Got some good feedback on cadaver-ssl. It uses neon-ssl,  readline , 
libxml2 (current versions) as the back end, so this is good feeback on  
those too. :) I'd like to put it into stable but neon-ssl has to go 
there first.

btw - will libxml2 work with python-nox? It has a builddepends on python 
(and tcltk-dev), which causes a chain of dependencies that forces 
cadaver ( simple webdav CLI client) to need X windows, which is silly. 
Several things have this tcltk-dev builddepends also which depends on 


> From: Brian Lenihan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue Jun 25, 2002  06:12:02  PM US/Pacific
> Subject: Re: fink cadaver
> Reply-To: Brian Lenihan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello Ben,
> Works like a champ. It even connects to sites that Goliath always
> fails to.  I was able to connect to SSL sites, lock, unlock, edit,
> get, lcd, showlocks, etc.
> It does not follow HTTP redirects, but that must be known behavior.
> Nice work.  Thanks.

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