Re: [Fink-devel] Fwd: [Pythonmac-SIG] CXX/Numeric problem on MacOSX (was building vpython on MacOSX)

2002-02-24 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Nope.. no help. It's looking like the problem might be that errno is 
being set in one thread, and detected in another. Does that sound 


On Sunday, February 24, 2002, at 04:55  PM, Gordon Messmer wrote:

> Attempting to write to a full, non-blocking fd might do it.  What
> happens if you direct stdout to /dev/null?
> On Sun, 2002-02-24 at 09:46, Steve Spicklemire wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I thought I'd try the fink list this is a follow-up to a question I
>> posted yesterday. I've been digging a little deeper. What sorts of
>> things cause "resource temporarily unavailable"?
>>> import visual
>>> import sys
>>> print len(sys.argv)
>>> class foo:
>>> pass
>>> if len(sys.argv)<2:
>>> band = foo()
>>> print "band is a simple class"
>>> else:
>>> print "band is a curve"
>>> band = visual.curve()
>>> band.foo1 = visual.array(10*[1],visual.Float)
>>> band.foo2 = visual.array(10*[2],visual.Float)
>>> i=0
>>> while 1:
>>> i += 1
>>> print "iter",i,
>>> bleah = band.foo2 - band.foo1
>>> if visual.sum(bleah*bleah) != 10.0:
>>> print "Hmm. the math is wrong"
>>> sys.stdout.flush()

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Puzzling issue with CDPATH / libtool / gdk-pixbuf

2002-02-24 Thread Matthias Neeracher

On Sunday, February 24, 2002, at 04:28 PM, David R. Morrison wrote:

> I have separate binaries for /bin/sh and /bin/zsh, although they are
> identical in size (449616) and date (Dec 31).  Presumably they were
> installed by the 10.1.3 upgrade.

Sizes are the same here. I'm running 10.1.2


Fink-devel mailing list

[Fink-devel] foo-bin (was Re: control-center problem solved)

2002-02-24 Thread David R. Morrison

I've just thought of something which might help with backward-compatibility.
What if the package foo (which contains headers) were given a dependency

  Depends: foo-shlibs (= current.version), foo-bin

That way, at least when you are upgrading foo-bin will get installed.
This doesn't solve things completely, because users could still remove
foo-bin and get into trouble, but it least it minimizes the chances
that things break during the transition period.

Anybody see drawbacks to this?

  -- Dave

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] control-center problem solved

2002-02-24 Thread David R. Morrison

Hi Martin.  I'm sorry that the backward-compatibility has not been
perfect.  But let me remind you about what we are solving with the
splitting up of packages.  

An excellent example is provided by gal.  gal is under rapid development,
and new versions (gal-17, gal-18, gal-19) are *not* backward-compatible.
So as you probably know, each time Masanori has updated to the latest
version, every package depending on gal had to be rebuilt.

The solution (it is the same solution that debian uses) is to provide
a package which contains only the gal-18 or gal-19 or gal-20 shared
libraries, and to guarantee that everything in that package has
the number 18, 19 or 20 somewhere in its pathname.  That way, all of
these libraries can be installed simultaneously, and you can use
various other packages which depend on them, without rebuilding
(until the maintainer of the other package updates from gal-19 to
gal-20, say).

Now to get the building to work out right, there has to be a second package
for each of these, which contains headers and also a key symbolic link
associating the unnumbered gal library to the correctly numbered one.
(That way, at link time the correct version of the library is linked in.)
These packages all conflict with each other, so we can't allow any other
package to depend on them.

To try to get backward-compatibility to work, we are using the original
package name for this header package, and the "-shlibs" name for the
library package.

The difficulty comes when something else, like binaries, also needs to
be installed at runtime.  That's when we get to a third package, and
I agree that it is awkward, especially for backward-compatibility.
We need the third package, though, because the binaries won't have
the version number in their pathnames so they can't go with the libraries,
and other things might depend on them so they can't go with the headers.

I guess we need to be particularly careful in these cases that we get
other packages changed ASAP to include the dependence on foo-bin.
In fact, a conservative strategy would be to introduce a package foo-bin
which was basically empty, convince all other developers to include it
as a dependency, and *then* do the pacakge-splitting business.  But
that really shouldn't be necessary, we should be able to fix these things
as they come up.

