Hi everyone,

I'm trying to make a package for Trac (a project management front-end to Subversion) and it's dependencies (pysqlite, clearsilver), as well as mod_python to enable support for multiple projects.

However, I've run into some problems with actually setting up mod_python. It compiles fine, but when trying to access a page handled by mod_python, a 500 Internal Error is returned. I've talked it over with some people on the Trac mailing list, and have followed the configuration examples perfectly, but with no success. One person mentioned that he had those errors, and that by installing Python 2.3 with threads support disabled, it seemed to solve the problem (he was using DarwinPorts).

So... has anyone been able to get mod_python working on MacOS X? What settings or patches did you use?

I'm currently using these ConfigureParams:

--with-axps=%p/bin/axps --with-python=%p/bin/python2.3 --enable-so

and this patch (which is based on the patch made for the DarwinPorts package):

diff -ru mod_python-3.1.3/src/requestobject.c mod_python-3.1.3-new/src/requestob
--- mod_python-3.1.3/src/requestobject.c Tue Feb 17 06:47:27 2004
+++ mod_python-3.1.3-new/src/requestobject.c Fri Nov 19 11:43:33 2004
@@ -1118,8 +1118,8 @@
PyMemberDef *md = find_memberdef(request_rec_mbrs, name);
char *addr = (char *)self->request_rec + md->offset;
- if (sizeof(apr_off_t) == sizeof(LONG_LONG)) {
- LONG_LONG l = *(LONG_LONG*)addr;
+ if (sizeof(apr_off_t) == sizeof(long long)) {
+ long long l = *(long long*)addr;
return PyLong_FromLongLong(l);
else {


I also copied the python23 package and disabled threads in it, but that hasn't solved the problem. I might be doing something wrong, somewhere, though.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks a lot!


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