Our firebird installation have been terminating abnormally two or three
times a day, for no apparent reason.

There is hardly any usage of the servers yet (cpu/ram over 80% free/idle).
There is no time patterns on when this occurs, it just does.


How can I begin to diagnose this?


Our server : 2 cores, 13gb RAM, 500gb hd with 90% free space, on google
cloud engine


Firebird 3 superserver 64-bit


My firbird.conf (those I’ve changed):


ServerMode = Super

TempDirectories = D:\temp

DefaultDbCachePages = 50000

TempBlockSize = 2M

TempCacheLimit = 364M

AuthServer = Legacy_Auth, Srp, Win_Sspi

AuthClient = Legacy_Auth, Srp, Win_Sspi

UserManager = Legacy_Auth, Srp

TracePlugin = fbtrace2db

WireCrypt = Disabled 

DummyPacketInterval = 60

RemoteServicePort = 3050

LockMemSize = 9M

LockHashSlots = 30011

GuardianOption = 1



Rudi Feijó

Multidados Informática Ltda.
*  (11) 2579-8794 / 2579-8795
*  <mailto:ariane.cut...@multidadosti.com.br> rudi.fe...@multidadosti.com.br
*  <http://www.multidadosti.com.br/> www.multidadosti.com.br
     <http://www.timesheet.com.br/> www.timesheet.com.br


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