I made a "fink install libgnomeui2-dev" and :

It seems there's a problem with that package. Or am I doing something wrong?

By the way, I'd really like to have gnome2 working for next week, so I can demo fink and gnome on Mac OS X at the solutions-Linux show in Paris (France) next week! :-)

Do, by any chance, any fink-developer assisting to this show ?

Thanks for your help,


    /sw/bin/install -c -m 644 $i /sw/src/root-linc1-0.5.5-1/sw/share/gtk-doc/html/linc; \
  done; \
  echo '-- Installing ./html/index.sgml' ; \
  /sw/bin/install -c -m 644 ./html/index.sgml /sw/src/root-linc1-0.5.5-1/sw/share/gtk-doc/html/linc; \
-- Installing ./html/c4.html
-- Installing ./html/index.html
-- Installing ./html/linc-config.html
-- Installing ./html/linc-linc-config.html
-- Installing ./html/linc-linc-private.html
-- Installing ./html/linc-linc-protocol.html
-- Installing ./html/linc-linc-types.html
-- Installing ./html/linc-linc.html
-- Installing ./html/linc-lincconnection.html
-- Installing ./html/linc-lincserver.html
-- Installing ./html/index.sgml
/sw/bin/install: cannot stat `./html/index.sgml': No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [install-data-local] Error 1
make[1]: *** [install-am] Error 2
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
### execution of make failed, exit code 2
Failed: installing linc1-0.5.5-1 failed

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