On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Ranjit Chacko<rjcha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm starting to learn how to use fipy, and I can't quite figure out how to
> represent a non-local interaction I have in my model. I need to do a
> convolution of the field with the interaction potential. How do I get values
> of the field out into an array that I can perform FFT's on, and then how
> should I assign the result of the convolution to a term in the evolution
> equation?

Sorry for the slow reply. To get a CellVariable as an array simply do
"numerix.array(var)" or "var.getValue()", either one should work, you
can then call scipy's fft. Not sure about the second part of the
question, but you will have to recast the result back into a
CellVariable before adding it into the evolution equation. Here is one
way to do it:

def convolution(var):
    a = numerix.array(var)
    return scipy.something(a)

resultOfConvolution = CellVariable(mesh=mesh)

eqn = someTerms + resultOfConvolution

while True:


> Thanks,
> -Ranjit

Daniel Wheeler

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