"David R. Morrison" wrote:
> About six weeks ago I brought up the issue of making a system-ghostscript
> package (message reproduced below).  Jeff objected (also reproduced below)
> but I would like to revisit the issue, because there is a forthcoming
> OzTeX CD which will have Gerben Wierda's teTeX/ghostscript installer on
> it, as well as a Fink installer, and I'm trying to set things up so that
> users of this CD can easily install Fink's TeX-related packages without
> having to go online to do so.

I am in favor of a system-ghostscript package. I know several people who
are very reluctant to install Fink packages that might depend on
ghostcript, because they have a working TeXShop/teTeX/ghostscript
installation and are afraid to break it. 

I understand Jeff's arguments, but nobody will be *forced* to install
system-ghostscript, anyway. 
> Anyway, Jeff's other objection about this particular case was that the
> system-ghostscript package would be fragile and easily broken.  I'm willing
> to assume responsibility for that, maintaining the package and jumping in
> to help users where appropriate.

This is the main point. If you have something that works and maintain
it, who can still object?

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