To Loet and Marcus: let us agree that disciplines are based on "communities of 
inquiry" that follow strict laws of "intellectual economy". Our limited 
capabilities force us to establish disciplinary specialization, and that's 
good, but a healthy knowledge system would also establish quite many "vertical" 
multidisciplines integrating the "horizontal" disciplines that apply 
simultaneously into concrete subjects (as happens in eg, medicine, engineering, 
anthrolpology, etc.).


Dear Pedro and colleagues, 


Empirically, we witness the rise of a new business model of publishing 
scholarly journals that are cross-disciplinary, such as PLoS One. See for more 
details my recent paper:


Loet Leydesdorff & Wouter de Nooy, Can  <> "Hot 
Spots" in the Sciences Be Mapped Using the Dynamics of Aggregated 
Journal-Journal Citation Relations?, Journal of the Association for Information 
Science and Technology (in press); 


This is a major development in the communication dynamics since 2007.


Furthermore, I don’t think that the metaphor of “communities of inquiry” is the 
right one. The communication is not limited by individual capacities, but 
supra-individual (at the relatively global level). The dynamics is not to be 
reduced to the interactions among communicators, but is due to the interaction 
among communications and in this sense second-order. Behavioral (including 
biological) aspects are not so relevant.


Offline, Soren suggested that this can all be modeled using bio-semiosis. I 
somewhat agree with the semiosis; but I don’t understand what the “bio” adds. 
This usually goes with references to Charles Pierce, but that does not really 
help. It seems to me that one has to add to semiosis a dose of structuralism 
(Parsons, Luhmann). The selection mechanisms are to be specified; these are not 
“natural”, but culturally constructed, fallible and probabilistic.







Loet Leydesdorff 

Professor Emeritus, University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR)

 <> ;  
Honorary Professor,  <> SPRU, University of 

Guest Professor  <> Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou; 
Visiting Professor,  <> ISTIC, Beijing;

Visiting Professor,  <> Birkbeck, University of London; 




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