  -- Dave

Fink-devel mailing list

[Fink-devel] control-center problem solved

2002-02-24 Thread Martin Costabel

OK, at least one of the recent mysteries of mine is solved:
control-center rebuilds now again for me.

The problem was that orbit-bin was not installed. The reason is clear:
nothing depends on it. So its contents that were in the orbit package
before are removed. No backward compatibility. 

Now I can see that I have plenty of other packages where foo and
foo-shlibs are installed but foo-bin is not. No wonder that a lot of
things break. I think this triple-split is evil. 


Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] sed "Unterminated `s' command"

2002-02-24 Thread Benjamin Reed

Benjamin Reed [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
>   s%@ACLOCAL@%${SHELL} /tmp/squid-2.5.PRE4/cfgaux
>   /tmp/squid-2.5.PRE4/cfgaux/missing --run aclocal%g
> ...which are supposed to be on one line.

I fixed this by redirecting the output of the 'cd' command to
/dev/null.  =)

On to the next annoying question.  ;)  I would prefer squid doesn't run as
rooot; should I add an account for it in the passwd-* package, or is it
enough to just run it under the 'nobody' user?

Ben Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /
...if humanoids eat chicken, then obviously they'd eat their own
species.  Otherwise they'd just be picking on the chickens. -- Kryten

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Puzzling issue with CDPATH / libtool / gdk-pixbuf

2002-02-24 Thread Jorge Acereda MaciĆ”

"David R. Morrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> installed by the 10.1.3 upgrade.  I don't know how to check the version
> number of sh or zsh, which Matthias said was 3.0.8 in his case.

This should work:

zsh -c 'echo $ZSH_VERSION'

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Puzzling issue with CDPATH / libtool / gdk-pixbuf

2002-02-24 Thread David R. Morrison

I have separate binaries for /bin/sh and /bin/zsh, although they are
identical in size (449616) and date (Dec 31).  Presumably they were
installed by the 10.1.3 upgrade.  I don't know how to check the version
number of sh or zsh, which Matthias said was 3.0.8 in his case.

  -- Dave

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Puzzling issue with CDPATH / libtool / gdk-pixbuf

2002-02-24 Thread Martin Costabel

Peter O'Gorman wrote:

> This sounds like an interesting enigma, please let us know if
> you find the cause. I wonder if fink could somehow run in a
> 'clean' shell.

Did you upgrade to 10.1.3?


Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] sed "Unterminated `s' command"

2002-02-24 Thread Martin Costabel

Benjamin Reed wrote:
> I'm trying to make a package for squid, and it's got one small configure
> error.  I swear I've seen something about this before but I can't for
> the life of me find any reference to it in the list archives.
> When I run configure, I end up with a bunch of lines like:
>   creating Makefile
>   sed: file conftest.s1 line 33: Unterminated `s' command
>   creating lib/Makefile
>   sed: file conftest.s1 line 33: Unterminated `s' command
> The problem is in config.status, I'm ending up with double-lines like:
>   s%@ACLOCAL@%${SHELL} /tmp/squid-2.5.PRE4/cfgaux
>   /tmp/squid-2.5.PRE4/cfgaux/missing --run aclocal%g
> ...which are supposed to be on one line.

The plot thickens...
This is exactly the same bug Matthias Neeracher was writing about! It's
zsh interpreting CDPATH differently from what it is supposed to.

Why does this reappear suddenly? It seemed to have disappeared last
September with OSX 10.1, and now it reappears with 10.1.3. Or is it a
regression in one of the auto* tools?
> Is there anything short of rerunning autoconf and friends I can do to
> make this work?

It would be interesting to see if it goes away if you rerun the auto
guys. I doubt it.


Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Puzzling issue with CDPATH / libtool / gdk-pixbuf

2002-02-24 Thread Martin Costabel

Matthias Neeracher wrote:
> Trying to update my unstable packages at home, I run into problems with
> gdk-pixbuf-shlibs-0.16.0-2 and gdk-pixbuf-0.16.0-3. Both of these
> packages complained about not being able to find library `' (Yes, that's
> an empty string).
> I traced the build and found the following:
>   - libtool is run by /bin/sh which on MacOS X is a link to zsh (3.0.8 on
> my machine).
>   - libtool sets CDPATH to :, because in zsh, apparently CDPATH is
> considered "set" although it doesn't show up in printenv.
> - This setting, which is supposed to SUPPRESS printing the destination
> directory for cd with relative pathnames, actually FORCES printing the
> destination with zsh.
> - Therefore, the line
> absdir=`cd "$dir" && pwd`
>   sets absdir to contain TWO copies of the directory path, not one.
> This eventually produces the error I saw.

I remember discussions of this last September on the darwin-devel list:, 
and I found also a message on the automake list by ChrisP:

I thought this had been fixed long since.

> after running configure. But I'm still puzzled. The libtool looks
> exactly like all the other libtools in other fink
> packages. Why does this problem not occur with other packages? And why,
> for that matter, has notbody else apparently had problems with
> gdk-pixbuf?

There is something funny going on with several gnome packages that built
correctly some days ago and don't any more now. 

I had the "library `' " bug in rebuilding sawfish that I had rebuilt
some days before without problem. There it could be avoided by removing
some library search path from esound-config. 

I cannot rebuild control-center.

And I had updated gdk-pixbuf and gdk-pixbuf-shlibs on Feb-13, apparently
without problem. When I try it now, I don't get Matthias' bug, but
another one that seems to come from -no-cpp-precomp not being
transmitted to make:

cc -O3 -I.. -I.. -I/sw/include/gnome-1.0 -DNEED_GNOMESUPPORT_H
-I/sw/lib/gnome-libs/include -I/sw/include -I/sw/include/gtk-1.2
-I/sw/include/glib-1.2 -I/sw/lib/glib/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -c
gdk-pixbuf-scan.c  -fno-common -DPIC -o gdk-pixbuf-scan.lo
gdk-pixbuf-scan.c:1317: bad macro argument list
gdk-pixbuf-scan.c:1317: bad macro argument list
gdk-pixbuf-scan.c:1317: bad macro argument list
gdk-pixbuf-scan.c:1317: bad macro argument list
cpp-precomp: warning: errors during smart preprocessing, retrying in
basic mode
Compilation of scanner failed
make[2]: *** [scan-build.stamp] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
### make failed, exit code 2
Failed: compiling gdk-pixbuf-0.16.0-3 failed

The file gdk-pixbuf-scan.c doesn't even have 1317 lines, only about 680,
and if I put -no-cpp-precomp there, it compiles (but fails later on with
a similar error elsewhere).

Strange... Something must have changed, can it be OSX 10.1.3?


Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Puzzling issue with CDPATH / libtool / gdk-pixbuf

2002-02-24 Thread Peter O'Gorman

Hi, I don't have any problems with gdk-pixbuf, which is strange, 
because my /bin/sh is zsh too (Apple supplied hard link to 
/bin/zsh). Makes me wonder if you have some env vars set which 
may affect things or something else to do with your setup. It is 
odd that you and I get different results on the same package 
using the same shell..

This sounds like an interesting enigma, please let us know if 
you find the cause. I wonder if fink could somehow run in a 
'clean' shell.


On Monday, February 25, 2002, at 06:49  AM, Matthias Neeracher wrote:

> Trying to update my unstable packages at home, I run into 
> problems with gdk-pixbuf-shlibs-0.16.0-2 and gdk-
> pixbuf-0.16.0-3. Both of these packages complained about not 
> being able to find library `' (Yes, that's an empty string).

>absdir=`cd "$dir" && pwd`
>  sets absdir to contain TWO copies of the directory path, not one.
> after running configure. But I'm still puzzled. The libtool 
> looks exactly like all the other libtools in other fink
> packages. Why does this problem not occur with other packages? 
> And why, for that matter, has notbody else apparently had 
> problems with gdk-pixbuf?

Fink-devel mailing list

[Fink-devel] sed "Unterminated `s' command"

2002-02-24 Thread Benjamin Reed

I'm trying to make a package for squid, and it's got one small configure
error.  I swear I've seen something about this before but I can't for
the life of me find any reference to it in the list archives.

