Re: [Fis] FIS Survey for PhD research.

2016-07-22 Thread HowlBloom

i'm swamped but i will do my best to help.
with warmth and oomph--howard
Howard Bloom
author of : The  Lucifer Principle: AScientific Expedition Into the Forces 
of History  ("mesmerizing"-TheWashington Post), Global Brain: The Evolution 
of Mass Mind  from the Big Bang tothe 21st Century  ("reassuring and 
sobering"-The New  Yorker), The Genius of the Beast: A Radical Re-Vision of 
Capitalism  ("Impressive, stimulating, and tremendously enjoyable."James 
National  Correspondent, The Atlantic), The God Problem: How A Godless Cosmos 
Creates  ("Bloom's argument will rock your world." Barbara Ehrenreich), How 
I  Accidentally Started the Sixties (“a monumental,epic, glorious literary  
achievement.” Timothy Leary), and The Muhammad Code:  How a Desert Prophet  
Gave You ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram--or How Muhammad Invented Jihad (“a 
 terrifyingbook…the best book I’ve read on Islam,” David Swindle, PJ  
Former Core Faculty Member, The Graduate Institute; Former Visiting  Scholar
—Graduate Psychology Department, NewYork University
Founder:  International PaleopsychologyProject; founder and chair, Space 
Development  Steering Committee; Founding Board Member: Epic of Evolution 
Society; Founding  Board Member, The Darwin Project;, Board Member and Member 
Board Of  Governors, National Space Society; Founder: The Big Bang Tango 
Media  Lab; member: New York Academy of Sciences, American Association for the 
 Advancement of Science, American Psychological Society, Academy of  
PoliticalScience, Human Behavior and Evolution Society, International Society  
Human Ethology,  Scientific Advisory Board Member, Lifeboat Foundation.   

In a message dated 7/22/2016 12:07:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Dear FIS Colleagues,

A member of our list, Moises Andre Nisenbaum, is investigating for his  PhD 
the interdisciplinary links between Physics and Information Science. One  
of the data sources of his empirical research is the FIS mailing list itself. 
 Because of this, he wants to directly ask list members, as well as filling 
in  a questionnaire. Would you help him to make this request? He will 
publish the  directions in the list.

Thanks in advance,


Fis  mailing  list

Fis mailing list

[Fis] FIS Survey for PhD research.


Dear FIS Colleagues,

A member of our list, Moises Andre Nisenbaum, is investigating for his PhD the 
interdisciplinary links between Physics and Information Science. One of the 
data sources of his empirical research is the FIS mailing list itself. Because 
of this, he wants to directly ask list members, as well as filling in a 
questionnaire. Would you help him to make this request? He will publish the 
directions in the list.

Thanks in advance,

Fis mailing list

Re: [Fis] Fis Digest, Vol 28, Issue 22

2016-07-22 Thread Francesco Rizzo
Caro Loet e colleghi,
le leggi naturali o fisiche sono leggi economiche. Questo affermano anche
Konrad Lorenz e Ernst Mach. Non v'ha niente di meglio - per essere coerenti
con tale concezione che il mio l'approccio epistemologico o la teoria del
valore della "Nuova economia" - che  non sia direttamente o indirettamente
legato al triangolo delle tre neg-entropie o dei tre surplus. Triangolo che
analizza e usa ogni forma di conoscenza, avente sempre fondamenti
biologici, basata sull'informazione termodinamica (gradiente termico),
genetica, semantica e sintattico-matematica. Tutti i processi
dell'esistenza e della conoscenza, nessuno escluso, sono sempre processi di
tras-informazione o ad-attamento o ex-attamento i cui "input" sono materia,
energia e informazione ed i cui "output" sono ancora materia, energia e
informazione in stato diverso. Ciò premesso - a mio modesto, ma consapevole
e convinto parere - le distinzioni di cui spesso sono oggetto la biologia,
l'economia, la semiotica, la matematica, etc., sono operazioni
contro-natura che rischiano di diventare contro-cultura, cioè prive di
effettiva ed empirica corrispondenza con la realtà.
Più tempo passa, più sono portato a sostenere questa visione
teorico-pratica, senza mancare di rispetto a nessuno. Non mi manca
l'umiltà, ma sono maggiormente provvisto di onestà intellettuale unita alla
vocazione principale della libertà di espressione. Tuttavia, non manco di
apprendere e di accogliere le critiche volte a rilevare miei eventuali
difetti cognitivi, al fine di correggerli.
Un saluto affettuoso e grato.

016-07-21 9:20 GMT+02:00 Loet Leydesdorff :

> Dear Marcus and colleagues,
> But when it comes to drawing a hard line *within* behavioral adaptation –
> for example differences between instinctual behaviors and more cognitive
> behaviors – this (presently) is beyond my grasp. So the point you two now
> seem (to me) to circle around is effective differences between instinctual
> and cognitive behavior, between species.
> Entropy develops with the arrow of time, but meaning is provided from the
> perspective of hindsight, that is, against the arrow of time. Providing
> meaning can sometimes (!) reduce uncertainty. In the Shannon model, such a
> reversal of the time arrow (feedback and feedforward) is not possible.
> However, in a knowledge-based economy, the generation of redundancies (new
> options and expectations) is crucial for the competition.
> Obviously, this is not biological competition such as “between species”.
> The domain is not the one of biological realizations, but of cultural
> expectations that is exclusively (inter-)human. (This cultural evolution is
> constrained by the biological/physical conditions which can be considered
> as a retention mechanism.) The dynamics are shaped in terms of expectations
> (“cogitata” carried by “cogitantes”).
> Another way to study this is in terms of the theory and computation of
> anticipatory systems (Rosen, Dubois). The strongly anticipatory system that
> shapes its own future options is based on the exchange and codification of
> expectations at the supra-individual level. The future states can drive a
> knowledge-based development more than the historical ones.
> The duality between forward (historical) development and cultural
> evolution can be assessed in terms of mutual information and redundancy
> generation (Leydesdorff & Ivanova, 2014). The reduction to an a priori
> origin, in my opinion, is not a good idea. The formal a priori is contained
> in the notion of probability (which grounds also Shannon’s entropy).
> Best,
> Loet
> PS. Pedro: my last posting was on Sunday evening. L.
> --
> Loet Leydesdorff
> Professor, University of Amsterdam
> Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR)
> ;
> Associate Faculty, SPRU, University of
> Sussex;
> Guest Professor Zhejiang Univ. ,
> Hangzhou; Visiting Professor, ISTIC,
> Beijing;
> Visiting Professor, Birkbeck , University of
> London;
> ___
> Fis mailing list
Fis mailing list