Hi *,

Talking about finalizers in my last email. As I was getting through
these, I found few that are wrong-ish. In 99% cases failing with
exception, that's just swallowed. Confirmed from runtime. Although in 1%
these might be lucky I don't think it's correct usage.

What the finalizers are mostly trying to do is something like close
connection gracefully with server or free some resources on server.

And I believe this is wrong.

First of all, this should be responsibility of developer to have correct
Dispose calls. Provider should not try to band aid it unless absolutely
necessary. Which brings me to the next point. The unmanaged resources,
where the finalizers make sense, are not something on server. We don't
manage that. Server should handle just fine when developer doesn’t close
the connection. Though some resources might be wasted. Unmanaged
resources directly allocated by provider are really a few around
Embedded support (mostly pointers and pieces of memory for marshalling).
And these are properly handled by SafeHandle. And finally finalizers
introduce reentrancy issues (anybody interested in details?) and it's
really not correct in provider as it grow out of hands.

So in the foreseeable future I'll go through all of them and do massive
cleanup together with locking cleanup.

It's probably going to cause some issues for some people, but their code
was wrong before, they were just "lucky".

I believe it will make the code slightly faster and also solve some rare
bugs, often NREs from finalizer thread.

Of course it will be new major version.

Mgr. Jiří Činčura
Independent IT Specialist
Firebird-net-provider mailing list

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