When I run configure, I end up with a bunch of lines like:

  creating Makefile
  sed: file conftest.s1 line 33: Unterminated `s' command
  creating lib/Makefile
  sed: file conftest.s1 line 33: Unterminated `s' command

The problem is in config.status, I'm ending up with double-lines like:

  s%@ACLOCAL@%${SHELL} /tmp/squid-2.5.PRE4/cfgaux
  /tmp/squid-2.5.PRE4/cfgaux/missing --run aclocal%g

...which are supposed to be on one line.

Is there anything short of rerunning autoconf and friends I can do to
make this work?

Ben Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /
...if humanoids eat chicken, then obviously they'd eat their own
species.  Otherwise they'd just be picking on the chickens. -- Kryten

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Fwd: [Pythonmac-SIG] CXX/Numeric problem on MacOSX(was building vpython on MacOSX)

2002-02-24 Thread Gordon Messmer

Attempting to write to a full, non-blocking fd might do it.  What
happens if you direct stdout to /dev/null?

On Sun, 2002-02-24 at 09:46, Steve Spicklemire wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I thought I'd try the fink list this is a follow-up to a question I 
> posted yesterday. I've been digging a little deeper. What sorts of 
> things cause "resource temporarily unavailable"?
> >
> > import visual
> >
> > import sys
> >
> > print len(sys.argv)
> >
> > class foo:
> > pass
> >
> > if len(sys.argv)<2:
> > band = foo()
> > print "band is a simple class"
> > else:
> > print "band is a curve"
> > band = visual.curve()
> >
> >
> > band.foo1 = visual.array(10*[1],visual.Float)
> > band.foo2 = visual.array(10*[2],visual.Float)
> >
> > i=0
> >
> > while 1:
> > i += 1
> > print "iter",i,
> > bleah = band.foo2 - band.foo1
> > if visual.sum(bleah*bleah) != 10.0:
> > print "Hmm. the math is wrong"
> > sys.stdout.flush()

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[Fink-devel] Puzzling issue with CDPATH / libtool / gdk-pixbuf

2002-02-24 Thread Matthias Neeracher

Trying to update my unstable packages at home, I run into problems with 
gdk-pixbuf-shlibs-0.16.0-2 and gdk-pixbuf-0.16.0-3. Both of these 
packages complained about not being able to find library `' (Yes, that's 
an empty string).
I traced the build and found the following:

  - libtool is run by /bin/sh which on MacOS X is a link to zsh (3.0.8 on 
my machine).
  - libtool sets CDPATH to :, because in zsh, apparently CDPATH is 
considered "set" although it doesn't show up in printenv.
- This setting, which is supposed to SUPPRESS printing the destination 
directory for cd with relative pathnames, actually FORCES printing the 
destination with zsh.
- Therefore, the line
absdir=`cd "$dir" && pwd`
  sets absdir to contain TWO copies of the directory path, not one.

This eventually produces the error I saw.

It was not very difficult to get the packages to build by simply putting 
in a line

perl -i -ne 'print unless /CDPATH/' libtool ltconfig

after running configure. But I'm still puzzled. The libtool looks 
exactly like all the other libtools in other fink
packages. Why does this problem not occur with other packages? And why, 
for that matter, has notbody else apparently had problems with 


Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Perl Packages & Diff usage

2002-02-24 Thread Kyle Moffett

On Sunday, February 24, 2002, at 08:20 , David R. Morrison wrote:

> Kyle Moffett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Sunday, February 24, 2002, at 07:25 , Jeff Whitaker wrote:

 the .so for A::R and A::C both statically link to libapreq, which
 should internally bind the entry points between the A::R/A::C and
 libapreq libs, and it does on every platform including Apple.

 However, on Apple, the entry points are also *published*, so when 
 .so's are pulled in, you get a duplicate on the libapreq entry 
 I'm not smart enough to know how to turn that off.

>>> Randall:  I think setting the environment variable
>>> DYLD_FORCE_FLAT_NAMESPACE may fix this.  At least it has for me in
>>> similar
>>> situations with the python interpreter.
>> Unfortunately, this tends to break other packages that need the two
>> level namespace (Grrr.)
> How about linking with the -force_flat_namespace option?  Does that 
> help?

