On Tuesday, February 5, 2002, at 08:37  AM, Alexander Strange wrote:

Do you know C?
Define some stuff as static.

Yes, I know some C, but not building dynamic libraries.

I cannot find the source of the _DLAddHead symbol.

The symbol is defined in the postgresql shared libraries: eg 
The symbol is defined in the mod_auth_pgsql.so library, and in the 
libphp4.so library.

I have greped the src of php and libapache-mod-auth-pgsql for AddHead to 
no avail.

I use these two modules together fine on linux, and there is nothing in 
the debian patch for libapache-mod-auth-pgsql related to this (It is 
basically just the contents of the debian subdir with debian/rules 
debian/control etc...).

On Monday, February 4, 2002, at 07:06 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there,

I am trying to port this module, and it compiles fine (It is very 
simple), but there seems to be some conficting symbols with the php4 
apache module.

Here is what happens when I run apachectl configtest

apachectl configtest
dyld: /sw/sbin/httpd multiple definitions of symbol _DLAddHead
/sw/lib/apache/1.3/libphp4.so definition of _DLAddHead
/sw/lib/apache/1.3/mod_auth_pgsql.so definition of _DLAddHead

David Stanaway

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