On 03/20/2011 05:23 AM, Lothar wrote:

> It seems, the shared library did not have a _fini. How can I see that with nm?

I don't believe _fini gets called on Mac OS X when libraries are 
unloaded. Use __attribute__((destructor)) to mark functions that should 
be called on unload instead.

> It seems that the library did not really get unloaded by dlclose. How can I 
> find the cause of it?
> I see the _ini function of that problematic library telling me it gets 
> called, thus I assume _fini is also present (I declare them in the same 
> macro).
> Thus my last question:
> When I call dlopen twice, do I get two handles to be kept by my code or do I 
> get always the same reference?

You should get the same reference. On 10.6 and later dyld keeps a 
refcount and will unload the library when it reaches 0. See the 
dlclose(3) man page.


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