Will try, that goes in LDFLAGS, right?

Thanks, Kyle Moffett

Fink-devel mailing list

[Fink-devel] Fwd: [Pythonmac-SIG] CXX/Numeric problem on MacOSX (was building vpython on MacOSX)

2002-02-24 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Folks,

I thought I'd try the fink list this is a follow-up to a question I 
posted yesterday. I've been digging a little deeper. What sorts of 
things cause "resource temporarily unavailable"?


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Steve Spicklemire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun Feb 24, 2002  12:41:42  PM America/Indianapolis
> To: Steve Spicklemire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CXX/Numeric problem on MacOSX (was 
> building vpython on MacOSX)
> Hi (again),
> OK.. I found out that the error I'm getting is (reproducibly) actually 
> "error 35" described in /usr/include/sys/errno.h as:
> #define EAGAIN  35  /* Resource temporarily 
> unavailable */
> #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
> #define EWOULDBLOCK EAGAIN  /* Operation would block */
> so.. it's saying that this operation would block or is temporarily 
> unavailable. Why? Any idea?
> thanks,
> -steve
> On Sunday, February 24, 2002, at 09:35  AM, Steve Spicklemire wrote:
>> Diggin around I find that this error is generated in the "ufuncmodule" 
>> of Numeric. If I try to debug this I get to.
>> The message comes from the math_error() function if ufuncobject, where 
>> I set a breakpoint.
>> Breakpoint 2, math_error () at Src/ufuncobject.c:407
>> (gdb) print errno
>> $1 = 
>> most unhelpful!

On Sunday, February 24, 2002, at 09:35  AM, Steve Spicklemire wrote:

> Hi MacPython Folks (and Paul Dubois),
>   Sorry for bothering you all again, but I'm getting closer to 
> sorting this out, but I think I need another hint. I've got vpython to 
> build on MacOSX, and it runs.. mostly.  VPython makes heavy use of the 
> Numeric module, and also uses Paul Dubois' CXX extension class system 
> for creating python objects with c++. I'm an expert on neither, though 
> I have used the Numeric a fair amount.
> Below is a simple program that shows the problem. "visual" is the 
> module that contains all the vpython stuff, and it does "from Numeric 
> import *" so that all the Numeric code is also in the visual module. It 
> also imports the cvisualmodule, built on Paul's CXX extension system. 
> There is magic in that calls the correct constructor from 
> cvisualmodule when certain functions in the visual namespace are called 
> (e.g., curve()). If I run this program with no command line arguments, 
> "band" is a simple instance of the dummy class "foo". If I run with a 
> command line argument, "band" is an instance of a "curve" object from 
> the cvisualmodule extension. The program dies no matter what binary 
> operation I perform on two arrays, subtraction, addition, etc. 
> Multiplication by a constant doesn't show this problem however, so it's 
> something in the use of two arrays.
> If band is a simple instance this program runs forever (well.. for 
> a really long time).
> If band is an instance of a curve object, this program fails after an 
> indeterminate number of iterations (from tens to thousands, with no 
> clear cause). I get e.g.,
> [vh10-15:~/Development/vpython/cvisual] steve% python 1
> Visual-2001-12-30
> 2
> band is a curve
> iter 1 iter 2 iter 3 iter 4 iter 5 iter 6 iter 7 iter 8 iter 9 iter 10 
> iter 11 iter 12 iter 13 iter 14 iter 15 iter 16 iter 17 iter 18 iter 19 
> iter 20 iter 21 iter 22 iter 23 iter 24 iter 25 iter 26 iter 27 iter 28 
> iter 29 iter 30 iter 31 iter 32 iter 33 iter 34 iter 35 iter 36 iter 37 
> iter 38 iter 39 iter 40 iter 41 iter 42 iter 43 iter 44 iter 45 iter 46 
> iter 47 iter 48 iter 49 iter 50 iter 51 iter 52 iter 53 iter 54 iter 55 
> iter 56 iter 57 iter 58 iter 59 iter 60 iter 61 iter 62 iter 63 iter 64 
> iter 65 iter 66 iter 67 iter 68 iter 69 iter 70 iter 71 iter 72 iter 73 
> iter 74 iter 75 iter 76 iter 77 iter 78 iter 79 iter 80 iter 81 iter 82 
> iter 83 iter 84 iter 85 iter 86 iter 87 iter 88 iter 89 iter 90 iter 91 
> iter 92 iter 93 iter 94 iter 95 iter 96 iter 97 iter 98 iter 99 iter 
> 100 iter 101 iter 102 iter 103 iter 104 iter 105 iter 106 iter 107 iter 
> 108 iter 109 iter 110 iter 111 iter 112 iter 113 iter 114 iter 115 iter 
> 116 iter 117 iter 118 iter 119 iter 120 iter 121 iter 122 iter 123 iter 
> 124 iter 125 iter 126 iter 127 iter 128 iter 129 iter 130 iter 131 iter 
> 132 iter 133 iter 134 iter 135 iter 136 iter 137 iter 138 iter 139 iter 
> 140 iter 141 iter 142 iter 143 iter 144 iter 145 iter 146 iter 147 iter 
> 148 iter 149 iter 150 iter 151 iter 152 iter 153 iter 154 iter 155 iter 
> 156 iter 157 iter 158 iter 159 iter 160 iter 161 iter 162 iter 163 iter 
> 164 iter 165 iter 166 iter 167 iter 168 iter 169
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 26, in ?
> bleah = band.foo2 - band.foo1
> ValueError: unexpected math error
> Diggin around I find that this error is generated in the "ufuncmodule" 
> of Numeric. If I try to debug this I get to.
> The message comes from the mat

