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From: Steven Ericsson-Zenith <ste...@iase.us<mailto:ste...@iase.us>>
Date: Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 8:55 PM
Subject: Lecture in London: Biophysical Motion, Feeling and Thinking, Response
To: fis@listas.unizar.es<mailto:fis@listas.unizar.es>

I will be in Europe until Nov 6th and in London next week presenting my work. 
You are welcome to attend if you are in the area or to contact me for 
independent meetings.



The Seventh Tungsten Lecture, TCDIA (Tungsten Centre for Intelligent Data 
Analytics). Goldsmiths, University of London.

The Garden Room, St. James' Hall, Goldsmiths University of London,
RSVP Jessica Ussher : j.uss...@gold.ac.uk<mailto:j.uss...@gold.ac.uk>


To be complete, biophysics must include the unique effect of our senses and 
mind. Our sensations and thoughts produce motions that defy simple physics. To 
support these motions I propose a novel basis of experience, one equal in 
status to gravitation and light.

In a fluid environment, this biophysical basis allows a holomorphic shaping 
upon the surface of flexible closed structure (cells and membranes) allowing 
the formation of sense/response hyperfunctors. This approach enables the 
mathematization of sense, thought, and memory, with covariant response 

A particular shape in the biophysical structure is a particular sensation, 
thought, or memory that covaries with the response.

Physical law is algebraically covariant and so we may extend from this 
mathematical view of biology, including sensation and thought, to a unified 
cosmology, successfully including biology in the physical sciences.

In the twentieth-century, physical science has not allowed for these deliberate 
or automatic motions in biophysics. It has explicitly excluded the motion 
between a simple sensation or considered intention and response.

If we look at physiology in terms of conventional physics we can only account 
for some motions but not broad allosteric motions that lead to complex 
behavior. We are coming to understand biochemistry, but there is nothing in 
known physical science that allows an exact account of these unique motions, 
motions that are the consequence of sensation or the mind.

Taking such an approach also suggests a new model of computation, one that 
leads to the engineering of machines-that-experience.

Dr. Ericsson-Zenith completed his doctorate at Université Pierre et Marie Curie 
in 1992 while conducting research at CRI, MINES ParisTech.

Informed by new data in biophysics a long interest in large-scale computational 
structure led in 2006 to the research program on the Foundations of Logic and 

Dr. Ericsson-Zenith has lived in the United States since 1992 and is the 
Principal Investigator at the Institute for Advanced Science & Engineering in 
Los Gatos, California.

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