Dear Joseph, 


I quote your 2010 manuscript (by the way, compliments! yours is a
noteworthy paper! Furthermore, you were also able to make the unreadable
Lupasco very clear!) that the FISers can find here:


"The key postulate, as formulated by Lupasco, is that every real
phenomenon, element or event e is always associated with an anti-phenomenon, 
or anti-event non-e, such that the actualization of e entails the
potentialization of non-e and vice versa, alternatively, without either ever
disappearing completely. The logic is a logic of an included middle, consisting
of axioms and rules of inference for determining the state of the three dynamic
elements involved in a phenomenon (“dynamic” in the physical sense, related to
real rather than to formal change, e.g. of conclusions).

4.2. Axioms

The three fundamental axioms of classical logic, in
one version, are the following:

1. The axiom of identity: A is (or =) A.

2. The axiom of non-contradiction: A is not (or 6=) non-A.

3. The axiom of the excluded middle: there exists no third term ‘T’ (‘T’
from third) that is at the same time A and non-A.


Based on his “antagonistic” worldview, according to Basarab Nicolescu (see
Nicolescu 1996), 

Lupasco “rewrote” the three major axioms of classical
logic as follows:

1. (Physical) Non-Identity: There is no A at a given time that is
identical to A at another time.

2. Conditional Contradiction: A and non-A both exist at the same time, but
only in the sense that when A is actual, non-A is potential, reciprocally and
alternatively, but never to the limit of 100%.

3. Included Middle: An included or additional third element or T-state (‘T’
for ‘tiers inclus’, included third).


The evolution of real processes is therefore asymptotically toward a 
of identity or diversity, or toward contradiction. The mid-point of
semi-actualization and semi-potentialization of both is a point of maximum
contradiction, a “T-state” resolving the contradiction (or “counter-action”) at
a higher level of reality or complexity.

Lupasco deserves the historical credit for having shown that a logic of the
included middle is a valid multivalent logic, with the indicated terms. At a
single level of reality, the second and third axioms are essentially equivalent.
In Nicolescu’s extension of the logic, the T-state emerges from the point of
maximum contradiction at which A and non-A are equally

actualized and potentialized, but at a higher level of reality or
complexity, at which the contradiction is resolved. His paradigm example is the
unification in the quanton (T) of the apparently contradictory elements of
particle (A) and wave (non-A). In contrast to the Hegelian triad, the three
terms here coexist at the same moment of time. The logic of the included middle
does not abolish that of the excluded middle, which remains valid for simple,
consistent situations. However, the former is the privileged logic of
complexity, of the real mental, social and political world.

The logic of the included middle is capable of describing the coherence between
levels of reality. A given T-state (which operates the unification of A and
non-A) is associated with another couple of contradictory terms at its higher
level (A^1, non-A^1), which are in turn resolved at another level by T^1.  

According to Nicolescu, the action of the logic of the included middle
induces an open structure of the set of all possible levels of reality, similar
to that defined by Gödel for formal systems"



Lupasco’s  “linguistic joke”
(forgive me this expression, but, in this context, is something positive, not
negative!) is very intriguing and well done, but the problem is always the
same, as every kind of logic (…including maths, to be honest…) is based on
axioms that stand just for who believe they are true.  I give you an example, 
by examining
Luparsco’s postulates.  


1.       (Physical) Non-Identity: There is no A at a given time
that is identical to A at another time.

is not true: an atom of hydrogen today is identical to an atom of hydrogen
tomorrow.  I would also say that a square
is always a square, or in my mind a centaur is always a centaur, but I suppose
that you are talking in a physical, not mathematical or psychological sense,
therefore I prefer the example of the atom. 
And do not say that the hydrogen atoms of today and of tomorrow are two
different atoms, because, according the definition of hydrogen atom, I cannot
distinguish the one from the other!


2.       Conditional Contradiction: A and non-A both exist at
the same time, but only in the sense that when A is actual, non-A is potential,
reciprocally and alternatively, but never to the limit of 100%.  

and potential reminds too much the scientifically untenable Aristotle… How can
you say what is potential and what is actual? 
Actual and potential compared to what? 
The bullet that killed John Kennedy is actual when you think that it
reached Kennedy, but is potential if you think that it did not kill Jaqueline… 
your concept of actual and potential requires a subjective observer who states
what is actual and what is potential.  You
may argue that you are talking about Lagrangian and Hamiltonians, but it does
not help, in this case.  Indeed, the
concept of energetic gradient descent, for example in Fokker-Planck equations,
this time, cannot help you, because they do not talk of the EXISTENCE of  
potentiality of actuality, but just of an
energetic path of a random walk towards lesser energetic levels (on the other
side, at which low energetic level can you say that potentiality finish and
actuality is present?).  


3. Included Middle: An included or additional third element or T-state (‘T’
for ‘tiers inclus’, included third).


This axiom reminds me… the Borsuk-Ulam theorem!  Two antipodal points (call it 
A and non-A)
become a point T, when projected in a different dimension… The only difference
is that, according Lupasco,  A and non-A
become T in a dimension higher, while, according the Borsuk-Ulam theorem, A and
non-A become T in a dimension lower…


Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

----Messaggio originale----

Da: "Joseph Brenner" <>

Data: 07/12/2016 15.15

A: "fis"<>

Cc: <>

Ogg: Fw: [Fis] Fwd: R: Re:  Who may proof that consciousness is an Euclidean 
n-space ??? Logic

Dear Folks,
Arturo wrote:
"therefore logic, in general, cannot be anymore useful in the 
description of our world. I'm sad about that, but that's 
The answer is to change logic from one of 
propositions (Lesniewski-Tarski) or 
mathematics (Zermelo-Fraenkel) to one of the states of real processes (Lupasco; 
Logic in Reality). Why this is not even considered as an option for serious 
discussion is a great mystery to me.
Arturo also said:
"The concepts of locality and of cause/effect disappear in front of the 
puzzling phenomenon of quantum entanglement, which is intractable in terms of 
Here, I fully agree; Logic in Reality also does not apply to quantum 
phenomena. It is limited to description of processes involving thermodynamic 
change in which there is a mutual interaction between elements as 
individuals, including people. I do not claim it allows causal prediction, 
but logical inference. 
"The same stands for nonlinear chaotic phenomena, widespread in nature, 
from pile sands, to bird flocks and  to brain function. When biforcations 
occur in logistic plots and chaotic behaviours take place, the final systems' 
ouputs are not anymore causally predictable."
Here, I agree with Arturo but for a different 
reason. The non-linear phenomena mentioned are too simple. In crowd 
behavior, individual interactions are absent or meaningless - 
information_as_data. Brain behavior of this kind is of lower complexity and 
interest, involving mostly lower level functionalities, although they they may 
accompany higher 
level cognitive functions.  
I look forward to point by point refutation 
of or agreement with the above.
Best wishes,

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