Dear colleagues,

At 12:08 27/06/2007, you wrote:
Though I am interested in the logic and evolution of cooperation in living systems in general, the special focus of my thesis is directed towards human social systems and the role that technology plays in the unfolding of cooperative action structures therein...

Commenting on Mattias' above, we take for granted the existence of a wide variety of communication structures in human societies, and the permanent urge to create new ones. Actually most of, if not all, the social networks we discussed in the session on social complexity are realized throughout communicational devices. The very intriguing point, in my view, relates to what they are exchanging: close to nothing for McLuhan ("the medium is the message", although originally it was the "massage" as was pointed by some party herein this list, time ago) we merely substitute among media contents; or what is at stake relates to the very happenstances of individual life cycles in their endless formation of coalitions, partitions, games, etc. appropriately coded into symbolic items. Roughly speaking, we might elaborate the specific forms of social meaning by following different "disciplinary rules" along both ends of the communicational process.

What brings to another problem area interesting for FIS approach: the integrative problem of disciplines. Why sientific integration cannot be obtained as a mere reverse from scientific analysis, as Rober Rosen pointed out? Why the basic canonic disciplines do form multiple combinations of inter-, multi-, pluri-, trans-disciplinary structure? The response could be that they do that "in order to obtain new sources of meaning beyond the reach of the single discipline"... Somehow, the trans-disciplinary problem (or whatever we call it) is also associated to the above conundrums of information in its social acceptation.

But maybe it is not much related to Mattias' points --or is it?

best regards


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