Re: [Fink-devel] Perl Packages & Diff usage

2002-02-24 Thread David R. Morrison

Kyle Moffett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sunday, February 24, 2002, at 07:25 , Jeff Whitaker wrote:
> >>
> >> the .so for A::R and A::C both statically link to libapreq, which
> >> should internally bind the entry points between the A::R/A::C and
> >> libapreq libs, and it does on every platform including Apple.
> >>
> >> However, on Apple, the entry points are also *published*, so when both
> >> .so's are pulled in, you get a duplicate on the libapreq entry points!
> >> I'm not smart enough to know how to turn that off.
> >>
> >
> > Randall:  I think setting the environment variable
> > DYLD_FORCE_FLAT_NAMESPACE may fix this.  At least it has for me in 
> > similar
> > situations with the python interpreter.
> Unfortunately, this tends to break other packages that need the two 
> level namespace (Grrr.)

How about linking with the -force_flat_namespace option?  Does that help?

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Perl Packages & Diff usage

2002-02-24 Thread Kyle Moffett

On Sunday, February 24, 2002, at 07:25 , Jeff Whitaker wrote:
>> the .so for A::R and A::C both statically link to libapreq, which
>> should internally bind the entry points between the A::R/A::C and
>> libapreq libs, and it does on every platform including Apple.
>> However, on Apple, the entry points are also *published*, so when both
>> .so's are pulled in, you get a duplicate on the libapreq entry points!
>> I'm not smart enough to know how to turn that off.
> Randall:  I think setting the environment variable
> DYLD_FORCE_FLAT_NAMESPACE may fix this.  At least it has for me in 
> similar
> situations with the python interpreter.

Unfortunately, this tends to break other packages that need the two 
level namespace (Grrr.)

Oh well,
Kyle Moffett

Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] Perl Packages & Diff usage

2002-02-24 Thread Jeff Whitaker

> the .so for A::R and A::C both statically link to libapreq, which
> should internally bind the entry points between the A::R/A::C and
> libapreq libs, and it does on every platform including Apple.
> However, on Apple, the entry points are also *published*, so when both
> .so's are pulled in, you get a duplicate on the libapreq entry points!
> I'm not smart enough to know how to turn that off.

Randall:  I think setting the environment variable
DYLD_FORCE_FLAT_NAMESPACE may fix this.  At least it has for me in similar
situations with the python interpreter.


Jeffrey S. Whitaker Phone  : (303)497-6313
Meteorologist   FAX: (303)497-6449
325 BroadwayWeb:
Boulder, CO, USA 80303-3328 Office : Skaggs Research Cntr 1D-124

Fink-devel mailing list