I took Martin's advice (below) and after a little fudging around I seem to have a working system.

Thanks to all.


On Friday, April 11, 2003, at 06:44 PM, Martin Costabel wrote:

Donal Day wrote:

Here is the fink  version information.
fink --version
Package manager version: 0.11.1
Distribution version: 0.5.2.cvs
Is this part of  the  problem?

Martin wrote this:

No, this looks OK. I still don't know what version of the apt package you have (fink list apt), but it seems probable that it is a version that is too old for OSX 10.2. Of course, if apt-get doesn't work you have some difficulties to update anything from the binary distribution, because also dselect and FinkCommander use apt-get internally.

You could download the packages apt_0.5.4-8_darwin-powerpc.deb and also apt-dev and apt-shlibs from http://us.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/fink/direct_download/dists/ 10.2/release/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/base/
and then install them using "sudo dpkg -i apt*.deb"


Donal Day
University of Virginia
Department of Physics
McCormick Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
434 924 6566 (W)

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