> From: "David R. Morrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ben Hines has made a nice list of packages which have not yet been 
> moved to
> 10.2.  Perhaps this is a good time for fink developers to make a list 
> packages
> which should *not* be moved.
> 1) manconf should not be moved (I believe this is the upshot of 
> previous
>    discussions)
> 2) presumably, lilypond-unstable should not be moved (lilypond was 
> already
>    moved, and has a higher version number)

Correct. -unstable tracks the odd subversions, while lilypond tracks 
the even subversions.
1.4 was not compatible with MacOS X, so I maintained -unstable 1.5 
releases for a while. I'm not sufficiently interested in lilypond to 
maintain the 1.7 series, but I've asked for volunteers.


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