Mat Caughron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Quite frankly, I'm ready to give up on Apple's pkg stuff.  The only thing
> it has to offer at this point is a GUI installation method, which, from
> reading the mailing lists, it looks like the fink will have at some point
> in the not-too-distant future.  (yes, I realize that there is some
> disagreement on this point, but there was enough interest that I'm
> confident it will occur.  The best part about this is that with a fink
> GUI, you could uninstall, and Apple makes this almost completely
> impossible since they haven't documented the receipts, among other
> things.)
> Maybe I should be spending my time working on a GUI for fink.  If anyone
> is already working on that, can you email me?  I'd like to help out.

There has been some preliminary work in this direction.  See

  -- Dave

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