Fink Developer community:

The results of my latest buildworld run are now complete and I've 
uploaded the results here:

This run was based on the 10.5/i386/unstable tree, with a cvs checkout 
from Mon June 28, using Fink version 0.29.12.  Neither maintainer mode 
nor --build-as-nobody were used.

A quick word on the results output: the filters used to analyse the 
build logs have a non-zero false positive rate (and a few terminal 
failures only get marked as warnings).  So there are a few packages that 
built OK, but are still listed as having failed.

As packages failed and were fixed, many of them were updated in CVS and 
put back into the queue to be tested.  Not all updated packages were 
able to get this treatment however, and no new packages that were added 
into the unstable tree CVS during the 2+ weeks that the build took were 
added into the queue, as this would have complicated matters greatly on 
my end.

Of the approximately 6500+ packages that the unstable tree has, 5100+ 
built successfully.  The most serious problem encountered was with the 
different providers of tex that are available.  Using the unstable and 
stable trees as is, texlive-base and ptex-base don't exchange happily 
with each other and also fight over provides (the subject of a recent 
thread on this list), so I copied all the ptex and texlive packages over 
to stable to work around this issue for the run.

While this fixed the immediate problem, it led to several others, as 
exemplified in the following logs:

The last one if of particular concern for the buildworld, as most of 
Gnome and KDE indirectly depend on esound, which depends on 
docbook-utils, and so that failure meant that 800+ packages could not be 
tested at all.  For individual packages, the concern is that something 
is quite broken with the *tex* installation.

An unstable buildworld is a long process, so I will probably not repeat 
it again for several months unless the tex issue is cleared up.


Amoebas at the start
   Were not complex
They tore themselves apart
   And started sex
     --Arthur Guitterman

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