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Just a warning, if you've been using any KDE4 packages, there is an
issue with the way the packages were made, regarding the X11 versions,
case-sensitivity, and conflicts with other packages.

Generally, we are incredibly anal about clean upgrade paths in Fink, but
since KDE4 is relatively new in Fink, and relatively experimental, I'm
going to do a one-time breakage to put things in a better place.

I'm still doing final testing, but I wanted to give a head's up to folks
who are using KDE4 packages.  Instead of /sw/lib/{x11,mac}, they will
live in /sw/opt/kde4/{x11,mac}.

On the bright side, in the process, I've fixed a ton of stuff:

* kdebase-workspace is supported - I have a fully working KDE4 desktop
  in X11: http://is.gd/WkYd
* all kinds of setup/postinst/etc. stuff is fixed up - that means that
  kbuildsycoca is working reliably, all the background apps do what
  they're supposed to, and so on
* KOffice applications actually integrate with finder, and I will work
  on doing this in other apps when I get the time: http://is.gd/Wl1r
* mac versions of kded, knotify, and kdeinit don't show up in the dock

There are still plenty of bugs, but KDE4 is starting to look pretty
good.  I'll post an announcement when things are available, I'd
appreciate some testers.  :)

- -- 
Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick
Fink, KDE, and Mac OS X development

Blog: http://www.raccoonfink.com/
Music: http://music.raccoonfink.com/

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