After a fink selfupdate, I'm being asked to update python23-1:2.3.4-3. Specifically, I have python, python23, python23-shlibs, and python23-socket to update. dpkg says that I have 2.3.4-2 installed for all of them (these are the only things out of date from 'fink list -o')

However, doing 'fink update-all' asks for a lot of dependencies and now I have to install all the following packages:

ghostscript ghostscript-fonts latex2html libwww libwww-bin libwww-shlibs netpbm-bin netpbm10-shlibs t1lib1 t1lib1-shlibs tetex-base tetex-shlibs tetex-texmf

Huh? What happened that a single revision upgrade of python now requires a full tetex and ghostscript install? Does having HTML docs really make me need a full install of all of tetex and ghostscript?

Running 0.7.1.rysnc/0.23.3/10.3.6.


And when the last last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you - where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat?
--Robert Bolt, "A Man For All Seasons"

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