Mark Rotteveel wrote:

> Whenever you generate a new msmincho.xml, see if it contains
> this element:
>    <bf us="8192" ue="8213" gi="753"/>
> or something similar with us <= 8203 <= ue.
> If you find such an element, cut out 8203 by replacing the
> element with two ranges, in this case:
>    <bf us="8192" ue="8202" gi="753"/><bf us="8204" ue="8213" gi="765"/>
> Note that the first element keeps the original value for gi.
> The gi of the second element is calculated as follows:
>    gi(2) = gi(1) + us(2) - us(1)
> """
> After some experimentation, I didn't removed the 8203 character, as I 
> didn't see anything wrong with rendering, but it might be easy to miss. 
> Any idea what I should be looking for?

I dug this up from the tracker:

> Zero-width spaces in the .fo file (we use them in file names, URLs etc.) show 
> up as normal spaces in the Japanese (and other non-Western?) PDFs, ruining 
> the appearance of the elements in question.

> The MSMincho metrics file contains an entry for ZWSP with (evidently) the 
> wrong character width. Removing the entry resolves the issue. A related bug 
> (ZWSP acts as backspace when the font is embedded in the PDF) has been fixed 
> in our own build of the patched FOP trunk.

But that was 13 years ago. I'm sure they fixed the font files since then, so 
the above comment *probably* doesn't apply anymore.
In order to test it, you could insert a ZWSP somewhere in a Japanese source and 
see if it comes out as a visible space in the PDF.

Or, as you suggested, we could just wait until the next Japanese document needs 
to be built.

Paul Vinkenoog

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