means, that after ~1500 calls to PyArray_FromDims,  
>>> python        tries to deallocate Py_None, resulting in the crash.
>>>          First I thought it might be cantera "misusing" Numarray.  
>>> But then I        modified the "dimsdata" example provided with  
>>> Numarray to use        PyArray_FromDims, and the same behavior  
>>> shows. Strange enough,        PyArray_FromDimsAndData works just  
>>> fine.
>>>          Is this a known issue? Is there a patch fixing this? I  
>>> hacked a quick        solution by calling Py_INCREF(Py_None) after  
>>> each call to        PyArray_FromDims in cantera. This fixed the  
>>> immediate symptoms, but        I'm quite sure that this might make  
>>> things even worse (and am well        aware that this doesn't fix  
>>> the actual cause of the problem).
>>>          I attached the modified dimsdata example with a python  
>>> driver script        so you can try to reproduce the problem. To  
>>> do so, save the attached        files and in a shell execute:
>>>          python build
>>>    ln -s <path/to/> .
>>>    python
>>>          You should see that the reported reference count  
>>> decreases by 1 after        each call to PyArray_FromDims, but is  
>>> unchanged after the call to        PyArray_FromDimsAndData.
>>>                Michael
>>>                      My specs are:
>>>          MacBook Pro
>>>    Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHz
>>>    2GB of 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
>>>    Mac OS X 10.5.2
>>>    Python 2.5.2 installed with fink
>>>    Numarray 1.5.2 installed with fink
>>>          The same thing happens on a Linux box:
>>>          AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+
>>>    SuSE Linux 10.3, Kernel 2.6.16
>>>    Python 2.4.2
>>>    Numarray 1.5.2
>>>          --
>>>    Institute of Fluid Dynamics
>>>    ETH-Zentrum, ML H59
>>>    CH-8092 Zurich
>>>    +41 44 632 8709
>>>                --Apple-Mail-19-418780066
>>>    Content-Disposition: attachment;
>>>     filename=dimsdata.c
>>>    Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
>>>     x-unix-mode=0644;
>>>     name="dimsdata.c"
>>>    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>>          /* This module shows how to turn a static C array into a  
>>> NumArray. */
>>>                .#include "Python.h"
>>>          .#include "numarray/arrayobject.h"
>>>          .#include <stdio.h>
>>>          static double data[4][3] = {{1, 2, 3},
>>>                         {4, 5, 6},
>>>                         {7, 8, 9},
>>>                         {10, 11, 12}};
>>>    static int shape[2] = { 4, 3 };
>>>          static PyObject *
>>>    _getarray(PyObject *module, PyObject *args)
>>>    {
>>>     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,":getarray"))
>>>             return NULL;
>>>      int num;
>>>      num = 100;
>>>      printf("before PyArray_FromDims: %d\n",(int)Py_None- 
>>> >ob_refcnt);
>>>      PyObject* a =
>>>        PyArray_FromDims(2, shape, PyArray_DOUBLE);
>>>      printf("after PyArray_FromDims: %d\n",(int)Py_None->ob_refcnt);
>>>      Py_DECREF(a);
>>>      printf("before PyArray_FromDimsAndData: %d\n",(int)Py_None- 
>>> >ob_refcnt);
>>>      PyObject* res =
>>>        PyArray_FromDimsAndData(2, shape, PyArray_DOUBLE, (char  
>>> *)data);
>>>      printf("after PyArray_FromDimsAndData: %d\n\n",(int)Py_None- 
>>> >ob_refcnt);
>>>      return res;
>>>    }
>>>          static PyMethodDef _dimsdata_functions[] = {
>>>     {"getarray", _getarray, METH_VARARGS,            "getarray()  
>>> returns a static array cast as a numarray."},
>>>     {NULL,      NULL}        /* Sentinel */
>>>    };
>>>          static char * _dimsdata_doc = "Example module for  
>>> PyArray_DimsAndData.";
>>>          void initdimsdata(void)
>>>    {
>>>     PyObject  *m = Py_InitModule3("dimsdata",
>>>                                   _dimsdata_functions,
>>>                                   _dimsdata_doc);
>>>     if (m == NULL) return;
>>>             import_array();
>>>    }
>>>                --Apple-Mail-19-418780066
>>>    Content-Disposition: attachment;
>>>    Content-Type: text/x-python-script;
>>>     x-unix-mode=0644;
>>>     name=""
>>>    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>>          from dimsdata import *
>>>          for i in range(10):
>>>      getarray()
>>>          --Apple-Mail-19-418780066
>>>    Content-Disposition: attachment;
>>>    Content-Type: text/x-python-script;
>>>     x-unix-mode=0644;
>>>     name=""
>>>    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>>          from distutils.core import Extension, setup
>>>          e = Extension(name="dimsdata", sources=["dimsdata.c"])
>>>          setup(name="dimsdata", ext_modules=[e])
>>>                --Apple-Mail-19-418780066--
>>>          --Apple-Mail-20-418780118
>>>    content-type: application/pgp-signature; x-mac-type=70674453;
>>>     name=PGP.sig
>>>    content-description: This is a digitally signed message part
>>>    content-disposition: inline; filename=PGP.sig
>>>    content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
>>>          -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
>>>    Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)
>>>          iEYEARECAAYFAkgIWWoACgkQl7l0ufRsoXp0VACfc0lKwFDEKZrlINFQ/ 
>>> rMfiANz
>>>    wGEAnj7Fa7ld4rYgvtN0ijduQVGrDMAo
>>>    =dPKI
>>>    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>>>          --Apple-Mail-20-418780118--
>>>       04/18/08 09:15:09     bshaw
>>>       bshaw changed platform to STSDAS
>>> 04/21/08 09:40:08     chanley
>>>       chanley changed status to Assigned
>>>             chanley assigned call to jmiller

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