The curl that comes with OS X 10.3 appears not to support username and
password in the http_proxy environment variable. That means if a user
(correctly) specifies http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port when fink tries
to fetch a tarball curl will report an error that implies it is using
the username as the proxy-host. Curl in /usr/bin/curl is 7.10.2 and
there's a note in the ChangeLog

  Fixed in 7.10.6: Changes:
    * libcurl supports name and password in proxy environment variables 

so I think one has to upgrade to fink's curl (7.11.0) in order to get
the needed functionality. Gotta either change DownloadMethod (provided
the other ones work) or manual download of the needed file(s) (which
can be seen from watching curl fail:)


Daniel Macks

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